Jaekus wrote:
lowing wrote:
Jaekus wrote:
My question was asking what happens to someone who fails a test, and if there are measures to help them get off drugs and into the workforce, rather than mere cessation of their benefits. Which only steers them to become part of a different system - the judicial one.
Which it was answered with "yes".
Why would your concern for them go beyond their concern for themselves? So what if they wind up in the judicial system, plenty of workers in the industry that need a job as well. You act as if, it is such a CHALLENGE in life to stay off of drugs and be a productive member of society. NO tax payer money should be spent on them if they are on drugs not for rehab or for welfare. Get clean first on your own accord, then come back and see us.
If the systems are in place is it not better for society to turn someone into a productive member than merely another statistic? According to you, it is not.
Indeed, by your own argument there are plenty of people who get jobs in the welfare system too. Difference is per capita it costs the tax payer less money and has a more productive outcome. This isn't about babying people, this is showing them clear cut options with consequences they have to live with as a result of their actions. With the right support they can do it themselves, for themselves, but deterents must be put into place as a result, a bit of "tough love" for want of a better term. But seeing as it's easier for you to take the moral high ground and remain ignorant, well, I don't care.
I merely asked questions to get facts. How do you make these assumptions of my purported actions? Actually, I don't want to know, more bullshit from you will ensue.
Society doesn't turn anyone into a statistic, people, by their own decisions do that. If you do not want to be a stat, then make better decisions for yourself. First thing you have to do is stop pretending like people do not have choice but to do drugs.
If you think you have to "SHOW PEOPLE" a better way other than drugs, then it is babying people you are talking about.
How is this for a deterrent, if you decide to purposely fuck your life up, and go out of your way to do it, you are on your own?
It has nothing to do with morality, I am not judging the morality of anyone's decisions, in fact I say knock yourself out. not wanting to get involved or spend my money dragging your sorry ass through society bogging me down in the process has nothing to do with morality. It is, like a drug addict, a choice.
Last edited by lowing (2011-07-03 05:22:45)