I would like to have the option to "cook" the nade before you throw it.

Cooking a nade is one of the things to do to surprise your enemy. When you cook a nade you are pulling the pin and holding the live grenade in your hand for a few seconds before you throw it . This would give the enemy less time to run like a gazelle away form the exploding ordnance. The sound of the nade being primed could be a drawback though.

Another thought about Claymores.

It would be nice to have the option to have your claymore go off by means of a clacker (a hand held detonator device like special ops c4) aswel as the standard motion detection (or trip wire for that matter) .  The clacker would be beneficial in an ambush situation for example a liniar ambush where you want to open fire in the middle of the convoy or patrol to unleash maximum damage on the enemy.

I am not to sure if the claymores in the game have a killing arc or just explode and have a 360 degree blast radius(like C4). It would be good if the primary blast pattern of a claymore had an arc of 180 degrees wide and have a kill zone in a pie-shaped wedge of 60 degrees. This would make the claymore more like the real thing and give the player more thought on the positioning.

Post away and tell me your thoughts on the above matters.

I hope I have not created any duplicated topics.


Last edited by ghostdogfitton (2005-10-26 05:44:56)

Cookie Monster
+0|7061|Shaw AFB
I would agree with you on the claymore.  I would also like to see the C4 have a timer option.
Crazy has a mind of its own
I agree with you that it would be nice to be able to cook grenades. Drawbacks are: might make them too powerful, also could result in many unintentional TKs. Other than that, there's dozens of situations I wish I could cook the nades in, especially karkand.

As for the clacker thing, just so I understand it, it would have an option where the motion detector would be disabled, and it would just work off a detonator like the C4? Except maybe a farther, more directional blast than C4, which only results in infantry damage. I would love to be able to set that up in city maps. Place them, then run way out of range, use your sniper scope to see when they get close, then boom! I could see how with a detonator you could get more kills, cause instead of it nailing the 1st guy who comes by, you can hold off, wait till there's more enemies and get them all. Aditionally it would avoid a lot of unintentional TKs. Would be a beautiful thing at a flag.

Would be neat too, although unrealistic, if you could toggle it back and forth from motion activiated to detonator activated.
Cookie Monster :
The C4 timer would be a useful option to have. If you had successfully laid  timed explosives (e.g. set for 8 seconds) on an enemy tank and had no time to detonate before being contacted and killed by a sniper you would still get the tank kill (as long as the tank crew don't see you planting c4 and manage to escape before detonation).

You would have a choice when you lay the c4 to either activate by a detonator or timer.

Yeah that’s exactly what I mean. Having a configuration Claymores, a directional fragmentation mine (as described above) set up on pathways or streets like Karkand could potentially take out a whole squad. I suppose you could use c4 to do the job in some cases but with a directional claymore you and your squad members can hide fairly close behind the device (away from the  killing zones) in the prone position laying down suppressive fire as well as one of the squad simultaneously detonates the claymores. 

Having a toggle option on the detonator once you have laid the claymore would have it's advantages. Like you said though it's unrealistic unless the detonator was a wireless device that could relay information back to the claymore at the hit of a button and change it's mode to either motion or clacker.

Last edited by ghostdogfitton (2005-10-26 09:52:52)

Here is diagram of the blast pattern of an M18 Claymore.
+66|7136|Missoula, MT
They have missles? 
You are a silly goose. 

For those less silly, flying  shrapnel is also often referred to as missiles, lol
  They mean stray objects like the claymore casing or ground debris I believe.

This is taken of a site about the m18 claymore:
The M18 Claymore, a directional fragmentation mine, is 8-1/2 inches long, 1-3/8 inches wide, 3-1/4 inches high, and weighs 3-1/2 pounds. The mine contains 700 steel spheres (10.5 grains) and 1-1/2 pound layer of composition C-4 explosive and is initiated by a No. 2 electric blasting cap. The M18 command-detonated mine may be employed with obstacles or on the approaches, forward edges, flanks and rear edges of protective minefields as close-in protection against a dismounted Infantry attack.

CMDR_Dave wrote:

They have missles? 
Hehe, I think the Armed forces uses to term "missle" for any flying object.
+2|7091|Eastern PA
Only an idiot "cooks" a grenade - this is more Hollywood screenwriter / video game designer fantasy BS . . .

I can see having that "feature" as long as it reflects the "real world" fact that a 5 second fuse is an approximation, and doesn't always burn for a full 5 seconds - that way, everybody that thinks this is "cool" can risk the completely random probability of a short fuse.
Crazy has a mind of its own

BF2dude wrote:

CMDR_Dave wrote:

They have missles? 
Hehe, I think the Armed forces uses to term "missle" for any flying object.
Just to be obnoxious: … va=missile

Main Entry:    2missile
Function:    noun
: an object (as a weapon) thrown or projected usually so as to strike something at a distance <stones, artillery shells, bullets, and rockets are missiles>: as a : GUIDED MISSILE b : BALLISTIC MISSILE

Last edited by Dizazter (2005-10-26 12:05:14)

T1mbrwOlf, you are incorrect. When breaching an MG nest or bunker with a port hole, you cook off the grenade for 3 seconds before throwing it in, that way they can`t throw it back out. It would be awesome if we could cook off a grenade, maybe even air burst them for the full effect.

C4 with a 8 second fuse and pull detonater (to light the fuse) would be a sweet option. Then the tank is disabled, and let the driver freak out about whether it was on the remote or the time delay.

When I was in basic with the Army, we lett off some calymores. Very loud, Extremely messy within the first 50 meters, and only slightly less so out to 100 meters. I remember the clackers well; plug in wire, remove safety bail, "I see the light, I see the light, I see the light!" Any one who has set one off will probably get that.

Last edited by Donnyboy (2005-10-28 10:04:23)

Crazy has a mind of its own

T1mbrW0lf wrote:

Only an idiot "cooks" a grenade - this is more Hollywood screenwriter / video game designer fantasy BS . . .

I can see having that "feature" as long as it reflects the "real world" fact that a 5 second fuse is an approximation, and doesn't always burn for a full 5 seconds - that way, everybody that thinks this is "cool" can risk the completely random probability of a short fuse.
Um, kinda like the real world features of flying by an aircraft carrier and getting your plane repaired and rearmed, a support soldier with magically unlimited ammo bags, medics with shock paddles who bring soldiers back to life who would have normally been blown to pieces, magically being bringing youself back to life and (respawning) manifesting yourself at a base nearest to the enemy?

Real world is only meant as a guide line for video games. Fun factor is the true bible to go by.
Crazy has a mind of its own
OH...just thought of an idea that actually relates to the topic. How about a kit option, anti vehicle grenades that have 1/4 the radius of a standard grenade, but do 2X damage to vehicles.
Cooking grenades would make them too powerful.  They would become the next grenade launcher, only around corners too.  Good idea, but not for this game in my opinion.  This game should focus more on gun combat, as it currently does, than explosives.  Just my views.

I DO like one idea however - to turn claymores on and off.  I don't want a timer or explosive detonation button - again, if you want that, play as C4 - but the option to turn claymores on and off would be greatly appreciated and wouldn't disrupt gameplay (unless you count reducing TK's as "disrupting gameplay").

Timers, again, they would make it so that as soon as the C4 guy places the charge it will always detonate.  It would mean that all someone would have to do is run up to a tank and throw the C4 without worrying about dying.  I think forcing the spec ops players to get away (in most cases) and detonate their C4 adds a level of strategy to the game instead of just "throw and die" like timed charges would be.  Fair idea, but again, not for this game in my opinion.

Dizazter - again, you are reducing the need for Anti-Tank at that point.

Bottom line is that each class is balanced, ALMOST perfectly.  I think every offensive weapon should stay the same, and I really only support the ability to turn claymores on and off because they allow for reduction of TK's while giving no real tactical advantage over TK reduction.  About timed/remote detonated claymores/mines/C4, if you time it, it could turn into a situation where no one even tries to get out of the way, they just throw C4 everywhere knowing it will detonate even if they die as opposed to planning to get out of the way and not getting shot at so you can detonate it.  If you remote detonate Claymores/Mines, you have thereby created a class that renders one main purpose of spec ops obsolete, to an extent.  If you make anti-vehicle grenades?  You render a purpose of the Anti-Tank obsolete.

Maybe in very small amounts could these work and still keep the game and the kits balanced.  However, I really only like the turn claymores on/off one.  Just my thoughts.
+2|7091|Eastern PA

Donnyboy wrote:

T1mbrwOlf, you are incorrent. When breaching an MG nest or bunker with a port hole, you cook off the grenade for 3 seconds before throwing it in, that way they can throw it back out. It would be awesome if we could cook off a grenade, maybe even air burst them for the full effect.
I assume you meant to say "can't throw it out" . . .

I know a couple of Veterans (WW II and Vietnam) that both think that whomever taught you that practice was OK was highly irresponsible - and for precisely the reason I mentioned. Even current grenades can have their fuse duration affected by humidity, temperature, and exposure. The fuse is guarenteed to make it explode, but it's not a precision timer that's reliable enough to bet your arm or life on.

Dizaster: Please save the pedantic, condecending analogies for the newcomers to BF2.

I personally think it would provide considerable amusement within the game to have people use the "tactic" successfully a few times, only to TK their whole Squad the next time they tried it . . .
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

so? just have BF2 get a random int between say, 3 and 6 seconds upon which the grenade will explode.

but right clicking seems to cook the grenade. and by cook i mean take out the fuse.
Cooking nades may be highly irresponsible and inconsistent due to humidity, temperature, and exposure. You should still have a choice to do this if required. There must have been Veterans in extreme situations that had no choice but to perform this potentially suicidal act.

If I was using timed c4 I would try my best not to get killed and I would ensure that the detonation time was sufficient to get me the hell out of there!

I don't believe in throw and die I would believe in Throw and forget then get on with the current orders. There will always be an advantage and disadvantage to c4 planting either by means of timed or self detonated.

TK reduction with regard to explosives is simple keep away from red skulls.

DrDestruction wrote:

If you remote detonate Claymores/Mines, you have thereby created a class that renders one main purpose of spec ops obsolete, to an extent.
I don't think this is true because, you could use c4 to do the job in some cases but with a directional claymore you and your squad members can hide fairly close behind the device (In a form of linear ambush away from the blast radius) in the prone position laying down suppressive fire as well as one of the squad simultaneously detonating the claymores once the squad leader gives the order.

I would also say that Claymores would primarily be use to take down infantry, trucks, buggies and jeeps. I would say a claymore is an anti-personnel device. Now c4 on the other hand can be used for all vehicles and all armored vehicles & aircraft as it yields more bang than a claymore.
Once you have pulled the pin and let the lever flick off, the grenade is cooked, you dont have to remove the fuze to do this. The fuze is the part of the grenade that creates a time delay.

Having a random detonation time on the grendade is the way in BF2. 

Just for information here is the inside on an M61 Frag Grenade

Taken from site:
Hand grenades share the following three common characteristics:
1.Their employment range is short.  (not like a long range M203 grenade launcher)
2.Their effective casualty radius is small.
3.Their delay element permits safe throwing (unless you have crazy ideas about cooking them!!)

Hand grenades have the following main parts:
Body -- contains filler and, in certain grenades, also provides fragmentation.
Filler -- chemical or explosive substance in the grenade, which determines grenade use and characteristics.
Fuze assembly -- causes the grenade to function by igniting or detonating the filler

Have a go at pulling the pin out of a grenade here at How Stuff works, just pull the pin!
Has lots of information about the types of nades.

Last edited by ghostdogfitton (2005-10-27 04:22:17)

In Denmark I sure wouldn't cook a grenade for 3 secs... That's the approximate fuse length used here
Well, as long you cant throw grenades back, I think they are balanced great right now...
Insert witty comment here
+3|7053|Brixham, UK
I'll never forget when I used to play wolfenstein enemy territory loads. When attacking smaller objectives on 32 player servers, i'd prime a grenade, wait 3 seconds, run in and lob it. You'd get loads of kills every time

This worked especially well on the seawall battery mission, where all the axis would be setting up shop in one room, whilst the US guys run in head first with flamethrowers and panzerfausts...

Last edited by DUFFKING (2005-10-27 05:40:21)

I know what u mean, my bro did play the game and he also cooked nades, I think they clicked beforehand to let you know they were about to boom. WolfET dam good game for free!

ghostdogfitton wrote:

Cooking nades may be highly irresponsible and inconsistent due to humidity, temperature, and exposure. You should still have a choice to do this if required. There must have been Veterans in extreme situations that had no choice but to perform this potentially suicidal act.

If I was using timed c4 I would try my best not to get killed and I would ensure that the detonation time was sufficient to get me the hell out of there!

I don't believe in throw and die I would believe in Throw and forget then get on with the current orders. There will always be an advantage and disadvantage to c4 planting either by means of timed or self detonated.

TK reduction with regard to explosives is simple keep away from red skulls.

DrDestruction wrote:

If you remote detonate Claymores/Mines, you have thereby created a class that renders one main purpose of spec ops obsolete, to an extent.
I don't think this is true because, you could use c4 to do the job in some cases but with a directional claymore you and your squad members can hide fairly close behind the device (In a form of linear ambush away from the blast radius) in the prone position laying down suppressive fire as well as one of the squad simultaneously detonating the claymores once the squad leader gives the order.

I would also say that Claymores would primarily be use to take down infantry, trucks, buggies and jeeps. I would say a claymore is an anti-personnel device. Now c4 on the other hand can be used for all vehicles and all armored vehicles & aircraft as it yields more bang than a claymore.
Fair enough about the claymores, but again, this would mean that one sniper and support guy could literally lay down an entire wall of these things (hell, maybe even multi-layered!) and could have the potential to make one spawn point literally uncappable.

This could also occur with the turn the claymore off/on idea.

I guess for the game's sake we should just leave it how it is.  There are enough exploits already with these weapons, we don't need anymore (and each "update" to weapons would cause an exploit(s)).
Crazy has a mind of its own

T1mbrW0lf wrote:

Dizaster: Please save the pedantic, condecending analogies for the newcomers to BF2.

I personally think it would provide considerable amusement within the game to have people use the "tactic" successfully a few times, only to TK their whole Squad the next time they tried it . . .
I apologize. I just lose my patience sometimes at all the talk about how this game is supposed to be ultra realistic.

I can see where you're coming from with the cooking nades thing. Do bear in mind though, there are a lot of tactics in the game in which people use their lives carelessly (as they will respawn in 10-15 seconds). Like Kamakazis, Jihad Jeeps, etc.

Also bear in mind, you can right click a grenade, which drops it at your feet, probably significantly more dangerous than cooking one. But I do agree in many respects about cooking nades potentially causing problems.

So here's another idea: how about being able to control throw distance.

Oh and one strategy for those who like the cooking nades idea, try throwing them up high, on a large arc, that way they'll be in the air longer, and the enemy wont have as much time to escape. This idea most just works for bunkers and the like.
+2|7091|Eastern PA

Dizazter wrote:

I apologize. I just lose my patience sometimes at all the talk about how this game is supposed to be ultra realistic.
I also owe you an apology - I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. While I frequently discuss actual weapon characteristics vs those modelled in BF2; and occasionally speculate about the choices or compromises the authors made for the sake of a balanced game, I may not clearly convey the fact that I don't expect BF2 to reflect "real world performance" for the Kits and Vehicles.

About the only aspect where I try to promote any "realism" is with Teamwork, and the effective use of small unit tactics.

I can see where you're coming from with the cooking nades thing. Do bear in mind though, there are a lot of tactics in the game in which people use their lives carelessly (as they will respawn in 10-15 seconds). Like Kamakazis, Jihad Jeeps, etc.
A depressingly accurate observation - well supported by my positively dismal K/D Ratio after 500+ attempts towards securing an Ordnance Badge . . .

Also bear in mind, you can right click a grenade, which drops it at your feet, probably significantly more dangerous than cooking one.
A degree of "realism" I could do without, since "fumbling" a grenade tends to really piss off the rest of the Squad . . .

So here's another idea: how about being able to control throw distance.

Oh and one strategy for those who like the cooking nades idea, try throwing them up high, on a large arc, that way they'll be in the air longer, and the enemy wont have as much time to escape. This idea most just works for bunkers and the like.
An excellent tactic, since a reasonably accurate "high arc" toss is difficult to spot as it's thrown, and frequently detonates behind an enemy, further confusing them about the origin of the attack.

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