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- What was the #1 box office film on the week of your birth?

Top Gun parody. Lasted for 4 weeks as the box office #1.
only goes back to 1982. there goes half the forum.
13/f/taiwan wrote:
only goes back to 1982. there goes half the forum.
if you have children just do theirs.
Pulp Fiction
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

Lethal Weapon
i saw that in the theaterHurricane2k9 wrote:
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare for me. Fail.
Tu Stultus Es
An Officer and a Gentleman
Tu Stultus Es
Pretty Woman.
Rio Lobo
Click on 1982, then select the month/day range.13/f/taiwan wrote:
only goes back to 1982. there goes half the forum.
In the address bar change the year.
How far back it goes depends on the month/day selected.
Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2011-07-07 13:13:32)

closest to mine (sept 18) this came out july 4th 1963

you learn the true meaning of life when you see houses and cars blow by like leaves on a windy day.
Back to the Future Part III
The Fog
dick tracy
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
so how come nobody knows how to rehost anymore

Phatmatt wrote:
looks boring and stupid.
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- What was the #1 box office film on the week of your birth?