Macbeth wrote:
What arguments do I adhere to?
Macbeth wrote:
The tea party was holding the whole thing up over a balanced budget amendment. Even if they had passed a balanced budget amendment it would not have gotten through the state legislators in time for the Aug. 2nd deadline.
You can't tell me they were being serious or going into this in good faith...
Macbeth wrote:
I'm not a Euro and I think the Tea party sucks cock. You can't blame the media for making the tea party out to be a collection of retards. They did and still do it to themselves.
Macbeth wrote:
I mean that they suck period. I'm not referring to just this incident or how they handle their PR. Their movement is shit. Completely.
It had nothing to do with PR and everything to do with the fact they are lead and stocked full of morons.
Macbeth wrote:
Every Tea party member I met is either a "Christian conservative" or a misinformed geriatric. Sometimes both. I have no faith in that movement and would like it if they went away.
Seriously. You read like a DNC talking point issuance, if a little rougher around the edges.
No mention of what the Dems did that "wasn't in good faith" (no-show POTUS, storming out of negotiations, threatening congressmen, no plan offered until the last minute but plenty of criticism for the opposition's plan, etc).
And the TP got their consideration of a balanced budget amendment (which I don't agree with, btw). They never demanded that it be legislated and voted on before the debt ceiling got raised.
This is that "single issue party" that Dilbert is convinced America needs to break out of that terrible (misnamed) "two-party system." they care about one thing and one thing only: fiscal responsibility.
Which is beside the point. There was goodness in what the TP members did, even if their methods left something to be desired. To even get the entrenched politicians to be arguing about the size of the cuts instead of the amount of increase in spending is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. But they're morons.