I actually partly agree with Jay on this one. I've never been a fan of "taxing the hell out of the rich" just for the sake of taxing them. As you touched upon, Jay, I believe in the government doing its best to create equal opportunity in the path to success, and by that I mean attempting to eliminate factors that you don't have control of - like, say, the wealth and success of your parents.
That is why I am against private schools, and want free state schools for everyone up to and including high school. That is why I want universities that are cheap, if not free, and a government handing out cheap loans, so that going to university, and where you are going, is
never a question of how much your parents earn, or how much your parents are willing to pay, or where they're willing to send you.
In addition to this, I also believe that there are a handful of services you should have the right to access, no matter who you are. An example of this is the access to medical help. I do not believe that you should be able to pay your way to better doctors, better facilities or pay to cut in front of others in the waiting line. So I'm against private hospitals.
And finally, there are some goods that I believe the government should sponsor/subsidize for the sake of 'the common good'. This can be environmental issues by subsidizing public transport and taxing fuel, for example.
There are a lot of things I want to be government-supported, and this obviously has to be paid for. I think that the taxes paying for this have to be based on how much you're able to pay, and that means higher percentages for the more wealthy. 50% is a lot more for someone on $40k pr. year than it is for someone on $1mill.
So yes, I'd tax the rich more and the poor less, but that is for the sake of equal
opportunity, rather than equal wealth. It is not an effort to drag down or punish the rich (which seems to be an idea that's far more prevalent in the UK), but rather building a common base to work from and supporting the society as a whole.
So yeah, there's my personal political philosophy in a nutshell, I guess. Off-topic? Nah.
Last edited by Jenspm (2011-07-29 07:04:58)