
is punkbuster doing their job

yes29%29% - 28
no52%52% - 50
i dont care17%17% - 17
Total: 95
just want to see how many people think pb is doing their job

forgot who told me to delete last post but if i remeber ill +1 you

Last edited by wachtler83 (2006-05-18 05:11:49)

with the proliferation of so called "100% Punkbuster proof" Hack's that ARE out there.
I would have to say no they are not.
+24|6727|Computer Chair
100% Pb proof is bullshit, al public cheats and hacks are or will be detected. Its the private ones you need to worry about.
Knife Whore
PB has no competition in the hack catching industry, so they have slacked off. I don't think I have EVER seen PB catch a hacker. EVER. EVER!!!!! You would think they could download and reverse engineer those hacks that people have. But I guess that's too challenging. PunkBuster gets games not because they are good, but because they are probably the only one out there and they have a reputation. It's the name. C'mon punkbuster, get your game in gear.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6810|AUS, Canberra

mooncricket wrote:

PB has no competition in the hack catching industry, so they have slacked off. I don't think I have EVER seen PB catch a hacker. EVER. EVER!!!!!
they banned almost the entire community of a major hack site two weeks ago. and even re banned some of them when the new release of the hack came out.

they currently have no working version of a bf2 hack as Pb have been owning them.

mooncricket wrote:

You would think they could download and reverse engineer those hacks that people have. But I guess that's too challenging.
indeed it is.

the hacks are streamed live to your computer from the hack sites servers when you want use them, thus eliminating the possibility of it being leaked.

go add nitro91 to your xfire and try it for yourself, he will tell you anything you want the dumb ass.
and again nitro proves how dumb he is. you just have to pretend your a vip on the cheat site.
RPK-74 Whore
No PB sucks.
RPK-74 Whore
I dont like PB, they dont seem to do alot.
The English
in all the hours i have played i have seen:


And no there is some website that wont be named that is PB prooft so they say, also there are the videos of them on ranked servers showing off there uber gay hacks.

So no the only punkbuster will work 100% is kicking you from servers will shitty error messages.
No, I've encountered 4 people using cheats this week only. Believe me I'm not making shit up, no reason to. I don't understand the fun of playing the game like that.
They are running away from you, you pop 2 m16 bursts which hit....they turn around and boom you're dead in one second, total bs...
Also, they seem to be running those things often on Iron Gator, because it's the laggiest map they probably think it doesn't show as clearly as on normal maps. Right...  I'm not playing this game since last week you know, it's quite obvious when someone is running something in the background.
PB need to get their act together if you ask me, these cheating idiots can completely destroy a great game.
Make love not war
If someones kicked with a shitty message its probably been done by the server admins, not PB, it's messages are pretty clear and give the hack they've been using. I saw plenty of people get kicked for hacks back in BF1942, haven't seen any yet in BF2 but take a look at the punksbusted ban list, theres quite a few on there, even more than they ever banned for BF1942!
http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/memb … icbans.cgi

I think PB are doing their job, but admittedly they could do it better (but then so could every other company you can possibly think of....). A bit of competition in the field would be interesting.
+41|6611|London, UK
I think they are fine. "Shitty" kick messages are admins. I just happen to know that after those emails PB got to work on "everyones favourite cheat site" but I dunno what the outcome of that is?

My only grumble is that they are slow, maybe a bit of competition would magically sped them up, as previously mentioned.
. . .
PB sucks. . . it is unnecessary and pure laziness on the part of EA/DICE by making a contract with PB, to do what they should already do.

Does PB do something? Sure - they actually BAN a LOT more people that you are aware of (a lot more than what is on the punksbusted list), but that is just a temp-solution.

You can hack a game because of just a (very) few reasons. Whatever is client side can be hacked. What is server side wouldn't make sense to hack - as anything hacked there would be universal and available to everyone.

To stop hacks EA/DICE would need to give the ENTER game source code to PB as part of their contract with PB, they don't remotely do this.

So hackers basically HACK either the 3-D interface: OPENGL or DIRECT-X.
They hack the some of the client-side game code: name-tags, health-value (how much a health a character has left), game coordinates (distance to enemy position, crap like that), commander console commands, etc.

To stop HACKERS/HACKING it is simple - you need to do the same thing they do. When you need sophistication then just do it (go NIKE!): poly-morphing code, unique instances of compiled code, .dll sub-function encrypted name-mangling, etc, and the like.

You can't access a function in the game code or 3-D interface: if you cannot access the sub-function found in the .exe (executable code) or .dll's (dynamic link code libraries) littering your system.

If the code-names in the library had bizarre mangled-names & those were uniquely compiled; in random order; including useless slag-code; then streamed to your computer, this would be faster than PB(!) scanning + the verify client crap, it would also eliminate the need for PB (& all laggy-ness associated to/with PB). As the code streamed to your computer would need to be analyzed (decompiled by a hacker & analyzed), and this is something that usually takes a couple days to a week or two; to code & test. This would be a pointless exercise for hackers; as each day unique 3-D interface code & game code would be streamed when you connect on-line. They could certainly hack the single player mode - so what. 

I think eventually game companies will begin to employ the same; or similar; techniques hackers use.
AKA: badhq
+937|6671|Derby, England

I honestly think PB are doing best they can. EA dos not supply PB with full game script there for PB can't do it's full job, ( as they only have limited info example)

If car is broken, mechanic would need2 know whats wrong with it before he can fix it, if the guy only knows limited stuff about that car he can only do so much.

It is not PB people should be moaning about it's EA suppling PB with script you guys should be moaning about.

As for hackers there will always be hackers out there, and you can do ether following

1. Sit on forums and moan about it.
2. Bite your lip and deal with it ( after all if you can beat hacker you will beat anyone in game. I personally look at them as challenge)
3. Find a another server.

I know it's not fear but.... what is this days fear?

Peace Boris
a fly
+105|6683|The netherlands

wachtler83 wrote:

just want to see how many people think Pb is doing their job

forgot who told me to delete last post but if i remember ill +1 you
NO, a good HACKER will go around it, I'm not talking about script kiddies, but the real shit....

Oslo it kicked me for having the bf2.exe changed to bf21.exe.... i still hate punkbuster for it.
All punkbuster is is a glorified language filter created by douchebags.
All punkbuster stops is the noobs who want to try hacking for the first time
AKA: badhq
+937|6671|Derby, England

JaMDuDe wrote:

All punkbuster stops is the noobs who want to try hacking for the first time
" Can you fix a car if you don't have any tools ? " No!

So how do you want PB to do it's job when EA never given them Full script? Like I posted above

I honestly think PB are doing best they can. EA dos not supply PB with full game script there for PB can't do it's full job, ( as they only have limited info example)

If car is broken, mechanic would need2 know whats wrong with it before he can fix it, if the guy only knows limited stuff about that car he can only do so much.

It is not PB people should be moaning about it's EA suppling PB with script you guys should be moaning about.

As for hackers there will always be hackers out there, and you can do ether following

1. Sit on forums and moan about it.
2. Bite your lip and deal with it ( after all if you can beat hacker you will beat anyone in game. I personally look at them as challenge)
3. Find a another server.

I know it's not fear but.... what is this days fear?

Peace Boris
Peace Boris

Last edited by badhq (2006-05-18 08:54:22)

Do I think PB could do a better job? Possibly. It already bans a ton of hacks out there, trust me, I've seen a list of 20 odd players banned for cheats for one Australian server alone.

Private hacks, not released to public, and used solely by one person, unless  they trust someone enough to let them have a copy, wont be picked up by PB. That's where PBSS come in. Only thing is, you need admins willing to put in the time to sort through the PBSS thats collected from the servers.

And dont forget that hacks like chams (xray), clay chams etc. arent engine based, they're directx hacks. Unless PB is coded to look for a specific version of it, it wont find it.

Do I believe cheats stream to your pc whilst you play? Nope. Do I believe the likes of those 'PB Proof' cheats really work? Not once they're released. Remember, EvenBalance is a small organisation, not an uber large one. I'm sure they do their best..
+101|6715|Southern California
Maybe nobody cheats....

I have seen those strange uncanny kills or survivals etc.. I have made some myself like a beyond visual range jet kill with my tank. Getting lucky happens and once or twice even a few times doesn't bug me much, I usually write it off to bad luck, but once in a great while someone gets my attention so I try to join their team and follow the suspect around..... lol  I have managed a few screen-shots for laughs but usually once the perp knows you are following them they leave.

a fly wrote:

wachtler83 wrote:

just want to see how many people think Pb is doing their job

forgot who told me to delete last post but if i remember ill +1 you
NO, a good HACKER will go around it, I'm not talking about script kiddies, but the real shit....

Oslo it kicked me for having the bf2.exe changed to bf21.exe.... i still hate punkbuster for it.
i also got kicked for deleting movies from bf2 folder wtf how did i cheat (wait took out ea and dice advertizing silly me)


I think you are wrong.  I am not sure what you do for a living, but if all you ever did was give your customers or your boss excuses, you would not have a business or a job for a long time.  People want results, not reasons why you can't produce results.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-05-19 05:18:16)

I was playing a round today on a server were people
did not trigger claymores,
survived standing directly on a grenade,
surive a direct arty hit whereas I right behind him die
tanks strangely aim at the opposite tank behind houses, and shoots as soon as in sight
(I was in the mounted and watched it)
the dao takes down a sniper over the SAME DISTANCE
I need 5 Knife strikes to the boot to kill a sniper

I'm atm getting fraps to record a whole round....
thats a ranked server and the worst experience I ever had online, I hope I get the same guys again as soon as frpas is installed.

I'm sorry but YOU FAILED

Last edited by Deadlift (2006-06-01 18:02:30)

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