+132|6765|England, UK
Ok, I don't usually moan on here, but today I feel justified in doing so...  Here is what happened...

I got onto a server, happened to be on my fave map, Karkand, and was settling into the game, doing well.  I had created a squad and a couple of peeps joined.  When I spawned at the US base I ran as fast as I could to try and get the APC (lol)  My squad mates had spawned there (or on me) too so there were a few of us, plus another guy (storm-of-the-east) all awaiting eagerly for the re-spawning APC.  Anyway, as I ran to where they all were I saw this storm-of-the-east shoot and KILL my team mates!!!  I was like OMFG!!  What an asshat!!  He didn't shoot me as the APC spawned and he got in and drove off!  I was sooo p****d that I typed something like "TK for an APC, what a t***t"  I just couldn't believe that I saw that crap!  His points were at like -24!!  Another of my team mates said that he always does it!  Well, after hearing this I initiated a kick vote against him.  (He wasn't voted off that time)  So, I spawn there again and he shot two of my team mates and me!!  Grrrr  $%^&*  A few votes for him to go were cast and eventually he was voted off! 

I just couldn't believe that he did that!  I mean, if he can only get his points by TK and using the APC then I dunno what to say! 

It wasn't nice to see really as I believe BF2 to be a team game, not a shoot-all-for-vehicles!!

Ok, moan over, back to happy lil fairy, LOL...

The Lil Fairy... 

P.s.  If I do happen to see you storm-of-the-east on a server in-game then beware...  This lil fairy will be after your ass, and you wont know what's hit you!  (Well, you will, it will prolly be my lil PKM) And I am sure you will stick out like a sore thumb, you'll be the one in the APC and with -50 team points!!!!
sorry to hear of your troubles
+132|6765|England, UK
Ohh, no worries, I guess it happens all the time...  Shame though eh

The Lil Fairy... 
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6766|Birmingham, UK
I feel your pain. Live through it all! At least they aren't as good as you!

EDIT: Don't sink as low as them

Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2006-05-16 09:19:48)

+191|6769|The Netherlands
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6707|Area 51
Thats the way people are.. unfortunatly
+306|6810|Austin, TX

Some people are just assholes in the game. They hide behind a computer screen and think they are invincible.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6885|Malaga, EspaƱa
they even teamkill you nowadays for an Gunner seat (example: Tank)
just pethatic....

Players + hungry for points = High chance he's an Teamkiller.
+132|6765|England, UK

duk0r wrote:

Some people are just assholes in the game. They hide behind a computer screen and think they are invincible.
Yeah, I agree with that!  I was really having a go at the poor guy too, but he never spoke up even once, just sat there where ever he was and hid behind a puta screen, team killing!!  Although, I doubt it will be the last time I see it...

I am not totally innocent though...  I read a reaaaally funny article once on "Team killing for helis and planes"  Admittedly I laughed my socks off, although might I add, I have never (and will never) team kill for a vehicle.

The Lil Fairy... 
+306|6810|Austin, TX

You will see that kind of thing going on in the game the more you play. The best thing you can do is find a good server and play there as often as possible. Find a server where they are admins on and hopefully you won't have any problems.
+22|6806|England, UK
Sorry to hear it.

..but really, what do you want us to do? lol
+132|6765|England, UK
I have a fave server that I play on in the evenings, and it is a reaaaally good 'un!  No nonsense goes on and I have lots of good games there.  Sometimes, not often though I get a game on in the day and no one is on the one I usually play on, so I guess maybe that's why I saw that earlier... 

The Lil Fairy... 
+13|6823|Ft. Worth, Texas
Well, our server is plum full of admins as every member gets admin priviledges.  So when there is a tk'er, they get shown the door, and no vote is done.  If they come back in and do just one again, they are banned permanantly.  They can take it up in our complaints section of our forums if they want to have a chance of getting back into our server.  Basically, if our server is running a ranked round, an admin is on.  As always, some are better than others at admining, but everyone is fair.  Most of the admins may react slowly if they are new.  Other than that, hang out on our server as often as possible.

I dislike alot, teamkillers ! ! !

And Raz, I am pretty sure that Pink knows you can do nothing about it, but you might offer up ideas like mine and tell her where there aree some great servers with admins around.

Last edited by =A*A=PHOENIX2 (2006-05-16 09:57:21)

+132|6765|England, UK

=A*A=PHOENIX2 wrote:

Well, our server is plum full of admins as every member gets admin priviledges.  So when there is a tk'er, they get shown the door, and no vote is done.  If they come back in and do just one again, they are banned permanantly.  They can take it up in our complaints section of our forums if they want to have a chance of getting back into our server.  Basically, if our server is running a ranked round, an admin is on.  As always, some are better than others at admining, but everyone is fair.  Most of the admins may react slowly if they are new.  Other than that, hang out on our server as often as possible.

I dislike alot, teamkillers ! ! !
Phoenix's server is fandabbydozey!!  I played with them on it into the wee hours of the morning at the weekend and had a great time!! 

The Lil Fairy... 
Well it's official, if you checked this guy would have 'serious asshole' tattood on his ass, or whatever the equivalent in German is At least the vote worked eventually!

His TK number is pretty awful for his score and he's a major armour and aircraft whore; if you look at his stats you can see why, he's not great on foot at all.
+132|6765|England, UK

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Well it's official, if you checked this guy would have 'serious asshole' tattood on his ass, or whatever the equivalent in German is At least the vote worked eventually!

His TK number is pretty awful for his score and he's a major armour and aircraft whore; if you look at his stats you can see why, he's not great on foot at all.
Too funny Todd!! 

I just saw that too! 

The Lil Fairy... 
teh 1337 SuXorR
+27|6775|Canada Ontario

=A*A=PHOENIX2 wrote:

Well, our server is plum full of admins as every member gets admin priviledges.  So when there is a tk'er, they get shown the door, and no vote is done.  If they come back in and do just one again, they are banned permanantly.  They can take it up in our complaints section of our forums if they want to have a chance of getting back into our server.  Basically, if our server is running a ranked round, an admin is on.  As always, some are better than others at admining, but everyone is fair.  Most of the admins may react slowly if they are new.  Other than that, hang out on our server as often as possible.

I dislike alot, teamkillers ! ! !

And Raz, I am pretty sure that Pink knows you can do nothing about it, but you might offer up ideas like mine and tell her where there aree some great servers with admins around.
Hey phoenix2 would u be able to post or pm me the ip of ur server? thanks, i not an asshat so dun worry
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Team killing for helis and planes? Who would do such a monstrous terrible terrible thing?!

Terrible terrible.

*shakes head muttering to himself*
APC whore
god if that isn't the most annoying sig that i've seen on here, can't you shrink it at all?
Dropped on request
Teamkilling... for a vehicle? Wow. In my 750 hours this is the first instance I have ever heard of teamkilling for a vehicle. I hope EA is informed about this.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

banksd1983 wrote:

god if that isn't the most annoying sig that i've seen on here, can't you shrink it at all?
god if that isn't the most annoying person that i've seen on here, can't you get stuffed at all?
Gaming While Intoxicated

polarbearz wrote:

banksd1983 wrote:

god if that isn't the most annoying sig that i've seen on here, can't you shrink it at all?
god if that isn't the most annoying person that i've seen on here, can't you get stuffed at all?
And you thought you were the sig policeman didn't you Bearz..

Heres +1.. I know you love it

Last edited by DancinHomer (2006-05-17 17:35:40)

Nobody cares, karkand whore.
+917|6760|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
http://bf2s.com/player/46550883/ here are his stats... lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage      4310 / 1645 / 1881


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