
Pug wrote:

Ahh, no.

WTF do you even bother reading anything that is posted?

Let's just start with the basics of what you don't understand:
There is not an official govt. sanctioned racist group of elected officials to compare the black caucus to, unless you were comparing the black caucus to the hispanic caucus.

A caucus is not an official government sanctioned organization.  Again you fail to understand what a caucus is.

I'm done lowing. You are so twisted and unable to understand basic facts, and because of that, your entire argument is flawed.  You are too tied up in your own world to see it.  Or you do see it, but you are too racist to relent.

Thanks for the entertainment.
Sorry Pug, you are trying to avoid the fact that I do what a caucus is. and how do I know? Because you have continuously claimed I do not know what one is, yet NEVER show me how a meeting of black ELECTED OFFICIALS who have declared their organization BLACKS ONLY (which is what I said), IS NOT a caucus. Further more you have avoided all together the fact that ANY such gathering of WHITES ONLY CONGRESSMEN, would be considered a gathering of racists.

Add to all of that you fail to acknowledge that any gathering of like race elected officials, that openly meet and openly reject other races into their midst, that are allowed such gathering  to discuss govt. policy and govt. action, would be considered acceptable by the govt. IE govt. approved, IE govt. sanctioned.   

In late 1994, after Republicans attained a majority in the House, they announced plans to rescind funding for 28 "legislative service organizations" which received taxpayer funding and occupied offices at the Capitol, including the CBC. Then-chairman Kweisi Mfume protested the decision, which never went through.[11]
In February 2010, The New York Times reported the caucus received 55 million dollars in contributions from corporations between 2004 and 2008. Most of that money went to social events and the organization's headquarters building on Embassy Row. In 2007, it paid more to the caterer for a single event than it spent on scholarships.[12] Scholarships controlled by the caucus were a source of public concern in September 2009 when it was reported Sanford Bishop and other members directed the money to members of their families and political cronies.
The Times compared the amount of money spent on internships by the caucus ($378,000 in 2008) to the amount paid for the decorator of its annual prayer breakfast that year ($350,000).[12]
Contributors to the caucus include cigarette manufacturers, brewers, and the rent-to-own industry.[12]  <---loving this

So much for your assertion that it is not govt. sanctioned. Or taxpayer money and official space to meet in govt. buildings is not sanctioning enough for you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressio … us#Funding

I also find it funny that you play the race card just like the members of the CBC to Nader... anyway nothing more than further proof that the definition of "racist, is someone who wins an argument with a liberal."

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-08 08:53:56)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
A caucus is a special interest group.  It can be anything.  Special interest groups are not sanctioned by the government.

The Tea Party is a caucus as well, btw, which is not sanctioned by the government.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Oh, you added.

So basically caucuses can apply for some funding for their special interest group...

...and that is illegal?

...and that ensures that the activities of the caucus is approved by the gov't?

...and that if not funded the caucus will disband?

Have you looked at the LSO page to understand the rules on forming and fund source for LSO's?

Just a few questions you need to look up to understand the CBC is not a rubber stamp of approval by the government for their actions.

Pug wrote:

Oh, you added.

So basically caucuses can apply for some funding for their special interest group...

...and that is illegal?

...and that ensures that the activities of the caucus is approved by the gov't?

...and that if not funded the caucus will disband?

Have you looked at the LSO page to understand the rules on forming and fund source for LSO's?

Just a few questions you need to look up to understand the CBC is not a rubber stamp of approval by the government for their actions.
Pug, it is a group of ELECTED OFFICIALS IE. it is made up of the fuckin govt. that are RACE SPECIFIC, that meet in GOVT. OFFICES, and receives TAX PAYER money. It is not something that you would approve of if it were a whites only organization. Not only that but you would be screaming how it is govt. sanctioned for the same fuckin reasons I have listed, and you know it.

THe tea party is not "whites only" . In fact some very high profile members of the tea party are black. The tea parties agenda revolves around the constitution and smaller govt. It does not revolve around the advancement of white people. There is absolutely no comparison to the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS and the tea party. None whatsoever. And by all reason and rational thinking, using the criteria that has been spewed in this forum regarding what is racist the fuckin CBC fits the bill to the "T".

Take the wiki report on the CBC and simply replace black for white in every usage. Are you fuckin kidding me that you would not consider that a racist organization??

and you are right a caucus is a special interest group. and a special interest group that is made up of elected officials that serves their race only and not the people that elected them is not what our govt. is supposed to be and would not be tolerated if reversed. The race card is played for a lot less than what the CBC gets away with.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-08 11:37:13)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
The whole of US govt is made up of special interest groups who basically pay to put their man in an office on capitol hill - every single 'elected' one of them.

Why is it you only get excited over the brown people?
Fuck Israel
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Dilbert is on the mark on this one.

lowing, i've told you to look this up but you have failed.  I'm going to provide the link.  The CBC will not be at fault unless 1) they fully back this loon, 2) it is proved the statements are false.  That's not up to me to decide.
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti … ganization

I have told you numerous times, there are many other caucuses that are race restrictive or like race restrictive.  There are reasons why they exist, some have more benefits than others, but the opinions with the caucuses are not a rubber stamp of government approval.

To answer you question about a "white caucus" - yes, by the rules in place someone could create one.

You are raging for the wrong reason.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Here's an exclusive rich white 'caucus' for you lowing.


How about you rant about that for a while, or maybe every Ivy League frat house?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

The whole of US govt is made up of special interest groups who basically pay to put their man in an office on capitol hill - every single 'elected' one of them.

Why is it you only get excited over the brown people?
Because race isn't supposed to be a special interest group within our govt. Our govt. is supposed to govern equally regardless of race. Also, there simply would be no tolerance for a white only special interest group. I mean hell, look what has been said about the tea party and it ain't even true.
It is a classic example of saying something often enough that it becomes true.

Everything I have posted regarding the CBC and Rep Carson reeks of racism on all levels, yet, even in here, it gets a pass by you all. Shows nothing except proof of the liberal illogical, irrational and inconsistent ideology.

Take Pug, instead of addressing the issue at hand an organization of an elected govt. body, meeting in a racially segregated forum. He wants to dissect the definition of caucus. While you want to turn the blow torch on Cheney. Then I insist we stick to the issue at hand, you both resort to simply calling me a racist and dismiss my argument. Total redirection, race cards, and blame someone else, is avoiding the argument and are classic examples of what is happening on the greater scale of our national political stage.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Here's an exclusive rich white 'caucus' for you lowing.


How about you rant about that for a while, or maybe every Ivy League frat house?
do i really need to rip this apart Dilbert, or do you think you could punch holes in it yourself without my help?  Read your own link and see if you can find what  will be my argument.

Pug wrote:

Dilbert is on the mark on this one.

lowing, i've told you to look this up but you have failed.  I'm going to provide the link.  The CBC will not be at fault unless 1) they fully back this loon, 2) it is proved the statements are false.  That's not up to me to decide.
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti … ganization

I have told you numerous times, there are many other caucuses that are race restrictive or like race restrictive.  There are reasons why they exist, some have more benefits than others, but the opinions with the caucuses are not a rubber stamp of government approval.

To answer you question about a "white caucus" - yes, by the rules in place someone could create one.

You are raging for the wrong reason.
and I have told you numerous times, RACE is not supposed to be a special interest focus, all laws are equal, and not race specific therefore there is no reason for a blacks only caucus made up of elected govt. officials. You would not abide by it for white people, so to remain logical and consistent, you should not abide by it for ANY racist group within Washington. But, you don't. That is your double standard, you illogical inconsistency, not mine.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
So its fine if every other special interest focus subverts government, just so long as its not brown people.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

So its fine if every other special interest focus subverts government, just so long as its not brown people.
good boy Dilbert, ignore the argument.

Focus on shit I NEVER said, and avoid what I ACTUALLY said.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-10 02:01:58)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
There are a zillion other special interest groups, companies and organisations which bribe their way to political influence and power but you're solely focused on brown people.

Why is that?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

There are a zillion other special interest groups, companies and organisations which bribe their way to political influence and power but you're solely focused on brown people.

Why is that?
Because a racially motivated govt. caucus flies in the face equality. These are elected officials who were put in office to represent the people. ALL of the people and not a specific race of people.

Now, how about you go back, read the last several posts I have made and respond to them directly? See if you can stay focused on what I say, and not drift off into DIck Cheney and the Gulf War.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Dilbert is on the mark on this one.

lowing, i've told you to look this up but you have failed.  I'm going to provide the link.  The CBC will not be at fault unless 1) they fully back this loon, 2) it is proved the statements are false.  That's not up to me to decide.
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti … ganization

I have told you numerous times, there are many other caucuses that are race restrictive or like race restrictive.  There are reasons why they exist, some have more benefits than others, but the opinions with the caucuses are not a rubber stamp of government approval.

To answer you question about a "white caucus" - yes, by the rules in place someone could create one.

You are raging for the wrong reason.
and I have told you numerous times, RACE is not supposed to be a special interest focus, all laws are equal, and not race specific therefore there is no reason for a blacks only caucus made up of elected govt. officials. You would not abide by it for white people, so to remain logical and consistent, you should not abide by it for ANY racist group within Washington. But, you don't. That is your double standard, you illogical inconsistency, not mine.
Based on your response, you didn't even bother reading my post.

How is it MY double standard when I'm merely showing you the rules?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

There are a zillion other special interest groups, companies and organisations which bribe their way to political influence and power but you're solely focused on brown people.

Why is that?
Because a racially motivated govt. caucus flies in the face equality. These are elected officials who were put in office to represent the people. ALL of the people and not a specific race of people.
Except you choose not to see it when its rich white men manipulating the govt, or christians manipulating the govt, or whoever else.

Only brown people.
Fuck Israel
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

There are a zillion other special interest groups, companies and organisations which bribe their way to political influence and power but you're solely focused on brown people.

Why is that?
Because a racially motivated govt. caucus flies in the face equality. These are elected officials who were put in office to represent the people. ALL of the people and not a specific race of people.
Except you choose not to see it when its rich white men manipulating the govt, or christians manipulating the govt, or whoever else.

Only brown people.
I don't believe the concern is manipulation of the govt by these groups.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Dilbert is on the mark on this one.

lowing, i've told you to look this up but you have failed.  I'm going to provide the link.  The CBC will not be at fault unless 1) they fully back this loon, 2) it is proved the statements are false.  That's not up to me to decide.
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti … ganization

I have told you numerous times, there are many other caucuses that are race restrictive or like race restrictive.  There are reasons why they exist, some have more benefits than others, but the opinions with the caucuses are not a rubber stamp of government approval.

To answer you question about a "white caucus" - yes, by the rules in place someone could create one.

You are raging for the wrong reason.
and I have told you numerous times, RACE is not supposed to be a special interest focus, all laws are equal, and not race specific therefore there is no reason for a blacks only caucus made up of elected govt. officials. You would not abide by it for white people, so to remain logical and consistent, you should not abide by it for ANY racist group within Washington. But, you don't. That is your double standard, you illogical inconsistency, not mine.
Based on your response, you didn't even bother reading my post.

How is it MY double standard when I'm merely showing you the rules?
I have answered your posts more than once. You choose to dissect what a caucus is, even though I have repeatedly and correctly described the double standards on which they meet. You want to ignore it.  It is obvious you want to talk about anything and everything EXCEPT the fact that anything remotely resembling a whites only group and does what the CBC does and says what members of the CBC says, would not be allowed, nor would it be considered anything except racist, hate mongering group. As I said, this has been done with the tea party, and fuck, it was all made up, and that doesn't stop you.

Instead of dissecting the term caucus how about you address the fact that everything the CBC is and does, is a double standard and would be considered racist if it were white? Then you can explain how what Rep. Carson said, was not a racist remark. Hell then you can explain how an organization made up of elected govt. officials, and meeting in govt. buildings on tax payer time and money, is not considered sanctioned by the govt...By the way, approving of the organization does not mean the govt. signs off on all of their bullshit. So find a new angle there as well.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-10 17:40:37)


Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

There are a zillion other special interest groups, companies and organisations which bribe their way to political influence and power but you're solely focused on brown people.

Why is that?
Because a racially motivated govt. caucus flies in the face equality. These are elected officials who were put in office to represent the people. ALL of the people and not a specific race of people.
Except you choose not to see it when its rich white men manipulating the govt, or christians manipulating the govt, or whoever else.

Only brown people.
Name one. Name one" whites only allowed" group within the govt. body. NAME ONE

the US Senate?

13urnzz wrote:

the US Senate?
If it is all white, it is not because anyone is refused a seat due to race, unlike the CBC. Smart ass.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-10 17:36:38)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

FEOS wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Because a racially motivated govt. caucus flies in the face equality. These are elected officials who were put in office to represent the people. ALL of the people and not a specific race of people.
Except you choose not to see it when its rich white men manipulating the govt, or christians manipulating the govt, or whoever else.

Only brown people.
I don't believe the concern is manipulation of the govt by these groups.
It should be.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

Name one. Name one" whites only allowed" group within the govt. body. NAME ONE
There aren't any, so what?

There are plenty of other groups though, within and without govt which wield plenty of influence on behalf of rich white men and the idiot sons of the same.

Groups you wouldn't be allowed to join because your Daddy didn't go to University with the right people.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2011-09-10 22:14:13)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Name one. Name one" whites only allowed" group within the govt. body. NAME ONE
There aren't any, so what?

There are plenty of other groups though, within and without govt which wield plenty of influence on behalf of rich white men and the idiot sons of the same.

Groups you wouldn't be allowed to join because your Daddy didn't go to University with the right people.
"There aren't any , so what"?   <-----the "fact" that there were, was the basis of your argument Dilbert, and "why do I not bitch about them". Now you admit your argument is bullshit. So go back to what  I have posted REPEATEDLY and address the racism and double standards by which Rep Carson and the CBC operate. Hell,  I would even settle for you admitting Carson and the CBC, based on your criteria for accusations of racism, are racist.

and to address the opportunity you are bitching about by rich people Did you mean people like Barack Obama, the rich BLACK GUY? That form of advancement happens throughout all levels of life.

I have gotten plenty of jobs because I used to work with a friend that recommended me. Haven't you? (That is not to say I was not qualified though, unlike Obama.)  I wonder if knowing Oprah or Bill Cosby or Condi Rice, or Colin Powell would have its advantages, neh probably not, right?

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-11 00:43:36)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I don't understand the point you're making, you're saying any kind of corruption, favouritism, nepotism etc is fine just so long as it doesn't involve race, specifically brown people?

There are many de facto whites only 'caucuses', rich only caucuses, WASP only caucuses, jew only caucuses, freemason only caucuses, Ivy League only caucuses, etc etc etc but you're bent all out of shape by a brown only caucus?

Its not that long ago that discrimination against blacks was enshrined in law - the pendulum has swung fractionally the other way - boo hoo.
Fuck Israel

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