and what flavor is the kool-aid this week?Hurricane2k9 wrote:
al-Jazeera's better than Faux News or Celebrity News network or MSDNC.
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko.lowing wrote:
and what flavor is the kool-aid this week?Hurricane2k9 wrote:
al-Jazeera's better than Faux News or Celebrity News network or MSDNC.

while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko.lowing wrote:
and what flavor is the kool-aid this week?Hurricane2k9 wrote:
al-Jazeera's better than Faux News or Celebrity News network or MSDNC.
they aren't the only ones.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko.lowing wrote:
and what flavor is the kool-aid this week?Hurricane2k9 wrote:
al-Jazeera's better than Faux News or Celebrity News network or MSDNC.
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours.lowing wrote:
while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko.lowing wrote:
and what flavor is the kool-aid this week?
Russia Today is lol
Dunno...I've lost some respect for BBC. They've gotten a bit less objective.Cybargs wrote:
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours.lowing wrote:
while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko.
But then again, there isn't much media in the US that's worth a've pretty much got to get your own and filter it, knowing the biases of each outlet.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
All news media has a bias, its journalism 101.FEOS wrote:
Dunno...I've lost some respect for BBC. They've gotten a bit less objective.Cybargs wrote:
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours.lowing wrote:
while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy.
But then again, there isn't much media in the US that's worth a've pretty much got to get your own and filter it, knowing the biases of each outlet.
BBC is just a lot more subtle, but they're still reporting quite on top when they report about news internationally. They do add little historical quips for backgrounds of issues (sometimes a bit biased, especially when it comes to Israel).
I like watching 101 East.
ya don't say.Cybargs wrote:
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours.lowing wrote:
while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
oh don't gimme that, I knocked all three of the big news networks. You know as well as I do that they tend to do a half-assed job of news coverage, and Fox and MSNBC's pundits are off-the-charts-wacko. … ontroversy
bottomline is this. There is no such thing as an unbiased news outlet. Not when ratings and money is involved. I hold the opinion that you make such claims because you simply agree with the "news" Al Jazeera reports. Like Dilbert, he loves any news outlet that trashes the war or the US. To him all of that is credible because he believes it himself. Fact and accuracy have no place in modern news outlets. Only what sells.
Yeah they have such a pro israel bias claimed by Bahrain.lowing wrote:
ya don't say.Cybargs wrote:
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours.lowing wrote:
while giving a pass to Al Jazeera as if it is not full of controversy. … ontroversy
bottomline is this. There is no such thing as an unbiased news outlet. Not when ratings and money is involved. I hold the opinion that you make such claims because you simply agree with the "news" Al Jazeera reports. Like Dilbert, he loves any news outlet that trashes the war or the US. To him all of that is credible because he believes it himself. Fact and accuracy have no place in modern news outlets. Only what sells.
And the Israelis claim anti-israel bias.
You just dont like them coz theyre from the middle east oh noez.
that whole link, and my post that followed, and all you can cite is the Israeli portion of it? Oh well.Cybargs wrote:
Yeah they have such a pro israel bias claimed by Bahrain.lowing wrote:
ya don't say.Cybargs wrote:
Have you ever watched Al Jazeera? Of all media programs I respect Al Jazeera and BBC the most due to their professionalism. Fox news and Russia today are the same shit, same shit different flavours. … ontroversy
bottomline is this. There is no such thing as an unbiased news outlet. Not when ratings and money is involved. I hold the opinion that you make such claims because you simply agree with the "news" Al Jazeera reports. Like Dilbert, he loves any news outlet that trashes the war or the US. To him all of that is credible because he believes it himself. Fact and accuracy have no place in modern news outlets. Only what sells.
And the Israelis claim anti-israel bias.
You just dont like them coz theyre from the middle east oh noez.
I'm not saying they don't. It's pretty insignificant though and a fair chunk of them are corrupt regimes who don't like being reported and will cry fowl to try and discredit any media that reports against them.lowing wrote:
Do some googling, the US isn't the only nation that has issues with Al Jazeera. Yes, including middle eastern countries.
and again, this guy goes to the heart of America and unannounced wants to film the school and the students, gets denied then wants to scream bigotry, as if he uncovered some massive conspiracy against Islam. Fact is, he didn't uncover shit, people will come right out and tell you haw they feel Islam and the whole Arab fuckin world.
As for this incident, I don't know what the reporter's "plan" was, as far as I know it was as innocent as wanting to report on a football game. I do think the reason he was denied was due to some incorrect assumption that he was linked with some terrorist organisation or the same mistakenly bigoted logic that you're demonstrating Lowing.
Regardless of what you think, Al Jazeera is a respectable news media outlet and before you suggest that all Americans have the same bigoted attitude you do you could realise that Al Jazeera is getting an increasingly large following among Americans as they turn away from the spin and incompetence of things like Fox and CNN.
[Blinking eyes thing]
No I read that page before. Shit if they were American no one would give a fuck about what they right. Fox and CNN spew some very hatred shit sometimes dawg.lowing wrote:
that whole link, and my post that followed, and all you can cite is the Israeli portion of it? Oh well.Cybargs wrote:
Yeah they have such a pro israel bias claimed by Bahrain.lowing wrote:
ya don't say. … ontroversy
bottomline is this. There is no such thing as an unbiased news outlet. Not when ratings and money is involved. I hold the opinion that you make such claims because you simply agree with the "news" Al Jazeera reports. Like Dilbert, he loves any news outlet that trashes the war or the US. To him all of that is credible because he believes it himself. Fact and accuracy have no place in modern news outlets. Only what sells.
And the Israelis claim anti-israel bias.
You just dont like them coz theyre from the middle east oh noez.
Yeah this guy flies to Texas, just to film s high school football game. I am sure his intentions were that innocent.Ty wrote:
I'm not saying they don't. It's pretty insignificant though and a fair chunk of them are corrupt regimes who don't like being reported and will cry fowl to try and discredit any media that reports against them.lowing wrote:
Do some googling, the US isn't the only nation that has issues with Al Jazeera. Yes, including middle eastern countries.
and again, this guy goes to the heart of America and unannounced wants to film the school and the students, gets denied then wants to scream bigotry, as if he uncovered some massive conspiracy against Islam. Fact is, he didn't uncover shit, people will come right out and tell you haw they feel Islam and the whole Arab fuckin world.
As for this incident, I don't know what the reporter's "plan" was, as far as I know it was as innocent as wanting to report on a football game. I do think the reason he was denied was due to some incorrect assumption that he was linked with some terrorist organisation or the same mistakenly bigoted logic that you're demonstrating Lowing.
Regardless of what you think, Al Jazeera is a respectable news media outlet and before you suggest that all Americans have the same bigoted attitude you do you could realise that Al Jazeera is getting an increasingly large following among Americans as they turn away from the spin and incompetence of things like Fox and CNN.
Well, as I said, there is no news media that is in it for honest news reporting.
"Anti-American bias
Emmy award winning journalist Dave Marash, who served as a veteran correspondent for ABC's Nightline, resigned from his position as Washington anchor for Al Jazeera English in 2008. Dave Marash cited "reflexive adversarial editorial stance" against Americans and "anti-American bias". "
I am bigoted toward countries in the ME. I am pretty much sick of them and all of their, I hate you because you like Israel and Israel has got to go bullshit. Having said that, I have travelled in the ME enough to form an opinion on the people, from Egypt, to Jordan, Dubai, Kuwait and Turkey.
I have met some incredibly nice people, I have also walked around and gotten the stink eye. Just like everywhere else in the world. My negative opinions are not of the people, but of the culture and the politics. For example, while in Amman Jordan, the desk clerk at my hotel, when talking about touring Petra, offered to take me there on his day off and give me the grand tour. I took him up on it but my schedule changed and I could not make it. Definitely my loss.
So who do I trust, you or an accomplished journalist who open-mindedly took an anchor job for Al Jazeera and decided they were too biased to continue to work for them? You have an opinion fine. So do I. I can back my opinion up that Al Jazeera is just as fucked up as any other news source. It is now up to you to back up your opinion that it isn't.
and which news outlet doesn't write biased journalism? Go ahead, point them out.Cybargs wrote:
No I read that page before. Shit if they were American no one would give a fuck about what they right. Fox and CNN spew some very hatred shit sometimes dawg.lowing wrote:
that whole link, and my post that followed, and all you can cite is the Israeli portion of it? Oh well.Cybargs wrote:
Yeah they have such a pro israel bias claimed by Bahrain.
And the Israelis claim anti-israel bias.
You just dont like them coz theyre from the middle east oh noez.
It's not about whether its biased or not, hell bias is essential to journalism. It's the degree of bias that's the main issue. besides fox and cnn (america not international) and a lot of the major channels in the US seem to be "entertainment" journalism.lowing wrote:
and which news outlet doesn't write biased journalism? Go ahead, point them out.Cybargs wrote:
No I read that page before. Shit if they were American no one would give a fuck about what they right. Fox and CNN spew some very hatred shit sometimes dawg.lowing wrote:
that whole link, and my post that followed, and all you can cite is the Israeli portion of it? Oh well.
Oh, well then point out which news outlets don't care about ratings and money and sponsorship so I can watch them.Cybargs wrote:
It's not about whether its biased or not, hell bias is essential to journalism. It's the degree of bias that's the main issue. besides fox and cnn (america not international) and a lot of the major channels in the US seem to be "entertainment" journalism.lowing wrote:
and which news outlet doesn't write biased journalism? Go ahead, point them out.Cybargs wrote:
No I read that page before. Shit if they were American no one would give a fuck about what they right. Fox and CNN spew some very hatred shit sometimes dawg.
Just because they care about ratings doesn't mean they should make it more of an entertainment than a news channel. This is the pitfall of modern media, history channel and discovery used to churn out quality programming, now they got a lot of bullshit.lowing wrote:
Oh, well then point out which news outlets don't care about ratings and money and sponsorship so I can watch them.Cybargs wrote:
It's not about whether its biased or not, hell bias is essential to journalism. It's the degree of bias that's the main issue. besides fox and cnn (america not international) and a lot of the major channels in the US seem to be "entertainment" journalism.lowing wrote:
and which news outlet doesn't write biased journalism? Go ahead, point them out.
Kinda hard to stay true to honest unbiased news reporting while caring about ratings money and sponsorship. I see no reason to single out Fox or CNN as guilty of it while giving Al Jazeera a pass. Unless of course you are honestly trying to say Al Jazeera is in it for the honest unbiased journalism.Cybargs wrote:
Just because they care about ratings doesn't mean they should make it more of an entertainment than a news channel. This is the pitfall of modern media, history channel and discovery used to churn out quality programming, now they got a lot of bullshit.lowing wrote:
Oh, well then point out which news outlets don't care about ratings and money and sponsorship so I can watch them.Cybargs wrote:
It's not about whether its biased or not, hell bias is essential to journalism. It's the degree of bias that's the main issue. besides fox and cnn (america not international) and a lot of the major channels in the US seem to be "entertainment" journalism.
Remember we can not judge a media outlet but how much they say WE agree with. Since we all are biased as well.
That's a bit cynical isn't it?lowing wrote:
Yeah this guy flies to Texas, just to film s high school football game. I am sure his intentions were that innocent.Ty wrote:
I'm not saying they don't. It's pretty insignificant though and a fair chunk of them are corrupt regimes who don't like being reported and will cry fowl to try and discredit any media that reports against them.lowing wrote:
Do some googling, the US isn't the only nation that has issues with Al Jazeera. Yes, including middle eastern countries.
and again, this guy goes to the heart of America and unannounced wants to film the school and the students, gets denied then wants to scream bigotry, as if he uncovered some massive conspiracy against Islam. Fact is, he didn't uncover shit, people will come right out and tell you haw they feel Islam and the whole Arab fuckin world.
As for this incident, I don't know what the reporter's "plan" was, as far as I know it was as innocent as wanting to report on a football game. I do think the reason he was denied was due to some incorrect assumption that he was linked with some terrorist organisation or the same mistakenly bigoted logic that you're demonstrating Lowing.
Regardless of what you think, Al Jazeera is a respectable news media outlet and before you suggest that all Americans have the same bigoted attitude you do you could realise that Al Jazeera is getting an increasingly large following among Americans as they turn away from the spin and incompetence of things like Fox and CNN.
Well, as I said, there is no news media that is in it for honest news reporting.
Anyway, Al Jazeera, like any big news media outlet, has offices and corespondants placed around the world. In this case the reporter was from Brazil - Gabriel Elizondo doesn't sound like an arabic name to me - and was an Americas correspondant which meant he covered the northern continent too. Al Jazeeera have a broadcast centre in Washington DC though and obviously have US correspondants. It's not a matter of those damn Islamic journalists flying over from Hijab-istan, Al Jazeera is a global organisation. Elizondo was in the US during that time, as many journalists were, to cover the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The incident in Texas was the only one where he was treated less than friendly and it should be noted that later Elizondo published the full response from the Superintendent in question - which to a degree shows how Elizondo was indeed in the wrong. But the Superintendent was respectful and while obviously there are two sides to this story he certainly didn't reflect the "most US citizens have got no use for Islam or its fuckin' rag" sentiment that you expressed.
As for Dave Marash - look he has his own reasons for leaving. But this is what happens sometimes, journalists leave media outlets because they don't think things are as they should be. Ask the multitudes of journalists and producers who have jumped ship from the Murdoch media empire. This incident doesn't show Al Jazeera as any different or particularly bad as Marash seems to be an isolated incident.
That's fine and I agree with you. So why do you refer to Al Jazeera dismissively as an "Islamic fuckin' rag" when it doesn't reflect the type of politics and culture that is so deplorable? I get your objections to the Islamic world but I think you get a bit relaxed with how far out you throw your net which is strange given your first-hand experiences.lowing wrote:
I am bigoted toward countries in the ME. I am pretty much sick of them and all of their, I hate you because you like Israel and Israel has got to go bullshit. Having said that, I have travelled in the ME enough to form an opinion on the people, from Egypt, to Jordan, Dubai, Kuwait and Turkey.
I have met some incredibly nice people, I have also walked around and gotten the stink eye. Just like everywhere else in the world. My negative opinions are not of the people, but of the culture and the politics. For example, while in Amman Jordan, the desk clerk at my hotel, when talking about touring Petra, offered to take me there on his day off and give me the grand tour. I took him up on it but my schedule changed and I could not make it. Definitely my loss.
Well I don't know Marash but to answer your question, me. But you're asking me to prove a negative here. And on the strength of one journalist leaving Al Jazeera. Do I have to canvas all the Al Jazeera journalists who haven't jumped ship? Well I'll try...lowing wrote:
So who do I trust, you or an accomplished journalist who open-mindedly took an anchor job for Al Jazeera and decided they were too biased to continue to work for them? You have an opinion fine. So do I. I can back my opinion up that Al Jazeera is just as fucked up as any other news source. It is now up to you to back up your opinion that it isn't.
With Al Jazeera English, Marash was one of five who have left the station and the only one to reportedly leave on ideological grounds. Among the others, former London correspondant Arthur Neslen has praised and even defended Al Jazeera so I doubt he left on ideological grounds. I suppose you could speculate about the others but there has been nothing to suggest that they left for any reason other than they got better paying jobs. I might agree with your stance if the Marash thing wasn't an isolated incident. But it was, he is the only one. Given this and comparing it with the number of controversies in Fox News and even CNN have had even in the 15 years Al Jazeera has been around, Al Jazeera actually stands up as an uncommonly fair and balanced news source.
I didn't set out to defend Al Jazeera here or even show it as a particularly high quality news source. I simply pointed out that there was a unwarranted misconception about it - and I have proven this. I don't actually care about your opinion of the news media in general but it's clear that you've been jaded with the utter crap that passes for news journalism in the US. Reading or watching Al Jazeera would probably be good for you but I doubt you'd like it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Good post Ty.Ty wrote:
That's a bit cynical isn't it?lowing wrote:
Yeah this guy flies to Texas, just to film s high school football game. I am sure his intentions were that innocent.Ty wrote:
I'm not saying they don't. It's pretty insignificant though and a fair chunk of them are corrupt regimes who don't like being reported and will cry fowl to try and discredit any media that reports against them.
As for this incident, I don't know what the reporter's "plan" was, as far as I know it was as innocent as wanting to report on a football game. I do think the reason he was denied was due to some incorrect assumption that he was linked with some terrorist organisation or the same mistakenly bigoted logic that you're demonstrating Lowing.
Regardless of what you think, Al Jazeera is a respectable news media outlet and before you suggest that all Americans have the same bigoted attitude you do you could realise that Al Jazeera is getting an increasingly large following among Americans as they turn away from the spin and incompetence of things like Fox and CNN.
Well, as I said, there is no news media that is in it for honest news reporting.
Anyway, Al Jazeera, like any big news media outlet, has offices and corespondants placed around the world. In this case the reporter was from Brazil - Gabriel Elizondo doesn't sound like an arabic name to me - and was an Americas correspondant which meant he covered the northern continent too. Al Jazeeera have a broadcast centre in Washington DC though and obviously have US correspondants. It's not a matter of those damn Islamic journalists flying over from Hijab-istan, Al Jazeera is a global organisation. Elizondo was in the US during that time, as many journalists were, to cover the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The incident in Texas was the only one where he was treated less than friendly and it should be noted that later Elizondo published the full response from the Superintendent in question - which to a degree shows how Elizondo was indeed in the wrong. But the Superintendent was respectful and while obviously there are two sides to this story he certainly didn't reflect the "most US citizens have got no use for Islam or its fuckin' rag" sentiment that you expressed.
As for Dave Marash - look he has his own reasons for leaving. But this is what happens sometimes, journalists leave media outlets because they don't think things are as they should be. Ask the multitudes of journalists and producers who have jumped ship from the Murdoch media empire. This incident doesn't show Al Jazeera as any different or particularly bad as Marash seems to be an isolated incident.That's fine and I agree with you. So why do you refer to Al Jazeera dismissively as an "Islamic fuckin' rag" when it doesn't reflect the type of politics and culture that is so deplorable? I get your objections to the Islamic world but I think you get a bit relaxed with how far out you throw your net which is strange given your first-hand experiences.lowing wrote:
I am bigoted toward countries in the ME. I am pretty much sick of them and all of their, I hate you because you like Israel and Israel has got to go bullshit. Having said that, I have travelled in the ME enough to form an opinion on the people, from Egypt, to Jordan, Dubai, Kuwait and Turkey.
I have met some incredibly nice people, I have also walked around and gotten the stink eye. Just like everywhere else in the world. My negative opinions are not of the people, but of the culture and the politics. For example, while in Amman Jordan, the desk clerk at my hotel, when talking about touring Petra, offered to take me there on his day off and give me the grand tour. I took him up on it but my schedule changed and I could not make it. Definitely my loss.Well I don't know Marash but to answer your question, me. But you're asking me to prove a negative here. And on the strength of one journalist leaving Al Jazeera. Do I have to canvas all the Al Jazeera journalists who haven't jumped ship? Well I'll try...lowing wrote:
So who do I trust, you or an accomplished journalist who open-mindedly took an anchor job for Al Jazeera and decided they were too biased to continue to work for them? You have an opinion fine. So do I. I can back my opinion up that Al Jazeera is just as fucked up as any other news source. It is now up to you to back up your opinion that it isn't.
With Al Jazeera English, Marash was one of five who have left the station and the only one to reportedly leave on ideological grounds. Among the others, former London correspondant Arthur Neslen has praised and even defended Al Jazeera so I doubt he left on ideological grounds. I suppose you could speculate about the others but there has been nothing to suggest that they left for any reason other than they got better paying jobs. I might agree with your stance if the Marash thing wasn't an isolated incident. But it was, he is the only one. Given this and comparing it with the number of controversies in Fox News and even CNN have had even in the 15 years Al Jazeera has been around, Al Jazeera actually stands up as an uncommonly fair and balanced news source.
I didn't set out to defend Al Jazeera here or even show it as a particularly high quality news source. I simply pointed out that there was a unwarranted misconception about it - and I have proven this. I don't actually care about your opinion of the news media in general but it's clear that you've been jaded with the utter crap that passes for news journalism in the US. Reading or watching Al Jazeera would probably be good for you but I doubt you'd like it.
It is cynical but I believe it to be true. When outside influences are involved, ratings, money, sponsorship etc. there is no way a news media is going to play to the facts alone without any spin. It just isn't going to happen. How is Al Jazeera any different in that regard or immune to those influences?
You are right about the various reasons people would quit their reporting jobs. You are also right about my bias against anything Islamic. I am content in saying that people that agree with what is being reported, thinks their source is the greatest unbiased thing since sliced bread. Those that do not agree with the reporting will call it biased. That goes for all of us.