lol well I suppose if Michael Bay adhered to the rules of physics and "general reality" then he wouldn't have made a movie about giant robot warriors from another planet that transform into cars, huh?CapnNismo wrote:
So I saw the movie last night... better than the 2nd but still not great.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
* Michael Bay needs to learn that when you destroy something, that doesn't mean it's going to catch fire.
* Fire can't burn in space.
* You can't introduce in the third movie spitting and bleeding robots when the previous two haven't had any.
* Robots can't spit.
* Leonard Nimoy's robot saying the line "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." is cheesy. Don't do it.
* The writers of dialog of these movies should never be allowed to work in show business again.
* You can't name a Ferrari 458 transformer "Dino". The Dino was never a real Ferrari and doesn't even have any Ferrari badges on the original car but rather only Pininfarina and Dino badges.
* Wing suits can't stay in the air that long. They should have splattered across the ground a lot sooner.
* A planet larger than Earth appearing just outside the atmosphere? It would likely destroy Earth because of the larger gravitational effects. The same planet breaking up and its pieces falling on Earth? Yea, that's going to ruin the planet even more.
** Michael Bay needs to take a course in physics and general reality...
Entertaining but the dialog sequences were so cheesy. It's definitely better than the first two movies but not by much...
Level up. +1 Sarcasm skill points.Home wrote:
lol well I suppose if Michael Bay adhered to the rules of physics and "general reality" then he wouldn't have made a movie about giant robot warriors from another planet that transform into cars, huh?

Lol, How's that for putting your ridiculous nerd rant into perspective?Home wrote:
lol well I suppose if Michael Bay adhered to the rules of physics and "general reality" then he wouldn't have made a movie about giant robot warriors from another planet that transform into cars, huh?CapnNismo wrote:
So I saw the movie last night... better than the 2nd but still not great.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
* Michael Bay needs to learn that when you destroy something, that doesn't mean it's going to catch fire.
* Fire can't burn in space.
* You can't introduce in the third movie spitting and bleeding robots when the previous two haven't had any.
* Robots can't spit.
* Leonard Nimoy's robot saying the line "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." is cheesy. Don't do it.
* The writers of dialog of these movies should never be allowed to work in show business again.
* You can't name a Ferrari 458 transformer "Dino". The Dino was never a real Ferrari and doesn't even have any Ferrari badges on the original car but rather only Pininfarina and Dino badges.
* Wing suits can't stay in the air that long. They should have splattered across the ground a lot sooner.
* A planet larger than Earth appearing just outside the atmosphere? It would likely destroy Earth because of the larger gravitational effects. The same planet breaking up and its pieces falling on Earth? Yea, that's going to ruin the planet even more.
** Michael Bay needs to take a course in physics and general reality...
Entertaining but the dialog sequences were so cheesy. It's definitely better than the first two movies but not by much...
*I haven't seen this yet.
Dude, I'm saying that if the robots were possible (and there have been some theories that sentient races of robots are entirely possible).Home wrote:
lol well I suppose if Michael Bay adhered to the rules of physics and "general reality" then he wouldn't have made a movie about giant robot warriors from another planet that transform into cars, huh?CapnNismo wrote:
So I saw the movie last night... better than the 2nd but still not great.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
* Michael Bay needs to learn that when you destroy something, that doesn't mean it's going to catch fire.
* Fire can't burn in space.
* You can't introduce in the third movie spitting and bleeding robots when the previous two haven't had any.
* Robots can't spit.
* Leonard Nimoy's robot saying the line "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." is cheesy. Don't do it.
* The writers of dialog of these movies should never be allowed to work in show business again.
* You can't name a Ferrari 458 transformer "Dino". The Dino was never a real Ferrari and doesn't even have any Ferrari badges on the original car but rather only Pininfarina and Dino badges.
* Wing suits can't stay in the air that long. They should have splattered across the ground a lot sooner.
* A planet larger than Earth appearing just outside the atmosphere? It would likely destroy Earth because of the larger gravitational effects. The same planet breaking up and its pieces falling on Earth? Yea, that's going to ruin the planet even more.
** Michael Bay needs to take a course in physics and general reality...
Entertaining but the dialog sequences were so cheesy. It's definitely better than the first two movies but not by much...
Expecting Michael Bay to make sense and adhere to logic is like expecting War Man or -Sh1fty- to make sense and adhere to logic.
Aw cmon DS, I'm not that bad.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Stop calling me DS.
Stop mocking me. No? Tough luck on DS.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
shift playing hardball
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Hey DS, would you prefer DSL?