I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

yeah. When you want to diet clean it takes a loooong time (depending on how you eat and who you are).
You could try 'conventional' bulking, but i wouldn't recommend it, as you would get fat quicker once you've cut down because of the extra fat cells etc etc etc

I wish we had some sort of burrito seasoning. Would be an easy way to add some extra flavour to it without any effort. If it takes me more than 1min to add as a flavour, its not worth it to me, but seasoning would be great. Shame we don't really have that sort of thing here.
Yeah, I use this stuff:


Stimey wrote:

yea im doin a bulk too
on a 500 cal surplus per day which means I'll gain about a pound per week. I've already gained about 15 since early February.
want to get to about 180 from here (+15 lbs) then do a cut maybe 2 weeks before school starts, to get below double digit body fat.
so we'll see how that goes.

also 225g of protein a day, yum yum
Why is that so many people gain a pound per week (or more) on a 500kcal surplus?
I have a 500kcal surplus and an insane amount of proteina nd i gan maybe 1-2lbs of muscle each month.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
You can't gain a pound of muscle a week. A lot of that would be fat, glycogen and water.
fuck that. In that case im happy with my gains.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Studies have shown that with the best genetics, diet and exercise regime and you haven't been working out for a long time already the most you can expect to realistically gain is 1/2 a pound of dry muscle per week. So the other half would be fat, water and glycogen, if half a pound of muscle is being gained per week. If less than half a pound of muscle per week, obviously more of the rest.
i know i dont have the perfect regime, diet and expecially not the genes. So i guess im quite happy with the gains im making
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah same, for me it feels slow going but one thing is I've definitely lost a lot of body fat, and continue to lose it (though it has slowed down) but now my weight is staying the same, so I guess the muscle is building too.

I figure it's like when I started playing guitar. Felt like I was never going to achieve what I wanted or it would take forever, but now 15 years later I've surpassed many of my expectations, so I may as well keep going because I will get there eventually
I havent lost that much fat, but i didnt have a lot to begin with (i am going to cut once im on my goal weight)
But i have gained some muscle, but very slowly. I also was fucking around, not knowing what i was doing for the first 6 months of working out. So it only REALLY started maybe like 3-4 months ago, so the progress isnt that bad.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah same. I read some stuff, worked out for a while and learned as I went along. I really only count my proper workout when I started SL5x5 about 3 months ago, the rest was just getting my body used to physical exercise as far as I'm concerned. And even in that 3 months I had a month where I fucked around and missed workouts, drank too much alcohol and ate shit food.

This phase of consistent workout doing hypertrophy and eating really well completes four weeks tomorrow. So really, it's all going well when I take that into consideration. I'm certainly stronger and leaner than before, and my housemates have noticed after I workout I'm getting more muscle (cause I have my shirt off, I get hot )

I'm a little concerned when I'm away for three weeks in August as I'll be in the US on holiday. Means my diet and exercise kinda go out the window a bit, as there will be times when I won't have proper food options available and obviously won't have access to weights. Going to do some research on a travel exercise routine, and perhaps take some resistance bands with me. Better than nothing.

Jaekus wrote:

Yeah same. I read some stuff, worked out for a while and learned as I went along. I really only count my proper workout when I started SL5x5 about 3 months ago, the rest was just getting my body used to physical exercise as far as I'm concerned. And even in that 3 months I had a month where I fucked around and missed workouts, drank too much alcohol and ate shit food.

This phase of consistent workout doing hypertrophy and eating really well completes four weeks tomorrow. So really, it's all going well when I take that into consideration. I'm certainly stronger and leaner than before, and my housemates have noticed after I workout I'm getting more muscle (cause I have my shirt off, I get hot )

I'm a little concerned when I'm away for three weeks in August as I'll be in the US on holiday. Means my diet and exercise kinda go out the window a bit, as there will be times when I won't have proper food options available and obviously won't have access to weights. Going to do some research on a travel exercise routine, and perhaps take some resistance bands with me. Better than nothing.
i dont like going away for la long time as well, but just suck it up and ignore it for a while.
During my 2 week winter break i just made sure i didnt eat a lot of junk food and did some bodyweight exercises every morning (pushups, crunches etc).
You wont lose any muscle, wont gain any fat. its only 3 weeks, whatever changes will be undone in 1 or 2 weeks of work in your old routine.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
True. I knew all that already, and yet I've still be stressing about it

Last thing I need is to have that on my mind when I really ought to just be having the time of my life.
you'll forget about it on the first day.
Went to milan for three days and didnt eat ic cream for the first 2, but after that i thought fuck it. I live extremely healthy every day, so having 1 day or 2 weeks of cheating isnt that bad. Its not like you that sort of thing every month.

Dont worry about, the stress will be gone in a day or 2
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah, true.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
besides STDs and 10kg of gained fat
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Surely not!
gaining 10kgs of fat in 3 weeks would almost be considered an achievement

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-06-16 07:27:26)

+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
well 500cal surplus per day *7 days a week = about 3500 extra cals per week, which is close to a pound.
and yea jaekus is right, its probably half-60% muscle. the rest is water/fat.
but I'm most likely gonna cut/EC stack 2ish weeks before I have to go back to school so I look swole for frosh week
hopefully I'm around 170ish lean body mass by then
i'm aiming for 160-ish lbs. Then ill probably cut down to 155lbs (70kg). Losing 5lb of fat should bring my bf% in the single digits easily
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
how tall are you?
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
thats fairly skinny
I was 150 @ 6ft3 and I looked like a fucking twig rofl
I still feel lanky even though my BMI is in the average range supposedly
i want to be at 70kg and very lean. I'll see how that looks and maybe i'll bulk after that.
I said to myself right at the start, 1 year ago when I was 8.5 stone that I would stop when I got to 10 stone because I thought I would look stupid with any more. Now I've been here (140lbs) for a while, I think I might go for 11.
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
Just Dl'd lmao2plate! today

im so close to 2plate again.
And to think i was well on my to 3 plate before my injury


e: LMAO 2Plate!!!1!

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-06-16 13:37:28)

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