That Guy
+236|5356|Massachusetts, USA

13rin wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

13rin wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Many people up here still believe it was a bomb planted in the offices, and that the offices were evacuated for that very reason.
I'd love to push those people down a flight of stairs.
What would that solve.
So you a 9-11 conspiracy theorist?
Did I say I was? No, so that post is just retarded.

People can believe what they want to believe, doesn't mean they're right.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6765|The Land of Scott Walker
Just before leaving for my first day of training for a new bank job, I was in my hotel room tying my tie while watching the morning news.  The first plane had already hit and speculation was it was a tragic accident.  The cameras were all focused on the inferno, then the live shot tracked a second plane and the reporters all gasped at the impact.  The tone changed immediately ... we all knew this was no accident.  Of course concentrating on the training material was nearly impossible, so they let us out early.  At the time I was engaged and I wanted more than anything to be with my fiancee, but I was several hours away. 

I remember coming back to my hotel room and seeing the scene again for the first time since earlier that morning.  The reality that both towers were in ruins was jarring.  Doesn't seem possible it's been 10 years already.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2011-09-09 09:42:29)


UnkleRukus wrote:

13rin wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

What would that solve.
So you a 9-11 conspiracy theorist?
Did I say I was? No, so that post is just retarded.

People can believe what they want to believe, doesn't mean they're right.

UnkleRukus wrote:

Now I've started to question it, looking back on the attacks and who caused them. Up here in my area we have a lot of people who think it was staged, and they're very convinced it was staged.
Ok Rukie... Whatever.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51
At elementary school.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6901|SE London

I was in a pub, having just managed to get away from a kettling situation at a rioty/protesty type thing.

While I was having a pint my mate called me to tell me a plane had hit the WTC, so got the landlord to turn on the TV. We stayed there watching the news all afternoon drinking free beer and eating free crisps.
In the network operations center at work.
8 huge monitors on the front wall, then one large projection screen in the center. 
All but one of the screens tuned to various news channels, one monitor in the corner showing critical work info.

Watched the 2nd plane hit on the center (large) screen.
Turned to my (former navy) friend/coworker and said "Well, fuck. We're at war now. One's an accident, two's a declaration of war"
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

UnkleRukus wrote:

RTHKI wrote:

i thought that was common knowledge after 9/11
You need to visit the over liberal northeast more often.

Many people up here still believe it was a bomb planted in the offices, and that the offices were evacuated for that very reason.

I'm not sure what to believe. Both sides of the argument aren't to be trusted.
I used to work with, and am good friends with, a guy who was tasked to pick up pieces of that airliner off Pentagon grounds afterwards. It was a plane...there really is no doubt about that. Except for those who choose to ignore reality. Conspiracy theorists are amusing. Facts that contradict their theory are just considered further proof of the conspiracy. It's a self-licking ice-cream cone.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6995|Canberra, AUS
Oddly enough, the first news report I saw when I woke up (timezones and all, so about 10 hours after the attack) was about explosions in Kabul. Took about 10 minutes for me to work out what really happened.

Needless to say I was watching the news non-stop when I got home from school.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6858|Long Island, New York
Wow. That teacher (my 3rd grade teacher) and her son that I referenced on the end of page 1 are on the front page of Yahoo! Sports today with an 8 minute video about the ballpark dedicated to him.

http://news.yahoo.com/yankee-stadium-gr … EF0NsRvLYF

I know exactly of the eulogy he references. I was at the service. It's all weird. I never met him, but I was incredibly close to her as she knew what was happening with my parent's divorce and helped make the year a little easier for me. Through that I have a connection to him I suppose.

Last edited by Poseidon (2011-09-09 21:19:34)

That Guy
+236|5356|Massachusetts, USA

13rin wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

13rin wrote:

So you a 9-11 conspiracy theorist?
Did I say I was? No, so that post is just retarded.

People can believe what they want to believe, doesn't mean they're right.

UnkleRukus wrote:

Now I've started to question it, looking back on the attacks and who caused them. Up here in my area we have a lot of people who think it was staged, and they're very convinced it was staged.
Ok Rukie... Whatever.
I can understand why I'm a little confusing. I had a very anti-social upbringing in school so it sort of left me with an inability to explain what I'm trying to say.

Allow me to try to explain.

I don't believe in the conspiracy, even if a couple of things don't add up. In this day and age of communications it would be excruciatingly hard to keep something like that under wraps. Simply because one man who was in on it would have a guilty conscience and do something to reveal the truth, after all we're only human.

However it is my belief that we should question the government.  As Thomas Jefferson once said

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

This ties in to us questioning the government and how they operate. Right now, the government is operating against what TJ and what the other founding fathers wished it to operate as. Which is why the people need to start questioning the government.

I do not deny that 9/11 happened, the truth is inescapable. What I do deny is all the press coverage every year, that starts weeks in advance and ends weeks afterwords. It happened, we know it happened and it's good that the victims families and the men and women who were on the rescue teams are getting honored. The media however is using this time to boost ratings and nothing more, they are adding scare tactics in to keep people on edge. Which makes me think, is the government in on this. Are they doing this on purpose to keep the American people in check, in line with what the current leaders want us to do, how they want us to think and act.

That is what I am questioning, the governments motives. Not the attacks themselves, but how the government uses them as propaganda. It is shameful and disrespectful to the families that endured the tragedy.

Last edited by UnkleRukus (2011-09-10 06:49:39)

If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.

Of course the media uses this to boost ratings while the some arms of the government and some politicians use it to push their agenda. I don't think is some sort of conspiracy or collusion between any of the aforementioned.

Instead I think it's more human beings acting like human beings. You know exploiting and taking advantage of situations for their benefit when the opportunity arises regardless of the ethics of it all.

If anything that's a more distressing view of things than the conspiracy theories. Instead of evil me sitting in dark rooms the real villan are within us.

ok guys.  I am sure there must already be a thread about 9/11 conspiracies. If not, make one.  The intention of this thread is clear. Thank you!

Meh we do this where were you thing every year. Conspiracy theories would be a welcome change imo.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Tucker's right. No need to turn this into a conspiracy thread...that clearly wasn't the point of the OP. If you want to talk about conspiracies or the government manipulating the event to suit some other agenda, that's fine. Either search and add or start another thread.

Fair enough?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
sorry you feel that way
I always flipped between cartoons and news channels at the time and was in the living room watching TV the moment the attacks happened, so I watched CNN as the event unfolded from start to finish. I remember my mom running around and making a lot of phonecalls.

It's always strange to realise how much of a global impact this event has actually had.

UnkleRukus wrote:

even if a couple of things don't add up
Everything adds up if you actually knew what you were talking about and did your research properly, but whatever.

UnkleRukus wrote:

The media however is using this time to boost ratings and nothing more, they are adding scare tactics in to keep people on edge. Which makes me think, is the government in on this. Are they doing this on purpose to keep the American people in check, in line with what the current leaders want us to do, how they want us to think and act.
Maybe the fact that this is the greatest tragedy in American history has something to do with the news coverage, 9/11 will go down in the history books as one of the most important events of the 21st century. What pearl harbor was to your grandparents' generations, 9/11 is to yours. The event turned into a trauma especially because this time it wasn't a military target which got attacked. You see, if a truck or a base full of military personnel gets blown up nobody really cares all that much, but as soon as a civillian center gets attacked and people are killed in the thousands no less, everyone panics. This event, in scale but above all intent, was unprecedented. Ofcourse the rememberance of 9/11 is going to be important and it will be given extensive media coverage for decades.

None of this "our leaders want us to be scared"-paranoia crap.

Last edited by Shocking (2011-09-10 15:16:45)

inane little opines
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

Working at UPS. I was on a route that had a large outside mall. I remember my first stop and a lady asking me "did you hear a plane hit the wtc?" First thought was that is was an accident (I thought it was a small plane). Then my girlfriend at the time starting texting me saying "OMG another plane hit the other tower". It was then that I knew it was no accident, we were under attack. I continued to get updates about the other hijackings. When I heard that one of the towers fell (via text also) I felt sick, winded almost. No one was around and when I read that, I was getting a package out of the back of the truck. I actually felt the need to sit down. I knew the loss of life was going to be in the thousands then. When the second tower fell I was simply numb, confused, and shocked. Surreal is the only way to explain it. Everything stopped, nobody knew what else to expect or when this thing would finally end. People went home, and the country world sat and watched in awe. I remember a lot of speculation and there were false reports about carbombs being found around dc. What I also remember about that day, immediately following the attacks, is that there was so much coming together. .. and it wasn't angry "lets go fuck people up" coming together. It was simply "are you ok?", "where can I give blood?".

also.. I was fortunate enough to visit nyc a few times before they fell.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6022|College Park, MD
Yeah. Surreal is probably the best way to describe it. It just didn't hit me till much, much later in the day.

Im' sure there are some photos somewhere. I at least saw the towers before they fell. Whenever my family went to NYC I always was excited about seeing the WTC in the skyline as we approached it.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Kmar wrote:

What I also remember about that day, immediately following the attacks, is that there was so much coming together. .. and it wasn't angry "lets go fuck people up" coming together. It was simply "are you ok?", "where can I give blood?".
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
I was at home, we were all watching TV (not the incident), when a friend of my parents that was coming over told us to quickly turn on CNN as soon as he was through the front door. I guess he heard it on the radio in his car.

We saw the first tower smoking, and the second plane hitting the other one, and eventually both of them going down.
I was pretty young, but i know what i saw.
Towers collapsing, smoke clouds rolling through the street, people screaming and panicking.

But that didnt really bother me (the whole think barely did, wasnt much of a 'national tragedy' to me), what did bother me was the people jumping out. You could see them standing and jump out, some holding theit suitcases as if they thought they were going to make it.

I still see it as just another man-made disaster.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Some photos from that fatefull day here.

http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011 … ks/100143/

Be warned some might be found distressing.
'Light 'em up!'


The whole thing is still surreal to me
+947|6831|Gold Coast
Happened when I was sleeping. Woke up the next day, saw on TV with pictures of the burning towers. Went to school and everyone spoke of it.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6022|College Park, MD

the only tolerable song about 9/11 if you ask me

FEOS wrote:

Kmar wrote:

What I also remember about that day, immediately following the attacks, is that there was so much coming together. .. and it wasn't angry "lets go fuck people up" coming together. It was simply "are you ok?", "where can I give blood?".
It wasn't until a couple days or so later that I began noticing waves of anger/bloodlust emanating from the public.
It was a Tuesday. Just another work day. Started at 6:30am.
Line was running well, for a change.
The company had put in TVs on the lines for company announcements, was set-up as closed circuit but, had been changed over to cable.
This is, after all, hockey country.
That morning, they were off.
First found out about it when there was a yell from down the line.
"Get that TV on. Stern said a plane went into the World Trade Center!!!!!"
We watched it happen as we worked. Cars came down the line and were worked on as it happened.
We kept on working as a memo went around that Head Quarters was closing for the day.
We kept on working as U.S. air space was closed and air craft were diverted, flying 1000 feet over my head to line up and land at the airport near the plant.
We worked the full shift, knowing the World had changed, just not knowing how much.
Ten years later we know.
It changed every thing.
Before THAT morning, attacks only happened `Over There`, that mythical some place else.
It was the end of our Golden age of innocence. That Islamic terrorists could never hit N.A. in a way that would change us.

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