Alabama passed a new immigration law back in May that is even stronger than Arizona's.
I pretty much agree with the authors criticism of the law.
Seems like Alabama is just being Alabama. But I could be wrong. Does anyone here actually approve of these laws and think other states should adopt similar laws? … st-in-u-s/* All business must check the legal immigration status of all workers using the E-Verify system
* Schools will be required to find out if all students are in the country legally (data is to be used for the purpose of “statistical analysis” rather than preventing students from enrolling)
* Permits police to arrest persons suspected of being an illegal alien if stopped for a different reason
* Makes it a crime for persons to knowingly give rides to illegal immigrants
* Makes it a crime for a landlord to knowingly rent property to an illegal immigrant
* Makes all contracts entered into by an illegal immigrant unenforceable
I pretty much agree with the authors criticism of the law.
Though it won't be a total economic disaster Alabama if they do manage to run out the 120,000 illegals in the nearly 5 million person state. It's not exactly going to improve state economic conditions if they force out most of their cheap labor. And considering how piss poor Alabama schools are I have a feeling giving administrators the responsibility of investigating student immigration is the wrong way to spend resources.However, I do feel that Alabama could accomplish its aims using much less restrictive means. In particular, the requirements for schools, landlords, and contract rights are questionable in my opinion. Rather than making national immigration policies more efficient, these requirements seem to exist only for the purpose of frustrating the immigrant population.
Seems like Alabama is just being Alabama. But I could be wrong. Does anyone here actually approve of these laws and think other states should adopt similar laws?