Then I suggest you shouldn't pay them that much. If you don't, then good for you. Someone else will get them, pay them millions, and profit from the investment. Thus, making the investment worthwhile. (Why is this so difficult to see? Do you thing that Pro sports clubs are charities that exist to give money away?)Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
First off, I don't agree with overpayed athlethes getting what they get.
And stockholders of the company in question, with a vested interest in seeing that company perform well. If the investment pays off, the company saves hundreds of millions, and yes, again, the investment is worth it. Such a simple would think.Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Also, your "they deserve it" agreement with compensation packages doesn't fly. Most of the boards of large companies that vote on pay and benefits packages are themselves executives of other companies.
Absolutely. That is what makes the system work. Nobody does anything if they don't benefit from it.Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Do you not see a self benefitting,
Bad analogy. For it to work, you would have to explain why the foxes live in the henhouse, and why you, who aren't even a chicken, even cares.Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
"Fox guarding the henhouse" problem with this scenario?
The only information I take away from that article (the source of which you really should share if you feel the need to post it here), is that some corporations have bad business practices. Stop the pressesAgent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Here is an example of exactly what I'm talking about. This article is a couple of years old, but that doesn't change the situation any...and this problem isn't just with the airlines, this is just one example.
What does that mean to me? Nothing unless my tax dollars go to prop up the companies when they fail. While I understand that is entirely possible, I have already made it clear that I am as opposed to corporate welfare as I am to any other type. As far as I can see, companies can do whatever they want internally as long as, a) it isn't illegal, and; b) They don't take my money to do it. Even if they do manage to get govenrment money, it isn't their 'fault' as such. It is the fault of the idiots we put into office, and the idiots who elect them. Once again, it comes back to the consumer.
Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 9 months ago)