This may not be something that's easy to remember if you've played for a long time but any regular snipers recall their best scores without commanding or using armour, plane or helicopter (sorry bearz)?

Had one of those great games last night on a 64-player server that was only about half full - 2.6 K/D ratio and outscored a major, five lieutenants and a master sergeant - and was curious how it compares.
BR as a sniper? 64 player server 82-1 ><

Last edited by joker8baller (2006-05-17 00:59:39)

+50|7012|Southern California
i've gotten quite a few gold medals in full 64 person servers as a foot soldier. i think my best one probably was about 35 kills purely as a foot soldier with about 3 deaths.

that's not really representative though. mostly i get about 15 kills with 3 deaths.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Umm. -4?

Heh kidding. Has to be claymore/knife on karkand, i was trying to get either expert explosives or expert knife, got neither, but I ended with 37-6, and about 90 points. (Claymore FF off of course) Never took out the rifle once

polarbearz wrote:

Never took out the rifle once
omg. you're a marked bear now.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Ok fine I'll take it out and wave it around a little tonight k? Maybe even fire a few shots OMG! And MAAAAAAYBE just maybe at ENEMIES for once!
Mass Media Casualty

I had a couple of good rounds today.
On Karkand first as Sniper. Didn't get too many kills, (9,) but I didn't die once. I think that's pretty good since I had DAO weilding nutters after me and snipers wanting to get their justified revenge. Also it's Karkand, aka... uuuh... die-a-lot city? Nah that's a dumb one...

Also on Sharqi I performed my favourite Sniper tactic which is of course hiding somewhere and knocking the guys off the top of the TV tower. I got one guy, who had a clan tag but the majority of the name was Jazzetron or something, over twenty times. Medics just kept reviving him. I was pretty well hidden too, and far away so he didn't have a chance of hitting me. I was having such a good time I didn't even notice that the point I was hiding at had been taken over. Once I ran out of ammo and went to find a Support guy I turned the corner and who should I find but ol' Jazzetron. He had hung up his Sniper kit and gone for a more personal aproach - AT. He prompty emptied his SMG into me, re-loaded and then proceeded to do the same again to the dead body. I think he got his justified revenge. Fair enough, I can be fairly irritating.

Got a bloody good k:d ratio that time too.
[Blinking eyes thing]
just lay claymores everywhere and ur probably guarenteed 25 kills..
not my best round(still a decent round) to date but i was just on a wake server as USMC and went 30/0 sniping. towards the end the commander was just trying to drop arty on me so i would have at least one death.

edit: 40 slot wake server

Last edited by doxed (2006-05-17 06:17:32)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
89 as sniper only, was 43 kills and 5 deaths and a few defend points. was on a full 64 player sharqi.
90 on Wake Island with 64 players.  Capping/defending flags, claymore runs, sniping...everything sorta clicked.  Those kind of rounds are fun, even more fun when you find youreself in a good squad and you're utilizing your kit to the fullest.

Last edited by Herackles (2006-05-17 06:42:54)

44- 6 on a karkand server. MEC side claymoring the hell out of everyone. Gutting thing was that round i was one kill off of Expert Explosif's
+86|7054|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
183 as US 32 man server - about 20 people in it at the time
173 or so as MEC sniper only 32 man server - about 20 people in it at the time

I know this because they are both my BR as US and MEC

Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|7029|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Best score as a sniper was on Wake - 202 points (also my overall BRS) Got 80 or so kills, loads of assists and loads of flags defense/capture points. Just kept moving stealthily from point to point and laying claymores to cover the obvious points of approach. My commander realised i was his best chance of keeping the flags so he kept me happy with UAV's, Supply Crates and spotting, this meant that i knew when to move on to another flag or stay and defend for a few minutes. Think i probably bagged myself about 10 choppers during that round as well (M95 + flag capturing chopper = boom headshot)
Cool member

polarbearz wrote:

Umm. -4?

Heh kidding. Has to be claymore/knife on karkand, i was trying to get either expert explosives or expert knife, got neither, but I ended with 37-6, and about 90 points. (Claymore FF off of course) Never took out the rifle once
i did that when patch 1.21 was first released and the FF was taken off the claymores. thought to myself i wonder how well i could do with just placing claymores all over the place. walked away with about 22 kills and about 3 deaths and as you i never took our my rifle.


had a beast of a round once on sharqi. found myself a nice wee spot and no one seemed to find me for ages. once they did find me though, the commander had kindly placed a supply crate right on the edge of the bulding i was on, so i had a good supply of ammo and claymores to keep those pesky troops off my perch.

think that i got about 35 or so kills in about 3/4 of a round and not that many deaths.

Last edited by theDude5B (2006-05-17 07:10:44)

+32|6919|Sydney, Australia
best round was 78 on wake
Headshot Specialist
+104|7155|Woodland Hills, Ca

lol nuff said.

46 kills to 4 deaths.  Not a personal best but you gotta love getting Experts the REAL way!  No vehicles needed.
+17|7002|The Netherlands

tahadar wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Never took out the rifle once
omg. you're a marked bear now.
Yeh whahha
Copenhage master
hmmm almost 200hrs just as snipe alone in the past 6 i dont really remember my best overall game but most recent was about 2 weeks ago.....went 31-6....used the SR claymore/grenades/pistol or knife just my trust l96...was goin for my expert snipe so i just got in my spot on mashtuur where i can see most of the came down to the last like 10 min of the game and i had 4 kills to go so at this point im 31-0 then the damn enemy commander (who has had me locked in on the arty the whole game) finally gets me ...wasnt payin attention when it started firing im 31-1 now and theres like 5 min left in the game and i wasnt gonna come so close to gettin my expert then fail so i settled for running around droppin claymore and i died 5 more times tryin to that...then the round ended...i was so pissed.....but i got my expert later that night so its all good!!!
+41|7053|200m out and smiling at you.
90 was my best.... all rifle, although that was a long time ago... uhhh somewhere along the lines of like... 36 - 5 or 6...and some odd number of other things i did.
+917|6935|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Warlord 64 player map, spawn sniping at the security office............
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Well, I just had a round as USMC on Wake with 31 kills and 5 deaths. 4 of those were from the helicopter/plane at noncap spawns.

Sneaked behind enemy lines and started sniping people around the airfield. I died when I ran out of ammo for the sniper rifle..

I was getting headshots all over the place, good game.

Pity I didn't have the M95 equipped or I would have totally denied them the ability to use the planes and attack heli, although I did manage to take out quite a few of them who were trying to get to them..
One of those times when you wish you had an M95.
This was a good game too, didn't do it the easy way either.. sniper rifle and pistol for almost every single kill.
+312|6911|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
56-4 on a 32 player, crow wake 24/7
Mobile AA Whore
+1|7056|San Diego
25-0 in Mashturr City in a full 64 player map.  22 rifle + 1 clay + 2 pistol = 50 points + 8 kill assists + 1 revive + 1 ammo point = 61 pts.

I consider best rounds,  rounds when I achieve max number of kills without dying.

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