+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
My name is 13Knives, and i fight knife, claymore, and grenade only. There are some bugs in my stats, i.e. my claymore going off and killing the guy in the mounted machinegun, and it counting as a mounted gun kill....but whatever. Why fight this way? The challenge. It started as a quest for expert knife on my first account. Total immersion was suggested, and is suggested to any of you who need expert. Put down your guns until you get it. This is the only way you will ever get good enough with the knife. I did not get expert in a knife/pistol server, and with some patience and skill you won't have to statpad to get yours. I will probably pick up my rifle again someday, after i am bored with even this.....I hope this helps some of the more frustrated. I will probably regret giving up the info on my techniques....

This is a short guide on Knife Fighting.

1. Be patient.
    If you choose to knife fight, assume you will be the only one.
    Most people will NOT pull their knife when they see yours. Some will, tho.
    There a few people out there with a sense of honor. It is not against the ROE for
    individuals to fight knife only, but it is CHEATING if everybody knife fights.

2. Be squad leader.

3. Watch the UAV.
    As squad leader, you can ask for it as many times as you wish.
    Zoom in the mini-map so you can see which way they are facing.
    Then either suprise them, stalk them, or lay claymores if greatly outnumbered.

4. Be alert.
    A crucial part of being a knifefighter, is looking and listening.
    Spot them with your scope, then hunt them.
    If you lose sight of them, go to their last seen location, and visually sweep
    the environment while listening for footsteps or gun fire.
    A creative X-Fi soundcard and 5.1 speakers are an absolutely integral
    part of my own personal strategy.

5. Know the map you are playing, inside and out.
    Every street, every hole in the wall, every bush.
    (a note on vegetation: not everybody sees all the lush bushes and shrubs!
    if the guy you are trying to bait into your claymores has his graphics on low,
    or doesn't have a pimp rig, his vid card is not rendering all the bushes!
    leaving your claymore out in the open and easily avoidable. On all settings,
    some bushes are always there, as are all trees. Example: the two bushes
    at the hotel flag on Karkand, or the bushes at the Square)

6. Be as sneaky as possible.
    None of the above information is of any use if your targets spot you.


7. Learn to use the environment to your advantage.
    This has alot to do with #5. Use cover whenever possible.
    Stepping behind a pole, tree, bush, dumpster, etc.. can not only help
    you dodge enemy fire, but also makes the enemy lose sight of you,
    disrupting aim and causing confusion. Let an enemy see you, duck back
    behind the building, drop a claymore or wait and stab him.
    If going for knife badges, use grenades at attention getters for the afore-
    mentioned strategy. 9 out of 10 people will chase you just for the sake
    of getting a kill. Give them what they do not expect. An important part of the surprise
    is looking for his shadow. Use your enemy's shadow and footsteps against him.

8. Use your sprint VERY wisely.
    When stalking your prey, make sure not to run out of sprint at the wrong
    moment. Nothing kills you faster than running out of sprint when crossing
    a wide open area.

9. Do not be afraid to die.
    Last but not least, maybe the most important. Having a great deal to do
    with the cardinal rule of knifefighting: patience. Most people are K/D ratio
    snobs, and are afraid to take a hit to the numbers. You will die many times
    trying for expert knife, this i guarantee you. Try and stick to the knife
    as much as possible, no matter how tempting it is to lob a nade over a fence
    and get 3 kills, rush through the hole in the fence and stab as many as you can.
    Chances are, you'll get 1 out of the 3. One of the guys will start shooting like
    a madman and kill the 2nd guy, leaving you with a knife kill, and him with a TK.

10. Configure your mouse buttons to best serve your style. I use a fUnc industries
      1030 archetype mousepad, and a logitech MX518 mouse. Middle mouse button is grenade.
      The 2 thumb buttons are set for knife, and claymore.

In my opinion, city maps are the best for knifing. Karkand, Sharqi and Mastuur City are my favorites. One last note, this guide has been written for the sniper kit, only. The rifle's scope and the claymore are a part of my own strategy, slight adjustments will have to be worked out by the knifer if he wishes to play different kits. I would be curious to hear reports from a knife/flashbang fighter.....


I try to keep my blade wet with blood
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
The first true Sniper.
+95|6786|Cumberland, MD, USA
Good guide. It's always a handy backup weapon: unlimited ammo, 1 hit kills, silent. Always embarassing to get killed with a knife too.

Edit: Fighting with a knife really shows how good of a stalker you are. It takes some definite skill and knowledge to pull off a nice round of knife kills. My suggestion, use the map to your advantage. Get on top of short buildings and jump down behind them for easy kills.

Last edited by InviSniper (2006-05-16 15:39:40)

+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
Don't even get me started.....i get accused of hacking everyday.....or at least verbally abused....lol. People get real mad when you dodge a full Scarl-L clip, watch him switch to a pistol he forgot to reload, and then stab him in the face. Upon further reflection, i play this way for the simple reason that you have to work for your kills, and the resulting kills are much more rewarding.
As further comments I'd add the following:

If going for a Knife badge: play with your knife out.  If you're wielding a knife, you're thinking "knife".  For many, there's a psychological advantage as far as thinking strategically about knife kills when keeping the knife out.  You also don't have to worry about fumbling the weapon switch when that sweet kill presents itself.  As an added bonus, your enemy might be panic at the sight of you holding a knife.  I've had several times where I came at people and they paniced, shot and missed wildly, only to die to my knife.  The funniest was when I guy backed away from me and right into my clay

Besides knowing the map, know the common troop movements.  It can greatly help determine hiding spots when unsure.  This includes knowing Sniper spots and other common camping locations.  Just knowing some of these spots is likely to net you enough for a Basic or Vet badge and get you the 100 needed for a run at Expert.

Watch for ways to get behind enemy positions.  If you can take a bit of a long way around to get behind an enemy CP or just a spot where they're camping, you'll put yourself in a good position to nail a few baddies real quick.

If possible, watch your kills in a hiding spot and see if they call for a Medic.  Killing the Medics can lead to an additional kill, perhaps two if they revive the person as well. 

In addition to the maps mentioned, I'd add Warlord for those that have SF.  I've made a number of Knife and Pistol kills on Warlord while going for Expert Explosives.  There's several spots that just lend themselves to Knife kills, particularly in the Palace.  There's also plenty of Sniper camping.  Along with your zipline, you can get in pretty quickly for a kill.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6834|NAS Jacksonville, Florida

13Knives wrote:

There a few people out there with a sense of honor.
Those people are the best. It just sucks when you're in the middle of the knife fight, and you get some asshole from their team or your team to come and ruin it.
Ive been putting this EXPERT badge off for ages,as ive been trying hard for a few weeks now to repair my terrible KD ratio (from my early noob days..),but im gonna bite the bullet (pardon the pun) and go for this sucker tonight...wish me luck...lol.
oh and good guide to,wd...)
+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
Best of luck to you....although, you'll need patience more than luck!
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6882|Norcal, usa
i have a sort of a problem

sometimes when i use the knife, i see the dust coming from the guy and i hear the fleshy sound, but he doesn't die... so it isn't necessarily one hit kill, right?
+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
Indeed the knife is a one hit, one kill weapon. Among other bugs you will experience while knife fighting is killing someone when they seem to be too far away. This gets me accused of hacking the most.
Great guide dude .. I actually might setup an account just for that too!!
+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
Like i said....started off as a previous effort for expert. I was given the ancient mysteries by the KnifeDudes clan. Their server is down now....there was controversy over the clan name. They weren't a knife only server, but their name attracted many idiots. A few of 'em are still around, tho. I said to myself: "Ok....i'll fight knife only for a week, and try and get expert." I became quite good at it.....really what got me hooked, was the challenge. 99% of people aren't patient enough to play this way. After expert knife, i wanted to see if i could get expert sniper without using a rifle or pistol. Yup. Got it. Was a hell of a challenge, i'll say. I had 13 or 14 stabs that night, but the rest was nade and claymore. Oddly enough, i didn't recieve the award ingame until kill number 43. Now, that was frustrating! 35....35....37...argh....38....39....ARGH!....40....41....WTF?!.....42.....43....spilled tea standing up real quick and shouting over ventrilo at Skinnister....lol.....i'm a dork, i know. But i'm a dork with a real sharp knife.

I like knifing too, I should make a knife only account...
+85|6894|good old CA
nice knife guide, i love knifing now
Raiders of the Lost Bear

One thing i find REALLY important tho, is knowing when to quit and now just stabbing away wildly with your knife. If the guy sprints away from you and is all ready to put lead in you, take out your gun and shoot him to hell. Live to fight another day.
oh hai :D
+156|6793|The Netherlands
Your stats say that you play alot on knife only servers.. i could be wrong
Press 1 to Kill
+81|6796|Westminster, Colorado

13Knives wrote:

Like i said....started off as a previous effort for expert. I was given the ancient mysteries by the KnifeDudes clan. Their server is down now....there was controversy over the clan name. They weren't a knife only server, but their name attracted many idiots. A few of 'em are still around, tho. I said to myself: "Ok....i'll fight knife only for a week, and try and get expert." I became quite good at it.....really what got me hooked, was the challenge. 99% of people aren't patient enough to play this way. After expert knife, i wanted to see if i could get expert sniper without using a rifle or pistol. Yup. Got it. Was a hell of a challenge, i'll say. I had 13 or 14 stabs that night, but the rest was nade and claymore. Oddly enough, i didn't recieve the award ingame until kill number 43. Now, that was frustrating! 35....35....37...argh....38....39....ARGH!....40....41....WTF?!.....42.....43....spilled tea standing up real quick and shouting over ventrilo at Skinnister....lol.....i'm a dork, i know. But i'm a dork with a real sharp knife.
Nice to see ya on the forums knives!  Nice to see you doing well with what I tought ya.  These darn awards keep getting in the way of me returning to the knife playing style.  I got 5 in about 10 secs the other night, but right now I am going for the 500 pistol kills. 

Nice guide btw.

terrafirma  AKA =]kd== the_anemone

Also, I'd like to thank EA for banning our server since we called it KnifeDudes Clan server.
+22|6806|England, UK
Nice guid man, +1.

Me owns knife i like to think ^^
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6815|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Nice Knife guide, thanks. Best I've ever seen was a fella on Karkand who would go from prone horizontal to jumping up, going prone then stabbing me. I couldnt kill him and in the end all I could counter the sneaky fecker with was to drop nades and blow us both up. He must of been out with a Knife most nights because he was as good as anyone else on foot that night. He was just jumping round horizontal stabbing people lying down in mid air, if that makes sence. It was a while back, perhaps the bunny hop/dolphin dive ruined his technique.

He was good, I havent gone back to find out.
+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
Anemone!! Bro! Where are you guys?! I suppose i could wander over to yer site....hey man, good to hear from you. Glad to see yer still keepin the faith! After the whole name controversy, i wasn't sure if i'd see y'all again. Don't listen to me, boys! Terrafirma's the guy that wrote the book on knifing! Yer all in the presence of a master, get out the band-aids! You'll need 'em!

Last edited by 13Knives (2006-05-17 13:32:28)

+7|6734|Mountains of VT!
I guess i'll drop by the site and drop ya a line, then!

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