uh, no. it don't work that wayStimey wrote:
I keep gettin older and they stay the same ageCybargs wrote:
why would anyone in uni bang a high school chick anyway =/ that shit is creepy.Uzique wrote:
what sort of 18 year old wants to even bang a 15 year old?
nigga you must suck
my bad, i've not seen the movie . . .
it's OK stimey, my sister has a friend (15 yo) who's better endowed than several girls my age, no lie

sin13urnzz wrote:
my bad, i've not seen the movie . . .
Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
sin13urnzz wrote:
my bad, i've not seen the movie . . .
Had a lulzy bus journey last week, not really a problem I suppose I just want someone opinion on it.
So, I had a cigarette and no lighter (brilliant way to start talking to people). Walk up to this girl and ask her for a lighter and get chatting, we both get on a bus and chat the whole way, then we get to her stop. I could see her hesitate for me to ask her for her number/coffee whatever but for some reason I just completely lost my nerve, never happened before but goddamn I regret it now.
Thing is I know pretty much everything about her bar her name, for some odd reason I didn't ask. Never been that foolish in front of a girl.
I know what road she lives on, that she works at the local uni in the teaching labs between the hours of 11 and 5, that she lived in barcelona for 5 months, that she studied film studies and biology (and another I forgot) during a-level and is starting her degree in japanese in september at the local uni and is going to spend a year studying in japan. I also know she was either 19 or 20 and what high school she went to.
Dunno if I should try to facebook stalk her or if I just blew it? Never failed this hard though.
So, I had a cigarette and no lighter (brilliant way to start talking to people). Walk up to this girl and ask her for a lighter and get chatting, we both get on a bus and chat the whole way, then we get to her stop. I could see her hesitate for me to ask her for her number/coffee whatever but for some reason I just completely lost my nerve, never happened before but goddamn I regret it now.
Thing is I know pretty much everything about her bar her name, for some odd reason I didn't ask. Never been that foolish in front of a girl.
I know what road she lives on, that she works at the local uni in the teaching labs between the hours of 11 and 5, that she lived in barcelona for 5 months, that she studied film studies and biology (and another I forgot) during a-level and is starting her degree in japanese in september at the local uni and is going to spend a year studying in japan. I also know she was either 19 or 20 and what high school she went to.
Dunno if I should try to facebook stalk her or if I just blew it? Never failed this hard though.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
she smokes do not pursue
Smoking doesn't bother me, practically everyone my age in this area smokes.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
That sounds extremely illegal if you ask me.Stimey wrote:
wrong to plug a 15 year old at 18?
I know it breaks half plus 7, but if it counts shes fairly developed for her age...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_co … ica#Canada
A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is less than five years older than them.[7]
That sounds extremely fucked up if you ask me.
Its also illegal to have buttsex here unless your married
I'm fairly sure.
Our AoC used to be 14 up until like 3 years ago
Our AoC used to be 14 up until like 3 years ago
As a 18 year old senior in highschool I dated a 15 year old freshman. Her dad was a Sgt. in the local Police. That was 1991 though. Nobody cared because it happened all the time.
And now I'm banging a 21 year old and I'm 38. :-P
wtf lucky

you*re old enough to be her dad.CC-Marley wrote:
And now I'm banging a 21 year old and I'm 38. :-P
My wife isn't even born yet
fixtStimey wrote:
My ex-wife isn't even born yet
CC-Marley wrote:
fixtStimey wrote:
My trophy wife isn't even born yet