lowing wrote:
AussieReaper wrote:
lowing wrote:
Already gave one example, the theory that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs is a relatively new concept that has grown in acceptance after being strenuously disputed. New species being discovered, animals that were thought to have been long extinct do to evolution have been found to still exist. How can you say nothing that what was believed as fact 100 years ago is different from what is considered fact today?
It's a relatively new concept because it's been backed up by evidence and a fossil record.
You know, the things a creationist would dismiss as a test of faith put there by God. Can you see how this works? The science doesn't change. The scientific method is a constant. Hyothesis. Evidence. Conclusion. Theory.
So by all means, I agree with you that what was believed as fact 100 years ago is different from what is considered fact today. So why do you believe that creationism should be taught in schools when it goes against that exact principal? Creationism states "God did it" and any evidence to the contrary is dismissed instantly. Surely you can see that creationism goes directly against your argument that "facts" change? Creationism teaches you to dismiss facts and believe in fiction.
Ahhhh but perhaps God created by means of evolution? I'll take another hit, pass it over.
See? Dismiss all facts and come back to the "God did it" line.
"Creationism is real. Evolution is false"
Presented with evidence of evolution is a fact.
"Well then God did evolution!"
How is that appropriate to be taught in schools? It's like a magic answer to everything. Why is the sky blue? "God did it."
Is that truly how far you want the critical thinking skills of students to reach?