who renamed my poll
who renamed my poll
Someone with more powars than you! Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha! *evil laffter*
Wasn't me tho.
Wasn't me tho.
I am never purchasing another xbox or anything related to xbox ever again. The single worst electronic I have ever dealt with.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
smadUnkleRukus wrote:
I am never purchasing another xbox or anything related to xbox ever again. The single worst electronic I have ever dealt with.
sorry junya i already ruined ya
I traded mine to a PS3 with my buddy who had two PainstationsUnkleRukus wrote:
I am never purchasing another xbox or anything related to xbox ever again. The single worst electronic I have ever dealt with.
I like this one more.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
damn that's pretty crazy. fuckin white people
I have a problem with it every week. I have a problem with how they set up games, I have a problem with the lack of options and the lack of customization, I have a problem with almost every single aspect about this system.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
i had a 4 yr old one die. havent had a single problem with its replacement (or any problems with the old one before it died)
my xbox died a year after i bought it
Tu Stultus Es
had one for about 2.5 years now, not a single problem yet.
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3
sorry im in pajamas but i just got off tha pj
hey mods, stop hiding your polls. thx
mine was bettercoolstorybro wrote:
wtf is this shit
why is it hurting you?coolstorybro wrote:
hey mods, stop hiding your polls. thx
In other noose, dat spaghetti was good.