Semper Fi!
I'm looking at a new build [3rd or so] and I've come back to the BF2s forums yet again because it's sort of my tech geek home.  So hi, I'm back again. Yay! BF3 after how many fraking years?

Anyway I'm looking at parts and seeing very comparable parts for $20-60 in price range with the more expensive only out striping the lower in one category another. The easiest one to see is in the GPU: I've narrowed it down to:
EVGA GTX 460 (fermi) OC:  $180 [$150 after Rebate]
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130596
EVGA GTX 560 (fermi) stock: $202 {shipping) [$192 after rebate]
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130661

They are identical in stats except for Effective Memory Clock (560 is faster by 204). 

I'm not a terribly good OC'er. I tried to OC my 2nd build after a year and a half and instead had to do my 3rd.  So I would be leaving these as I got them more than likely. Is it worth spending the ~$20 to get a little faster clock speed?

[edit: Adding comparison page link. I hope it works.]
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productco … 130-596-TS

Last edited by Ridir (2011-06-05 01:25:03)

Zee Ruskie
+295|6926|Moscow, Russia
560 is next gen. it is, by default, more powerful than 460.

here's 3dmark scores for you
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5119|Dundee, Scotland.
I'm rocking an EVGA GTX460 EE, love it, will be keeping it when i get my new rig for bf3
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6810|The darkside of Denver
460 is a great card, this si true.  But I agree with Shater, 560 would be the better choice.

Whats teh rest of the spec?
Semper Fi!
Both are already OC'd the 460 is pretty much pushed to its max.
First set of numbers are the              460,                                second are the 560
Core Clock                  850 MHz (v.s 720 MHz reference)                       850MHz
Shader Clock                 1700 Mhz (v.s 1440 MHz reference)                   1700MHz
Stream Processors              336 Processor Cores                                336 Processor Cores
Effective Memory Clock    3900 MHz (v.s 3600 MHz reference)                4104MHz

so I mean in spec's they are pretty even it appears.

For the insignificant price gap, I'd take the 560.

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