I'm the best in the World at beating myself off. Doesn't mean people know me.
Vastavalt keskkonnaministri 22. aprilli 2004.a. määrusega nr 24 "Majandustegevuse ajutise piirangute rakendamine väljaspool kaitsealasid asuvatel Natura 2000 võrgustiku aladel" p 4 on Natura 2000 Alal keelatud: 1) puhtpuistute kujundamine ja energiapuistute rajamine; 2) uuendusraie, välja arvatud turberaie perioodiga vähemalt 40 aastat; 3) väetiste ja mürkkemikaalide kasutamine looduslikul rohumaal ja metsamaal. Ala valitseja nõusolekuta on alal keelatud: 1) teede ja liinirajatiste rajamine; 2) ehitiste, kaasa arvatud ajutiste ehitiste püstitamine; 3) veekogude veetaseme muutmine ja nende kallaste kahjustamine; 4) uute maaparandussüsteemide rajamine; 5) maavarade ja maa-ainese kaevandamine.
I know fucking karate
Have you finished training yet?PrivateVendetta wrote:
I'm the best in the World at beating myself off. Doesn't mean people know me.
I know fucking karate
A true athlete never finishes training.justice wrote:
Have you finished training yet?PrivateVendetta wrote:
I'm the best in the World at beating myself off. Doesn't mean people know me.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
copy paste for the win?justice wrote:
Vastavalt keskkonnaministri 22. aprilli 2004.a. määrusega nr 24 "Majandustegevuse ajutise piirangute rakendamine väljaspool kaitsealasid asuvatel Natura 2000 võrgustiku aladel" p 4 on Natura 2000 Alal keelatud: 1) puhtpuistute kujundamine ja energiapuistute rajamine; 2) uuendusraie, välja arvatud turberaie perioodiga vähemalt 40 aastat; 3) väetiste ja mürkkemikaalide kasutamine looduslikul rohumaal ja metsamaal. Ala valitseja nõusolekuta on alal keelatud: 1) teede ja liinirajatiste rajamine; 2) ehitiste, kaasa arvatud ajutiste ehitiste püstitamine; 3) veekogude veetaseme muutmine ja nende kallaste kahjustamine; 4) uute maaparandussüsteemide rajamine; 5) maavarade ja maa-ainese kaevandamine.
could you create any sentence by yourself?
cocks taste good
gurdeep wrote:
cocks taste good
I know fucking karate
Markoo people only give you shit about it because you are very very annoying sometimes.
Yup, completely.justice wrote:
Have you finished training yet?PrivateVendetta wrote:
I'm the best in the World at beating myself off. Doesn't mean people know me.
Just about to apply to be a Papa Johns pizza Delivery driver.
Good money well spent on the license I think.
ouchie! Burned to a crisp. I guess I am way too white for this much beautiful, sunny weather.
racisttuckergustav wrote:
ouchie! Burned to a crisp. I guess I am way too white for this much beautiful, sunny weather.
prollytuckergustav wrote:
I bet Tucker is hoping the sunny weather goes back to where it came from.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
racisttuckergustav wrote:
ouchie! Burned to a crisp. I guess I am way too white for this much beautiful, sunny weather.
i live in cali but i get sun burned too, not rly that bad. but high elevation around 10k ft is the worse though imo. those rayz fuk u up.
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3
The thing is...it's so nice a breezy here that you don't realize you are burning until it's too late.
I really love it here though.
I really love it here though.