Yeh, Yahtzee's video focuses on a lot of things that arent really relevant but he is correct. I never had any problem differentiating enemies and the visual design and outfits are one of the few things the game has going for it. Game is not good overall but to say the UI design and parkour is useless is pretty much saying he didnt play it much. The problem with it is the terrible gun play, terrible optimization/performance and bad map design.
I think most his viewers already know that he never sticks with most games for very long out of necessity. Plenty of youtubery if I want a straightforward, no-nonsense review.
so this game sucked balls and timmah u-turned in about 3 pages... who woulda thunk it
forward this to that new bf2s reviews board, we've clearly got some fucking master critics at work here
forward this to that new bf2s reviews board, we've clearly got some fucking master critics at work here
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Played this game st my buddys house. Glad i sisnt shell out a cent for it.
I don't agree with everything he says but is typically straightforward and as no-nonsense as it gets IMO.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Plenty of youtubery if I want a straightforward, no-nonsense review.
Well, he writes with humor, which sometimes means he strays from the meat and bones of a review. I'm not complaining, though.
Hard to have a critical view of something before I played it. The parts of the game that bring it down are mostly things that cant be picked up until it is released - bad maps, terrible performance and loads of bugs. The parts I thought were going to be good still are, it just doesnt perform as a package. Of course I am not going to defend a game that is legitimately bad.Uzique wrote:
so this game sucked balls and timmah u-turned in about 3 pages... who woulda thunk it
forward this to that new bf2s reviews board, we've clearly got some fucking master critics at work here
Anyone played it? Free weekend on Steam. I was really really keen for this game before it came out but once more became known I decided against getting it. Thought I'd give it a chance over the free weekend... yeah, really really glad I didn't buy it. Gave it three hours, found it to be below average. Character customisation is clunky and idiotically restricted. Gameplay is overcomplicated for the amount of fun it delivers. Meh. Double meh.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I tried.
First the screen got a very dark and deep blue tint over it whenever i played mp. So i updated my driver (got catalyst for my ati radeon HD 5800) and that got rid of the blue screen, but made the game super laggy (it wasnt laggy when it was blue)
So i havent been able to play a decent mp game.
But the parkour feels gimmicky, the customization is actually okay, but navigating the menu's feels sluggish.
So yeah its double meh
First the screen got a very dark and deep blue tint over it whenever i played mp. So i updated my driver (got catalyst for my ati radeon HD 5800) and that got rid of the blue screen, but made the game super laggy (it wasnt laggy when it was blue)
So i havent been able to play a decent mp game.
But the parkour feels gimmicky, the customization is actually okay, but navigating the menu's feels sluggish.
So yeah its double meh
Yeah. The parkour stuff wasn't as useful as it should have been. The shooting was ok but I felt that the guns were all a bit to similar. The main problem is that you can't really have a different playstyle. No matter what class you are or what load-out you have, the game is going to be pretty similar. I mean, in all team based FPS games you spend your time either shooting at people or standing near things. And in this game neither is particularly compelling. And changing classes only changes what things you are allowed to stand near.
Played for a bit yesterday. Good thing I didn´t spent money on it. I can see where the good parts are and after some getting used to and getting to know the maps it can become fun, but where´s the point?
The parcour feels so disconnected, like they squeezed it in for the sake of having it and gunplay isn´t fun. AR´s suffer from low ammo (especially since players are bullet sponges) and there isn´t really much point in using anything but SMG´s. Double meh
The parcour feels so disconnected, like they squeezed it in for the sake of having it and gunplay isn´t fun. AR´s suffer from low ammo (especially since players are bullet sponges) and there isn´t really much point in using anything but SMG´s. Double meh