I can stay here all I want, you can make me. Your attitude against people hanging around public places shows you aren't for freedom, how unAmerican you are.Cybargs wrote:
Shows how unaustralian you are.War Man wrote:
Busy gaming, anyway how fucking retarded. Use a fucking expression in English that everyone knows.Cybargs wrote:
The word orignated in Sydney years ago around the North Shore and seems to have spread Australia wide in a matter of years. There is a suburb named Chatswood in Sydney, the word was first used by a small group of individuals from the North Shore who had a disliking for a group of individuals from Chatswood. So if you were trying to offend your Shorey mate, you would call him Chat, or if you saw something shit, ugly etc, you would call it chat.
*Friend tells lame joke*
"That was chat"
why cant you just goddamn google.
Get the fuck out of here warman.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.