sorry you feel that way
the protein you ingest before/after your workout definitely gets used. Other than that you have to spread the intake throughout the day as much as possible.

The amount you can absorb depends on your body weight and the state of your muscles I believe.
inane little opines
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
you should try and space out your protein intake.
its not that big of a deal really though, I get maybe 60% of mine within about 2 hours.
the common belief is that its about 0.8-1g of protein/ pound of body mass. it can very lenient though, like I'm only 170lbs, but I get about 215g of protein a day.

tl;dr its not that big of a deal as long as your hitting your macros

Last edited by Stimey (2011-07-04 13:22:50)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
It depends if you want to build muscle or just eat well whilst exercising.

I have 40g of protein in my shake after a workout. From what I've seen it appears 30-40g post workout is the norm.

If I were you I wouldn't stress it too much 11B. Only thing that could be recommended there is like these guys said, to space it out a little more throughout the day, but if that's not possible don't worry about it.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-07-04 13:54:14)

starting out slow tomorrow.
Bench pres
Ab exercises

ab exercises

Will probably do like 75% of the weight on exercises that go well and even less weight with the exercises that hurt.
So i'll probably do skullscrushers with just the bar, doing ohp, bench press and curls a little under 75%.

Got to start out slow and not rush it this time.
Maybe i need to find a more ergonomical way to sit behind my pc as well, because i always lean pretty wide with my elbows on my hard plastic arm rests, which doesnt really help.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Have you read up in Starting Strength the correct forms for both BP and OHP?

It helped me quite a lot in my lifting, and to realise how I had been putting added stress to my shoulders through incorrect form.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
anyone ever try a dumbbell single arm bench press?  thought my chest was gonna explode lol.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Nah I've never tried it. Been using the BB for the past few months.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
give it a go once and a while
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

11 Bravo wrote:

how much protein can your body absorb in any given day?  i ask because i got some protein powder from gnc and one serving is 60 grams.  i chop that down a bit because its not exactly cheap.  i have one scoop with water before my workout, then one afterwards.  on my cardio days i just use one scoop.  i also eat chicken and beans during the day for protein also.  im not on a low carb high protein diet by any means. 

so it seems i am getting most of my protein in about a 4 hour block of the day.  can your body use all that protein or does it store it and use it when needed?  or is it just wasted?
Hey, I've been talking to the guy who wrote A Workout Routine and he put me onto another site he wrote called The Best Diet Plan. I think you'll get most if not all your diet related questions answered. Worth a look, I'm learning a lot right now.

Once you do that you can then use the home page which is and search the USDA database to find the nutritional information on HEAPS of different foods to tailor your diet the way you want.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
cool site.  found some neat stuff.  but, 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight?  nuts!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah that's the norm recommended pretty much everywhere when it comes to nutrition. If you just want to maintain health you could go a little under. But eating more protein helps keep you full for longer so you are less likely to eat more stuff you shouldn't.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
well i am nowhere near that and i dont eat shit food (except one day a week).  i dunno.  maybe some extra chicken or something.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah it's not too hard really. Might just mean a protein bar/shake or some chicken with some salad you might already be eating.
I took protein. I pooped myself. I stopped taking protein.
So i probably wont be able to lift for quite some time (Im talking lots of weeks here).
What do i do diet-wise? Should i keep taking whey? Do i need my calorie exces?
because im not sure gaining would be wise, because i wont be using all that protein, because i wont be lifting.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Read that guide above, it should put your mind at ease. It's all just common sense stuff.
what guide? Theres like 3 links in that posts (if thats the one you mean)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
This one -

Basically you want to maintain your protein intake to be sufficient to be as if you were trying to build muscle (so around 1 - 1.5g per lb of bodyweight) and aim to eat every day to maintenance level of cals. Surplus will likely make you put on a bit of fat and deficit will help you lose fat but if no workout is present perhaps also some muscle loss.

Also, make sure you take fish oil every day, there's a page on it in the guide that explains of the benefits, one of which is calorie partitioning.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-07-08 18:10:10)

okey cool. Thanks.

I might go running 3 times a week since i dont have anything else to do and i really feel like exercising.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
There aren't any lighter forms of lifting you could do in the mean time?
probably not
The motion with just the bar already hurts and i feel that bodyweight exercises wont do me any good either, as they might put unnecessary stress on the joint.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Damn, that really sucks. Hopefully you heal up sooner than you expect.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

I took protein. I pooped myself. I stopped taking protein.
i ate taco bell.  i pooped myself.  still eat taco bell.

nobody likes a quitter, teddy
0:49. Gayer exercise than  two man donkey calf raises

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