I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So yesterday I did my workout and it felt like I've gone backward almost. Added 2.5kg to my DL and could only seem to manage 8-6-5 reps.
Presses went 8-8-6, assisted pull ups were good but then BB curls were the same weight as last time but felt harder. And same with my ab sets at the end.

Anyone else experienced something like this before?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
I'm always surprised by the number of people on here who are in to hardcore lifting / bodybuilding.

Another nice workout today, I should probably start using a different machine though. Might try the rowing machine...
I only call someone a bodybuilder when they do it competatively.
So i dont think theres that many here.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
Eh, a rose by any other name...
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

I only call someone a bodybuilder when they do it competatively.
So i dont think theres that many here.
Fuck why are my elbows so fucking weak.
If i miss 1 workout they instantly begin to feel sore again and I'm afraid that i might get injured again.
Most demotivating feeling ive ever had, to know that working out will only force me to stop again. I knew when i started that i wanst built for this, but that shouldnt stop me from trying, but right now it almost has.

Its not my form, its not my regime its just me having elbows like sh1fty.
I just went for a workout, but stopped at the start because my elbows are just acting up again and i don't want to bench press with it.

You know that feeling when your finger feels a little weird when you bend it and a bit stiff, but once you crack it (or if it cracks on its own) it feel all right again?
That's what my elbows feel like, problem is, they don't crack and feel okay again, because it feels like they need to be cracked in the opposite direction of the joint and then it would feel okay again. problem of course is, that i cant crack it that way, because it would involve breaking my arm. So my elbow constantly feels weird and stiff and a bit sore.

Shit thing is, doctor didn't know what it was and she didn't know shit about lifting. There isn't a pill, ointment or even a stupid brace for it (or at least, the doctor didn't give me any of those)

I'm just stuck at this point with my lifts that i cant seem to get past without fucking up my elbows and i have been for quite some time now.

I just want this shit to stop because its forcing me to stop progressing and even lifting completely.

+572|6820|BC, Canada
Well, got back in the gym for the first time since the fall, my shoulder is gonna take some work.
+2,187|6729|Mountains of NC

low magnesium, perhaps
could be. I have been taking fish oil for it, but maybe i need to switch to the more joint focused shit.
I have some magnesium, so how much should i use?
+2,187|6729|Mountains of NC

best to use the pills and follow the directions

wife uses the cream and its about 1 tbs behind knees and inside of elbows
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Maybe try to see a sports physician, you would expect them to know a lot about lifting etc.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Also, I have a question re: cutting.

When you're cutting (ie. caloric deficit) is it still possible to make strength gains? Like, if I were doing a 5x5 routine for example. Or do I still need to be in caloric excess in order to build strength?

And another question, I've been doing this workout:

Workout A

Bench Press
Tri Extensions
Calf Raises

Workout B

Overhead Press
I'm starting to find the DL really hard to do 3x8, but still managed it last workout. Should I reduce it to two sets, or just push through as best I can?
Dont alter the sets, just stop increasing the weight until you feel comfortable doing so again.
And well, you could try to make strength gains when cutting, but it will be harder since youre not at your strongest. But i wouldnt do a 5x5 program when cutting, you dont burn enough when you do those. A good split with super- and dropsets is way more efficient when cutting. Also cardio.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Cool, so if I were to stick to the same routine as above should I perhaps drop the weight a bit and do 3x10, and cardio on my off days?
You could also do cardio after the lifting, but off days is fine too.
3x10 would be fine i think, although im not a huge fan doing more than 5 reps with DL (so a 5x5 or 4x5 would still be okey in a split with DL)

Do you have a cardio exercise in mind?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I think you're meant to do all exercises with the same reps to keep it all consistent. But 3x8 DL is pretty hard.

I've got a stationary bike and a skipping rope so either of those. Probably mix it up between the two.
Biking just doesnt do it for me. I just dont get that tired of it since i bike almost every day. Jumpin rope is okay though, although HIIT (running) is still one of the best forms of cardio when cutting.

And the set thing, well, i believe that DL is an exception. Afaik you can do it 5x5 even in a split, proabaly because its such a heavy exercise.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I don't really want to run as I prefer to do it all at home. Jumping rope is pretty hard, and a bit frustrating lol.
so i got these calcium, magnesium and zinc tablets. Pretty neat to have all 3 in one tablet.
Im gonna be taking those from now on and i'll start lifting again after next week. Ill have to lower each lift....  AGAIN. And i can only hope that once i reach the point were im at now...  AGAIN, that my elbow will be fine.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Jaekus wrote:

I don't really want to run as I prefer to do it all at home. Jumping rope is pretty hard, and a bit frustrating lol.
How long have you tried jumping rope for it takes a bit of practice. Took me about two weeks to get pretty god.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Just a minute at a time as a warm up.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
You can keep a good rhythm going though right?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Not particularly. And I'm on a bit of a slope on the grass.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
You have to just keep trying is there nowhere flat you don't need too much space to skip I can do it indoors. Key thing is timing your jump and staying on your toes or balls of your feet and not really bending your knees.

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