Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

where did you hear that?

i've never heard anything like that before
Uzi's labor rag mentioned it a few times.
rofl the guardian as labour. good one m80. it was a 'comment' article fyi where they host the outspoken opinion of any thinker- non affiliated with their own views. does that concept make sense in america with your media? the woman writing the article was a philosophy/sociology prof at some liberal arts small college in london. no shit you're going to get lefty late-capitalism critique bollocks. the guardian is not a "labour rag". hahaha.
How would I know? Do you know which of the New York Post or New York Daily News is conservative and which one is liberal? The op-ed piece was clearly bleeding heart buffoonery.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
it's a contextual perspective from someone that states her political views and background from the outset. i see no such problem with providing a wide range of analysis on current events. bravo, guardian. poor show us "rags" that feel as though they have to follow a set agenda with every single article. and how have you not heard of the guardian before?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:


there's a point that you have to consider these people have all this anger because they feel marginalized...but there seems to be a lot that are just souless opportunists with no regard for civility.  it's fucking crazy.
then you get people like justice, living abroad in luxury.
Amazing how when people hear the word "Caribbean" they genuinely think beautiful beaches, pina coladas and that's it.

I have to buy water to drink, I take showers in water that is yellow and I have to gamble is fairly clean, I pay fives times what you do for food, electricity, internet and TV, I live in a country where the economies exclusive stimulus (tourism) is dead, which means I'm just getting by myself. My AC is broken, I have a rat problem in my kitchen, I have a leak from the recent storm, and I have my shutters up and ready for the next few weeks of the hurricane season. I live about 2 minutes drive from a genuine "ghetto" and have to pay for dog food for 6 dogs as it's the only way to guarantee mine and my wifes safety. There is very little to do compared to the countless facilities that are available where you are. In short to be able to live where I live, you have to be of a certain character and have immense love for the culture or otherwise living here will drive you crazy. Poverty levels here are extremely high, and the muders per capita has gone up worryingly high in the last few years. I could go on and on about the disadvantages of living here that outsiders like you don't understand.

So if you're not going to judge those hoodlums, don't try and act like you have some sort of grasp on what my life is like and throwing around stupid statements like that, I guarantee you my life is far farther from luxury compared to yours.
I know fucking karate
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

Uzique wrote:

people will be pissed off about the wider climate and context whether or not they can get their hands on a 9mm
They can be pissed off all they want. It would raise the stakes and people would be less likely to riot.

Whatever, I'm not getting into a guns vs gun control argument in this thread.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5864|College Park, MD
why the fuck would you live there?

Dauntless wrote:

i still don't understand why we haven't seen any riot gear being used
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

Uzique wrote:

it's a contextual perspective from someone that states her political views and background from the outset. i see no such problem with providing a wide range of analysis on current events. bravo, guardian. poor show us "rags" that feel as though they have to follow a set agenda with every single article. and how have you not heard of the guardian before?
I've heard of the guardian, the times, and the dailymail. But I've never read anything from any of them (except the wildly hilarious ultra conservative pieces that some Americans quote verbatim out of the dailymail).
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Uzi's labor rag mentioned it a few times.
rofl the guardian as labour. good one m80. it was a 'comment' article fyi where they host the outspoken opinion of any thinker- non affiliated with their own views. does that concept make sense in america with your media? the woman writing the article was a philosophy/sociology prof at some liberal arts small college in london. no shit you're going to get lefty late-capitalism critique bollocks. the guardian is not a "labour rag". hahaha.
How would I know? Do you know which of the New York Post or New York Daily News is conservative and which one is liberal? The op-ed piece was clearly bleeding heart buffoonery.
btw the 'guardian' (tip: it's in the name) would probably be your sort of paper: middle-class bourgie libertarian intelligentsia shit from cover to cover.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-08-08 20:17:40)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Dauntless wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

i still don't understand why we haven't seen any riot gear being used

justice wrote:

Uzique wrote:


there's a point that you have to consider these people have all this anger because they feel marginalized...but there seems to be a lot that are just souless opportunists with no regard for civility.  it's fucking crazy.
then you get people like justice, living abroad in luxury.
Amazing how when people hear the word "Caribbean" they genuinely think beautiful beaches, pina coladas and that's it.

I have to buy water to drink, I take showers in water that is yellow and I have to gamble is fairly clean, I pay fives times what you do for food, electricity, internet and TV, I live in a country where the economies exclusive stimulus (tourism) is dead, which means I'm just getting by myself. My AC is broken, I have a rat problem in my kitchen, I have a leak from the recent storm, and I have my shutters up and ready for the next few weeks of the hurricane season. I live about 2 minutes drive from a genuine "ghetto" and have to pay for dog food for 6 dogs as it's the only way to guarantee mine and my wifes safety. There is very little to do compared to the countless facilities that are available where you are. In short to be able to live where I live, you have to be of a certain character and have immense love for the culture or otherwise living here will drive you crazy. Poverty levels here are extremely high, and the muders per capita has gone up worryingly high in the last few years. I could go on and on about the disadvantages of living here that outsiders like you don't understand.

So if you're not going to judge those hoodlums, don't try and act like you have some sort of grasp on what my life is like and throwing around stupid statements like that, I guarantee you my life is far farther from luxury compared to yours.
why are you living there

why did you leave london

why are you still so ferociously loyal to london
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

rofl the guardian as labour. good one m80. it was a 'comment' article fyi where they host the outspoken opinion of any thinker- non affiliated with their own views. does that concept make sense in america with your media? the woman writing the article was a philosophy/sociology prof at some liberal arts small college in london. no shit you're going to get lefty late-capitalism critique bollocks. the guardian is not a "labour rag". hahaha.
How would I know? Do you know which of the New York Post or New York Daily News is conservative and which one is liberal? The op-ed piece was clearly bleeding heart buffoonery.
btw the 'guardian' (tip: it's in the name) would probably be your sort of paper: middle-class bourgie libertarian intelligentsia shit from cover to cover.
Wish I had an option like that here. It's either hard left, or hard right. I tend to get my news from Reason.com instead.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5864|College Park, MD

Jay wrote:

Wish I had an option like that here. It's either hard left, or hard right.
so true
I am all that is MOD!

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

How would I know? Do you know which of the New York Post or New York Daily News is conservative and which one is liberal? The op-ed piece was clearly bleeding heart buffoonery.
btw the 'guardian' (tip: it's in the name) would probably be your sort of paper: middle-class bourgie libertarian intelligentsia shit from cover to cover.
Wish I had an option like that here. It's either hard left, or hard right. I tend to get my news from Reason.com instead.
well you tend to speak and observe in absolutes (like the sith) so it seems to be that's the way you like things

Uzique wrote:

why are you living there

why did you leave london

why are you still so ferociously loyal to london
Like I said, I love it, I love the people, the culture,  it's in my blood, I was raised here, and yes living here gives me a better opportunity to make a comfortable living, things are tough now though. In general there is very little evil here, even the poorest have such an upbeat spirit and love life. I don't mind the sacrifices I have to make to live here. Oh and the beaches, sunshine, and bars aren't too bad. I guess until you've lived in another culture that becomes part of you, you could never understand.

Why am I loyal to London? Why wouldn't I be? I've lived there longer than you, I have amazing memories there, my best friends are there, most of my family are there. London made me what I am.

Don't really know why I'm explaining it to you...Hopefully you wont use such inaccurate statements in the future, but hey I can't stop people having the wrong image.

Last edited by justice (2011-08-08 20:37:22)

I know fucking karate
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6847|United States of America

Uzique wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

I think the lasting image for me will always be the truck driver that they pulled out of his rig and smashed his head in with a fire extinguisher. Really? That truck driver oppressed you with his billy club? Come on.

Oh, and the Korean shop owner on the roof of his business shooting his rifle down into the crowd that was threatening him.
I was rather shocked how abandoned all the shops and such were. Perhaps it's because a storeowner would be largely helpless if people want to steal stuff or even assault someone else if they're in that mindset. In America, something like this would easily turn into a bloodbath.
selective footage, tbh. mates are telling me that turkish and foreign store owners all over south and east london are not taking any shit. they're stood outside their family stores with snapped snooker cues, bats, bottles, chains, etc. and will likely be standing there all night. not taking any shit. all i can say is thank fuck guns arent legal or easily available here... or we'd seriously have a very, very ugly situation.
Just saw some people in Birmingham and another part of London are defending their shops as well. I also forgot that it was 4:00 in the morning and had probably died down a bit. At least there don't seem to be any home invasion sort of lootings, cause that could get ugly quick. It's situations like the DNC '68 riot that made my dad put importance on home defense (in the form of a riot shotgun, fancy that).
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England


Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

btw the 'guardian' (tip: it's in the name) would probably be your sort of paper: middle-class bourgie libertarian intelligentsia shit from cover to cover.
Wish I had an option like that here. It's either hard left, or hard right. I tend to get my news from Reason.com instead.
well you tend to speak and observe in absolutes (like the sith) so it seems to be that's the way you like things
Except neither side fully appeals to me. Do I lean more right than left? Sure. Liberal economics make my head hurt. But I don't see eye to eye with social conservatives on just about everything. I'm not lowing, I do see shades of gray, I just argue in absolutes.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

lol, this is gold dust for sky news, a black guy mooning police.
I know fucking karate
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5864|College Park, MD
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,936|6662|so randum

Dauntless wrote:

army time was 5 hours ago

i haven't seen one rubber bullet clock a chav square on the head yet

where are the tear gas and water cannons?
lol you really don't want the army on the streets. killing people very professionally is something the army is good at, keeping the peace not-so-much
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Say wat!?

Uzique wrote:

nope, not at all. but i don't think the liberal intelligentsia can really understand what's going on, so their contemptuous statements are invalid. who can understand the frustration and seething directionless anger these youths must feel? sure as fuck i can't. so im not going to call them little assholes or ask for their legs to be broken. they live a shit life every single day in a poor shithole and there is literally no way for them to get out of it. i'm not going to judge.
what are you on?

The argument you posted is exactly what the bullshit liberal intelligentsia are spouting. "The disillusioned youth" what a crock of shit, there have always been people like this. This kids existed long before the economic crash, they are the same chavs that have been in gangs for decades.

Last edited by Vilham (2011-08-09 02:19:32)

Say wat!?

Uzique wrote:


it's a valid point, but the anger seems to be directed to people that aren't a part of the 'problem'.  Seems like they should be mobbing in front of politicians houses, not store fronts.  The same sort of thing happened immediately after the Rodney King trial here in the 1990s.  It wasn't people upset strictly about the way the verdict went as much as people feeling marginalized and without a voice against oppressive capital overlords.  Still, the brunt of the damage was felt by their peers, locals from their neighborhood that have no voice in what people in positions of power decide to do.  For sure, the frustration is understandable, but these people alienate the general public (AKA their biggest resource in fighting tha powa) when they attack seemingly innocent everyday joe sixpacks.
what do you want them to do, write eloquent letters to their local MP? yeah it's stupid but it's all they've got. no organisation, no real manifesto or aim, just a malaise and a 'rage against the machine' type sentiment. destroying a shop is destroying a symbol of commerce, capitalism, i guess.
Hahaha, you make me laugh, yeah these chavs are thinking about the philosophy of burning down a shop. Definitely....

The best part is how you are claiming to know where they are coming from, mr I have a secure job at my uncles business after I do a degree for fun.

Vilham wrote:

Uzique wrote:


it's a valid point, but the anger seems to be directed to people that aren't a part of the 'problem'.  Seems like they should be mobbing in front of politicians houses, not store fronts.  The same sort of thing happened immediately after the Rodney King trial here in the 1990s.  It wasn't people upset strictly about the way the verdict went as much as people feeling marginalized and without a voice against oppressive capital overlords.  Still, the brunt of the damage was felt by their peers, locals from their neighborhood that have no voice in what people in positions of power decide to do.  For sure, the frustration is understandable, but these people alienate the general public (AKA their biggest resource in fighting tha powa) when they attack seemingly innocent everyday joe sixpacks.
what do you want them to do, write eloquent letters to their local MP? yeah it's stupid but it's all they've got. no organisation, no real manifesto or aim, just a malaise and a 'rage against the machine' type sentiment. destroying a shop is destroying a symbol of commerce, capitalism, i guess.
Hahaha, you make me laugh, yeah these chavs are thinking about the philosophy of burning down a shop. Definitely....

The best part is how you are claiming to know where they are coming from, mr I have a secure job at my uncles business after I do a degree for fun.
uzique, the speaker for the proletariat lol wat.
Say wat!?
As to why they are doing this shit. This BBC viewer has it spot on:

This is what happens when criminals have more rights than the Police. Ten years of Softly, Softly policing policy has created this situation; thugs are not bothered about the consequences of their actions - because, there probably won't be any.

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