The PM has the power to call an election, there is absolutely no chance she's going to do that with her poll numbers as low as they are. Abbott's going to have to wait for the next sceduled election and by that time, to be honest, I hope he gets axed from the leadership.
Interesting meeting over the last two days of the state/territory/federal Attorneys General. An R18+ rating for video games finally on the cards. Interesting that Greg Smith, (NSW,) abstained although I think that's more because he's relatively new to the job. really though there's no excuse for not being up to date on this one, it's been dragging on for years.
Also, John Rau, (SA,) proves again that he doesn't have a clue. Good that he signed on to the in principle agreement but look at what he's proposing; introduce R18 but get rid of MA15+. Yeah I'm sure 17 year olds would love to be stuck playing games designed for twelve and thirteen year olds. At least he's not as bad as Michael Atkinson and his complete wall of denial that video games are a legitimate pastime but still, no clue whatsoever.
I like Simon Corbell at the moment, (ACT.) He's not fucking around on the matter, he's just saying 'look, it's about time games had the same rating system as any other media'. That's all anyone wants here, it's not that difficult. Also he acknowledges that Australia not having an R18 rating and banning some titles isn't actually stopping anyone who wants them and is mostly just hurting Australian retailers.
So we'l see how it goes. Brendan O'Connor seems pretty keen to get the matter completely sorted by the end of the year. Here's hoping.
Also, listened to Greg Hunt today on The National Interest alking about climate change policy. I've don't think I've ever heard the phrase 'Yes Minister, but my question was...' so often. Gave the impression that the Coalition only has a basic plan but has no idea how to actually work it. Don't get me wrong, it sounds great on paper and in media sound bites but there's no substance and no real throught to how it would work effectively without completely bankrupting the country. It's all very well to recommend incentives but look how that worked in NSW with the Solar Bonus Scheme which ironically was a Labor initiative. The new Coalition Government found that it sapped so much money from the state that it had to be cut and proved to be a massive headache for them.
Nothing else really going on, just more carbon price bitching. Yesterday it decended into name calling. Fucking Hell...