UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 4:
Do you realize that if an all-white caucus was formed it would cease to be a functioning caucus if it did not follow the rules governing LSO's...rules that disallow your wet dream of having racist laws being passed?
DO you realize that an all white caucus would never be allowed to form without being labeled a racist organization? Kinda the point of the whole argument.
Not exactly what I've been saying.  A white caucus COULD form.

The stress here is..."if it did not follow the rules governing LSO's".

aka, if the organization formed specifically to be racist...it is doomed.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 1:
http://www.womenspolicy.org/site/PageSe … ens_caucus

Not one penis in this caucus.  Is the purpose of this organization to promote discrimination?
possibly, what could a woman citizen need from govt. that a male citizen doesn't?

If they are looking for special consideration simply because they are women then yes, that would be discriminatory. If they are looking for special consideration because of needs exclusive to women, then no.
These laws are exclusive to women, listed on the accomplishments page.  By definition, they get special consideration simply because they are women:
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

The Women's Business Ownership Act

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act

The Mammography Quality Standards Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act

The Violence Against Women Act

The Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development Act

Reauthorization of the Mammography Quality Standards Act

So based on your explanation...is the purpose of this organization to promote discrimination?
on some of those issues yes. But most of them are for womens needs issues therefore I do not consider discriminatory.  However issues like the Family Medical Leave Act, is not exclusive to women. I took advantage of it as well when my sons were born.

For example you have heard me speak out against hate crime bullshit. Whatever the violence against women act is, it sounds like some bullshit special consideration act thats wants to say killing a woman is worse than killing a man.

jesus, 12 pages to manage that. and i'll bet a mod get's the last post.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 5: Allen West is part of both the CBC AND the Tea Party.  How is he part of both organizations when both caucuses have members who have accused the other of being racist?  Does this mean he hates whites and blacks equally?  More importantly, if he's part of both, is he bi?
Only difference is, the tea party has grounds in calling the CBC racist, after all they refuse to allow any other race within their midst. The CBC has no such grounds since there are quite a few blacks within the tea party ranks.

Nope it means he hates groundless accusations.

I doubt it.
Well, the racist accusations for the Tea Party are based on its 95% homogenous.  I don't believe them either but...

...the purpose of the caucus is to prove a specific interest (within the legislative process)...

so in this case...rich conservative discrimination?

btw, i could care less
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 6: If one person in the CBC is labeled as racist by you does that make the CBC a racist organization?
Nope, the CBC is racist baed on its racist actions by refusing non blacks to join. It is racist by the elected officials spending time on blacks only issues whatever that is, and not the issues of all the people.
Sounds good, going back to question one then
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 7: If one person in the CBC is absolutely against racism, does that make the CBC a non-racist organization?
Not sure how you can belong to a blacks only organization and not be racist. Akin to belonging to the KKK and not being a white supremacist.

If you do not believe in the agenda of a blacks only organization, then what are you doing there?
Sounds good, back to question one

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 4:
Do you realize that if an all-white caucus was formed it would cease to be a functioning caucus if it did not follow the rules governing LSO's...rules that disallow your wet dream of having racist laws being passed?
DO you realize that an all white caucus would never be allowed to form without being labeled a racist organization? Kinda the point of the whole argument.
Not exactly what I've been saying.  A white caucus COULD form.

The stress here is..."if it did not follow the rules governing LSO's".

aka, if the organization formed specifically to be racist...it is doomed.
No Pug, it could not form without being labeled a racist organization. and rightfully so. Fuck, you can't even hold up a sign that says 'YOU MAD BRO" without the fuckin NAACP coming down throwing race cards everywhere. Even when they were informed of the background behind the phrase, they still insisted it was racist. For you to deny that whites could get away with forming their own race specific organizations within govt. or otherwise, without being labeled racist is some deep deep denial.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 8: If publically it seems that the one person from question 6 (Andre Carson?) and publically it seems that the one person from question 7 (Allen West?) are very up front about their beliefs are part of the CBC, which do we believe since one seems to cancel out the other?
Easy, Andre' Carson is a racist based on his words and his officiation with a racist organization.  Allen West belonging to a racist organization that is blacks only and an organization that is clearly for the people, all the people does seem to be in conflict, and it would seem he might see that as well which has prompted him to resign from the racist organization.
Except he didn't resign.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Now a question for you. Since all of our laws are not race specific. Name one issue that our govt. should do for "blacks only" that it should not do for every other citizen. and if you can not think of one, then there is no other reason to have a blacks only organization other than for discriminatory reasons.
We HAVE had laws that have been racially discrimative in nature (Jim Crow, reason for the 13th amendment, etc...)...I'm taking a position that the purpose of a caucus is NOT to discriminate.  Its to defend rights.

But beyond that (and I'm tired so I'm lazy) I know we've discussed EOE laws before.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

No Pug, it could not form without being labeled a racist organization. and rightfully so. Fuck, you can't even hold up a sign that says 'YOU MAD BRO" without the fuckin NAACP coming down throwing race cards everywhere. Even when they were informed of the background behind the phrase, they still insisted it was racist. For you to deny that whites could get away with forming their own race specific organizations within govt. or otherwise, without being labeled racist is some deep deep denial.
so...is the organization racist if another organization calls it racist?


stop taking the bait

Pug wrote:

stop taking the bait
good luck with that.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

on some of those issues yes. But most of them are for womens needs issues therefore I do not consider discriminatory.  However issues like the Family Medical Leave Act, is not exclusive to women. I took advantage of it as well when my sons were born.

For example you have heard me speak out against hate crime bullshit. Whatever the violence against women act is, it sounds like some bullshit special consideration act thats wants to say killing a woman is worse than killing a man.
My base argument is what you can't get around.

The purpose is to defend the rights, not to promote discrimination.

I'm pretty sure that cervical/breast related laws are sex specific...

I'm still not understand why its merely race.

And let's be honest lowing...hate crime isn't a good example for either one of us.  Both of us what the fucker dead in that situation = max penalty is awesome.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Question 8: If publically it seems that the one person from question 6 (Andre Carson?) and publically it seems that the one person from question 7 (Allen West?) are very up front about their beliefs are part of the CBC, which do we believe since one seems to cancel out the other?
Easy, Andre' Carson is a racist based on his words and his officiation with a racist organization.  Allen West belonging to a racist organization that is blacks only and an organization that is clearly for the people, all the people does seem to be in conflict, and it would seem he might see that as well which has prompted him to resign from the racist organization.
Except he didn't resign.
I stand corrected, here is his reasoning, however, I feel the CBC and any conservative ideology is in conflict, so I gotta step back and try and figure this guy out.
"Cowards run from challenges, while warriors run to the sound of battle," West proudly declared. "I will not be resigning from the Congressional Black Caucus. Constitutional Conservatism is now and will in the future be a part of the Congressional Black Caucus."

http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011 … battle.php

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Now a question for you. Since all of our laws are not race specific. Name one issue that our govt. should do for "blacks only" that it should not do for every other citizen. and if you can not think of one, then there is no other reason to have a blacks only organization other than for discriminatory reasons.
We HAVE had laws that have been racially discrimative in nature (Jim Crow, reason for the 13th amendment, etc...)...I'm taking a position that the purpose of a caucus is NOT to discriminate.  Its to defend rights.

But beyond that (and I'm tired so I'm lazy) I know we've discussed EOE laws before.
Yes laws that were in place 50 years ago. The vast majority of blacks in our country were either not alive during those times or too young to remember. As I told Dilbert, and of course he didn't respond. A racial pendulum centered is equality, a pendulum that swings the other direction is EQUALLY as racist, discriminatory and wrong as before.

As far as EOE goes, there are blacks in positions because they are black and NOT because they bested their competition in test scores, or qualifications.. What exactly is the message you want to convey with this?

A prime example.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37318753/ns … nMfWnNdo-A

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

on some of those issues yes. But most of them are for womens needs issues therefore I do not consider discriminatory.  However issues like the Family Medical Leave Act, is not exclusive to women. I took advantage of it as well when my sons were born.

For example you have heard me speak out against hate crime bullshit. Whatever the violence against women act is, it sounds like some bullshit special consideration act thats wants to say killing a woman is worse than killing a man.
My base argument is what you can't get around.

The purpose is to defend the rights, not to promote discrimination.

I'm pretty sure that cervical/breast related laws are sex specific...

I'm still not understand why its merely race.

And let's be honest lowing...hate crime isn't a good example for either one of us.  Both of us what the fucker dead in that situation = max penalty is awesome.
What rights need defending more vigorously for black people than for ALL people. What rights are whites entitled to that blacks are excluded from?

The cervical and breast cancer treatment act goes toward allowing more women access to screening under medicaid. This is not discriminatory. Sorry. It goes towards women's needs not women's rights.

Race is discriminatory because there are no "special needs" based on race. Womens health yes, ( not white womens health) is special needs, handicapped is a special need, children are special needs. Being black is not a special need issue.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Easy, Andre' Carson is a racist based on his words and his officiation with a racist organization.  Allen West belonging to a racist organization that is blacks only and an organization that is clearly for the people, all the people does seem to be in conflict, and it would seem he might see that as well which has prompted him to resign from the racist organization.
Except he didn't resign.
I stand corrected, here is his reasoning, however, I feel the CBC and any conservative ideology is in conflict, so I gotta step back and try and figure this guy out.
"Cowards run from challenges, while warriors run to the sound of battle," West proudly declared. "I will not be resigning from the Congressional Black Caucus. Constitutional Conservatism is now and will in the future be a part of the Congressional Black Caucus."

http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011 … battle.php
Now, back to the question...

...if one person has a completely different view than the other...

...is it correct to apply a single person's view within the group to the whole?  Who's the correct person to pick when their views are diametrically opposed?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Now a question for you. Since all of our laws are not race specific. Name one issue that our govt. should do for "blacks only" that it should not do for every other citizen. and if you can not think of one, then there is no other reason to have a blacks only organization other than for discriminatory reasons.
We HAVE had laws that have been racially discrimative in nature (Jim Crow, reason for the 13th amendment, etc...)...I'm taking a position that the purpose of a caucus is NOT to discriminate.  Its to defend rights.

But beyond that (and I'm tired so I'm lazy) I know we've discussed EOE laws before.
Yes laws that were in place 50 years ago. The vast majority of blacks in our country were either not alive during those times or too young to remember. As I told Dilbert, and of course he didn't respond. A racial pendulum centered is equality, a pendulum that swings the other direction is EQUALLY as racist, discriminatory and wrong as before.

As far as EOE goes, there are blacks in positions because they are black and NOT because they bested their competition in test scores, or qualifications.. What exactly is the message you want to convey with this?

A prime example.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37318753/ns … nMfWnNdo-A
Racism was legal in the past...the purpose of these caucuses is to make sure it doesn't happen again.  NOT to promote discrimination.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Except he didn't resign.
I stand corrected, here is his reasoning, however, I feel the CBC and any conservative ideology is in conflict, so I gotta step back and try and figure this guy out.
"Cowards run from challenges, while warriors run to the sound of battle," West proudly declared. "I will not be resigning from the Congressional Black Caucus. Constitutional Conservatism is now and will in the future be a part of the Congressional Black Caucus."

http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011 … battle.php
Now, back to the question...

...if one person has a completely different view than the other...

...is it correct to apply a single person's view within the group to the whole?  Who's the correct person to pick when their views are diametrically opposed?
absolutely not. but that is not my argument. It is established that Carson is a racist based on his comments and past comments. The CBC is a racist organization, not because of Carson, but because of their racist practice of excluding anyone who isn't black into their organization. Also, the relationship the CBC has with known racist groups such as the NAACP, and black panthers.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

We HAVE had laws that have been racially discrimative in nature (Jim Crow, reason for the 13th amendment, etc...)...I'm taking a position that the purpose of a caucus is NOT to discriminate.  Its to defend rights.

But beyond that (and I'm tired so I'm lazy) I know we've discussed EOE laws before.
Yes laws that were in place 50 years ago. The vast majority of blacks in our country were either not alive during those times or too young to remember. As I told Dilbert, and of course he didn't respond. A racial pendulum centered is equality, a pendulum that swings the other direction is EQUALLY as racist, discriminatory and wrong as before.

As far as EOE goes, there are blacks in positions because they are black and NOT because they bested their competition in test scores, or qualifications.. What exactly is the message you want to convey with this?

A prime example.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37318753/ns … nMfWnNdo-A
Racism was legal in the past...the purpose of these caucuses is to make sure it doesn't happen again.  NOT to promote discrimination.
Ummmm discrimination in a different direction is not making sure it doesn't happen again. The pendulum balanced at bottom dead center is what makes sure it doesn't happen again, not swinging it the other way.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

What rights need defending more vigorously for black people than for ALL people. What rights are whites entitled to that blacks are excluded from?

The cervical and breast cancer treatment act goes toward allowing more women access to screening under medicaid. This is not discriminatory. Sorry. It goes towards women's needs not women's rights.

Race is discriminatory because there are no "special needs" based on race. Womens health yes, ( not white womens health) is special needs, handicapped is a special need, children are special needs. Being black is not a special need issue.
Ahh jeez.

Walking a pretty fine line on the difference between "needs" and "rights".

Bills supported and/or introduced by the CBC:
-Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (H.R. 4868) (aka South African sanctions)
-Voting Rights Language Assistance Act (help those people who can't read vote)
-National Voter Registration Act (increase access to voting booths)
-Help America to Vote Act
-HR 4197, the Hurricane Katrina Recovery, Reclamation, Restoration, Reconstruction and Reunion Act of 2005
-Voting Rights Act (continual renewals)

Pretty much these are the big accomplishments.  Are these racist because the CBC was very much involved with getting this bills turned into law?

I'm really not seeing the difference between sex and race discrimination here...they are too parallel.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Ummmm discrimination in a different direction is not making sure it doesn't happen again. The pendulum balanced at bottom dead center is what makes sure it doesn't happen again, not swinging it the other way.
Pretty much you have to prove the organization makes discriminatory laws no?  I've kind of already explained the purpose of the caucus is protection.  You think its to promote discrimination.

I mean right now all I'm going on is you telling me they are discriminatory based on being homogeneous.  But discrimination is only race, according to you.

I see no reason to discuss this anymore.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

They do discriminate, based on membership. However, you've shown that they do not "manipulate the govt" in a discriminatory way...at least not one that has been found yet.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

What rights need defending more vigorously for black people than for ALL people. What rights are whites entitled to that blacks are excluded from?

The cervical and breast cancer treatment act goes toward allowing more women access to screening under medicaid. This is not discriminatory. Sorry. It goes towards women's needs not women's rights.

Race is discriminatory because there are no "special needs" based on race. Womens health yes, ( not white womens health) is special needs, handicapped is a special need, children are special needs. Being black is not a special need issue.
Ahh jeez.

Walking a pretty fine line on the difference between "needs" and "rights".

Bills supported and/or introduced by the CBC:
-Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (H.R. 4868) (aka South African sanctions)
-Voting Rights Language Assistance Act (help those people who can't read vote)
-National Voter Registration Act (increase access to voting booths)
-Help America to Vote Act
-HR 4197, the Hurricane Katrina Recovery, Reclamation, Restoration, Reconstruction and Reunion Act of 2005
-Voting Rights Act (continual renewals)

Pretty much these are the big accomplishments.  Are these racist because the CBC was very much involved with getting this bills turned into law?

I'm really not seeing the difference between sex and race discrimination here...they are too parallel.
and you really do not see through any of those bills? really? example. Where is the CBC and there wonderful life saving legislation when TX or Florida gets nailed by hurricanes? 

there may not be a difference between sex and race discrimination depending on the issue. However, since there are no laws that are race specific  then there really isn't any reason for a CBC to assemble is there? While at the same time, women through biological needs have certain considerations that should be addressed. Just like the handicapped, it is awareness that brought about access ramps and handicapped parking spots or handicapped accessible restrooms. Using your logic these are discriminatory, and it isn't...

I asked you before and I will ask again. What laws are in place that are race specific that requires the existence of the CBC and the support of the other racist organizations such as the NAACP or the BLack Panthers?

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ummmm discrimination in a different direction is not making sure it doesn't happen again. The pendulum balanced at bottom dead center is what makes sure it doesn't happen again, not swinging it the other way.
Pretty much you have to prove the organization makes discriminatory laws no?  I've kind of already explained the purpose of the caucus is protection.  You think its to promote discrimination.

I mean right now all I'm going on is you telling me they are discriminatory based on being homogeneous.  But discrimination is only race, according to you.

I see no reason to discuss this anymore.
What laws has the tea party passed that is racist...Doesn't stop anyone from labeling them as such, and they are not even whites only.

IF the CBC was for the people, ALL the people, then they would not be a race specific organization. Their very existence is racist.

and you already admitted that any such white organization that met under the same circumstances, using the support of the KKK or the aryan race hate groups would be considered racist... Again. It is this double standard that I address trying sticking to that point.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-16 13:42:40)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

and you really do not see through any of those bills? really? example. Where is the CBC and there wonderful life saving legislation when TX or Florida gets nailed by hurricanes?
You actually wrote that!

What make up your mind!  Are there racist laws or not?

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