soup fly mod

I know it may seem safe to stand behind the tank to shield your from enemy bullets, but its not.  All you are guaranteeing yourself is that you will be run over by the tank when he takes evasive action at the sound of a missle lock.

There are two basic principles to armor combat:
  1) don't stand in one place too long cause you'll become a c4 sandwich
  2) retreat immediately if the odds are stacked against you because you are a very big target.

What this means is that an APV or Tank is liable to take off in any direction at any moment!  Remember, armor turrets are relatively slow so if you are a tank's blind spot c'est la vie...the driver can't see you!

I have gotten a ton of tk's and even some kicks because of unintentional team roadkills. 

Please keep this in mind next time you want to use that tank in Karkland as cover!!
I usually repair a tank by lying prone underneath it! Pretty safe from both roadkills and enemy bullets!
(unless the tank explodes)
TESTIFY!  AMEN BROTHER!  I didn't think there was anyone sane out there - I don't know how many times I have been punished because someone wanted to hide under the tread of my armor.  Dude... I can't see behind me, I am fighting what's at 12 o'clock and I am NOT going too waste precious time or rounds by moving the turret around or changing the camera view.  Objections fall on deaf ears.
+0|7081|Phoenix, AZ
I got punished the other day for the same thing. I backed my APC up and bam, killed 2 people, one forgave, one punished. What a jackass. When he said "watch it" I asked if he blindly ran across streets hoping a semi wouldn't him. He had nothing to say.

unforgiven5150 wrote:

What a jackass. When he said "watch it" I asked if he blindly ran across streets hoping a semi wouldn't him. He had nothing to say.
Of course he does, because there's usually a medic standing by to 'revive' straight away, and as we all know, being hit by a semi (we call the artics in the UK), at somewhere around 60mph will only scratch him and the medic has a nice patch for that . Too many times we get punished by these mindless morons that either stand behind, run in front or blindly leap (of faith because there's no skill), to their deaths but then punish us for their mistakes.

I believe we're too kind to them... We should be able to punish them
LOL...i totally agree!!
no one in their right mind would hide behind a tank in a full on fire fight, no one sane that is.   mabye if you were advancing and needed some easy cover, but when it all goes for a crap and that big gun starts firing, GET THE HELL OUT FROM BEHIND THERE YOU IDIOT!!

HellSibling wrote:

LOL...i totally agree!!
no one in their right mind would hide behind a tank in a full on fire fight, no one sane that is.   mabye if you were advancing and needed some easy cover, but when it all goes for a crap and that big gun starts firing, GET THE HELL OUT FROM BEHIND THERE YOU IDIOT!!
soup fly mod

jongje wrote:

I usually repair a tank by lying prone underneath it! Pretty safe from both roadkills and enemy bullets!
(unless the tank explodes)
i didn't know you could crawl under a tank!
+0|7061|Sacramento, CA

superfly_cox wrote:

jongje wrote:

I usually repair a tank by lying prone underneath it! Pretty safe from both roadkills and enemy bullets!
(unless the tank explodes)
i didn't know you could crawl under a tank!
^ indeed and you can go prone under APC's quite fun when they try to run you over and you give them a little C4 surprise on their underbelly.

i unknowingly had a black hawk, with 3 friendlies in it,  land behind me at a flag, and two tanks came in firing at me, so i back up to avoid fire and *BOOM*... 3 TK's and 3 punishes. apparently sorry doesn't mean much anymore... even when it's an accident.

needless to say i was done playing for the day after that.

Last edited by shiftygirl (19 years, 4 months ago)

Pojebany Hlop
+1|7142|Sicily, Italy
i believe the responsibilities lie with boath parties. 

if you are on foot sticking around a tank and die by it then all should be forgiven, you took the chance and died tough shit, suck it up and carry on.  if you are in a tank and know that it's a urban map have a deciency to eithor look around or change camera angles to see if any friendly are going to get run over, it's not hard to do at all.

off the topic.  maybe they should have a instant reply of death so you can see how one died...maybe it would drop the coky punishing.

Crazy has a mind of its own

shiftygirl wrote:

i unknowingly had a black hawk, with 3 friendlies in it,  land behind me at a flag, and two tanks came in firing at me, so i back up to avoid fire and *BOOM*... 3 TK's and 3 punishes. apparently sorry doesn't mean much anymore... even when it's an accident.

needless to say i was done playing for the day after that.
Yeah, I'd be done too. Same thing happens to me, except I'm the pilot of the black hawk, someone crashes into me, the chopper explodes, and I get 4 TK and 4 Punishes, woo hoo, thanks guys.
""I know it may seem safe to stand behind the tank to shield your from enemy bullets, but its not.  All you are  guaranteeing yourself is that you will be run over by the tank when he takes evasive action at the sound of a missle  lock.

There are two basic principles to armor combat:
  1) don't stand in one place too long cause you'll become a c4 sandwich
  2) retreat immediately if the odds are stacked against you because you are a very big target.

What this means is that an APV or Tank is liable to take off in any direction at any moment!  Remember, armor  turrets are relatively slow so if you are a tank's blind spot c'est la vie...the driver can't see you!

I have gotten a ton of tk's and even some kicks because of unintentional team roadkills. 

Please keep this in mind next time you want to use that tank in Karkland as cover!!""

I punish all Tanks who backup over me.  I dont have time to runaround every selfish prick tank who wants to back up 100 feet and fix his tank so he never dies.  90% of the time the tank is backing up to get back to a supply box or so he can hide around corner and fix the 3% dmg he incured when he was unable to navigate around the tricky building in  a 24 foot wide street in his 12 foot wide foot tank. 

By and Large Tanks whores rank a distant 3rd behind Plane and Heli whores as most unteam like players on the map.  How many times does a (non-clan) Tank book-off before you can grab the last ticket out of BFE.  It's simple you take  up way to much space on the field you request Supplies and repairs too much.  Most of you play a wussy hide and seek  with a Swarm guy who is going to own your arse anyway.  An Anti-tank/C4 guy is using no precious resources; your one of 2 of your teams precious Tanks which functions as a transport, a moving Anti-tank gun, and a Machine gun nest.   He only has to win 1 out of 3 times to come out better for his team 1 out of 2 if the flag is in trouble.  So  instead of fighting back 200 yards and Kill whoring basically a $8 million dollar machine gun platform; go ahead  move into the battle fight and die like the rest of us.  Hug the Belt make the planes TK the guy putting C4 on your  dumb arse (you can count on me punishing any plane or heli wannabe Film Actor Guild [FAG] who drop it too close...  about 2-3x a game.) 

Why should I Have to make sure the tank is going to move why shouldn't they make sure I'm clear.  Are Tanks in Bf2  As strong as Bf 1942 DC?  Nooo.. How can you tell? the que ('wait' for those of you in Rio Linda) are down at them as you can see with better Anti-Tank and Sprint C-4 making them little better than Prision Girlfriends.  Tanks should always be moving foward and attacking.  Stop trying to live forever.  Mix it up get on the flag.

"Remember, armor  turrets are relatively slow so" 
- Get a Logitech 518 you'll figure out why...  I swing faster in turret than not.  They should fix it.... i mess up a lot of c4 boys.

" 2) retreat immediately if the odds are stacked against you because you are a very big target."
-I'll i have to say is  "For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
"I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nivea, and 'round the Antares maelstrom, and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up.  You can't hide from me i'll hit you from the dam to the airfield. Count on it.

So you got missle lock big deal... I'm standing out here getting sniped, machine gunned, arty and bombed and I got a flak jacket if i'm lucky.  Don't retreat charge and destroy;  you got 2 free no-dmg to your personal bodyarmor 2x my speed, I have instant death if it hits me. 

This is not well oragnized but You get the point Stop being wusses the tank isn't meant to last forever.  In real combat ya your right in respawn in 14 sec / 30 sec vehicle respawn only a fool plays a defensive tank.

{BTW you only have to beat a plane 1 out of 7x to come out ahead for your team when your anti-air.  Best thing in  world is to get some wuss plane boy spend his whole game bombing me in a static anti-air.  What a wasted plane that is.  And if i never win against him he will have 17 kills and I will have kept his plane/heli focused on one of the least useful pursits in the game: bombing a 30 sec respawn static ground air defence.  Just think of all the happy allie tanks,  planes and whatnot running free.}

Last edited by zyphlus (19 years, 4 months ago)

+0|7069|Trondheim, Norway
zyphlus, get somone to remove that sand in your vagina and perhaps play another game?
@zyphlus and others how read his text nodding all the time:

1) Sorry, I didnt really get your intention, sounds like a long long complaint about tank whores.
2) I drive often tanks exspecially on Karkand. Reason: I'm getting pissed of team mates using tanks so stupid that the round is lost very early. The tank is, wisely used, the winning factor of a round, combined with a commander who knows your needs and some team mates who see your intentions and clear the edges  you cant shoot.
3) If your tank flag is cappable, it's important to keep an eye on that. The worst thing that could happen to your team is 0 vs. 2 skilled tanks.
4) I want survive, sure. But more important is to win the round or not? And that means to die if necessary AND to not to die senseless (Tickets are precious).
5) Thanks for listening and start to call me the worst tank whore you ever saw.

PS: Sorry about spelling, english lessons are about five years ago.
"It's Recharging!"

[RL]Tarasque wrote:

zyphlus, get somone to remove that sand in your vagina and perhaps play another game?
He's entitled to his opinion here. If you disagree with it, you really ought to use something called intelligence and describe why you disagree, instead of talking like a 12 old with down syndrom.

Because this is what you sound like:


He makes a decent argument. Just this night I was an enginner constantly repairing this dudes tank, and he ran me over twice when he was barely hit due to his irratic retardational spasms of fear that his armor was going to die.

My 3rd spawn was at the tank spawn in Karkand, and no one was there. That's cool, maybe I can do what he wont and charge the allyway in the center. Okay, so I hop in and what do you know, that bastard comes and tries to put Mines all over the place because apperently he thought I 'stole' his precious armor. He gets me eventually. What an ungrateful little asshat he was. So I punish. God knows I wish I would have punished him when he ran me over had I known he was a little jackass.

Eventually the 3rd punish kicks him from the server. I don't normally do it, but things may change because it does seem these are mostly the kinds of tank dudes I run into while engineer. Other than that I don't go near the rear of a vehical. I only punish when I was a good distance away for them to see me. Come to think of it, if I'm an enginner they ought to know I'm repairing them and where I most likely would be standing to avoid the fire while doing it. I may not be so forgiving in the future to people like you.
First things first: I love to tank and am quite good if I may say so myself.

My job as a tanker is to be the at the front of each force, as my pretty little iron clad horse can take the most damage. If the situation should arrise that I must retreat, it is of greatest importance I do not simply haul ass in fear that my little toy might break! Others rely on me to cover them! If you abandon your post, you set your mates up to take the fall for you. Though I doubt they would appriciate it. If you were foolish enough to strike ahead without having cover you deserve to die alone! Engies will only come to fix me if they know I will take care of them while they do. Equally for the infantry that guards you against meele troops aiming their RPGs at you. Infantry and tankers guard each other!

You are not alone on the battlefield!

You have the F9 - F12 keys, so learn to use them!
There are thousands of players on BF2, there's a miniscule amount of those players that have had any military service. What most people do, good or bad, is part of the human reflex, flight or fight if you will . Some and I emphasise, some tank drivers are pretty damn good, others are just driving a huge chunk of metal around... and if you're a grunt in the way of them, consider yourself squashed. Yes that's bad, but it's a 'human' thing and nothing to do with a deliberate act.

Your right to punish is unequivocal, but consider the facts before you reach for that button. Could you as a foot soldier have caused your own death... If yes, then why punish.
Did he as a tank driver, recklessly mow you down without giving you a second thought, if yes, then punish.

If you stand very close to a tank and there's a battle raging all around, think, is standing next to a tank the best thing.... probably not, becuase tanks are easy to 'kill', and the driver knows that, so his main concern is for the saftey of himself and that of the tank (usually).

Have tank, will kill, if it's a TK, that's unfortunate, but there are two sides to every kill/death.
+0|7069|Trondheim, Norway

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

[RL]Tarasque wrote:

zyphlus, get somone to remove that sand in your vagina and perhaps play another game?
He's entitled to his opinion here. If you disagree with it, you really ought to use something called intelligence and describe why you disagree, instead of talking like a 12 old with down syndrom.

Because this is what you sound like:


He makes a decent argument. Just this night I was an enginner constantly repairing this dudes tank, and he ran me over twice when he was barely hit due to his irratic retardational spasms of fear that his armor was going to die.

My 3rd spawn was at the tank spawn in Karkand, and no one was there. That's cool, maybe I can do what he wont and charge the allyway in the center. Okay, so I hop in and what do you know, that bastard comes and tries to put Mines all over the place because apperently he thought I 'stole' his precious armor. He gets me eventually. What an ungrateful little asshat he was. So I punish. God knows I wish I would have punished him when he ran me over had I known he was a little jackass.

Eventually the 3rd punish kicks him from the server. I don't normally do it, but things may change because it does seem these are mostly the kinds of tank dudes I run into while engineer. Other than that I don't go near the rear of a vehical. I only punish when I was a good distance away for them to see me. Come to think of it, if I'm an enginner they ought to know I'm repairing them and where I most likely would be standing to avoid the fire while doing it. I may not be so forgiving in the future to people like you.
He did not have one single valid point in the entire post, just another mindless rant. Infact im quite suprised i bothered to read trough it. That was mistake nr 1. Mistake nr.2 was posting a comment, nr.3 arguing with a idiot
soup fly mod

jongje wrote:

I usually repair a tank by lying prone underneath it! Pretty safe from both roadkills and enemy bullets!
(unless the tank explodes)
hey!  i just figured it out!  you can crawl under from the front.  so nice and cozy in there:)  actually pretty cool technique so long as you sure nobody is close to steal it.
+0|7069|Trondheim, Norway

superfly_cox wrote:

jongje wrote:

I usually repair a tank by lying prone underneath it! Pretty safe from both roadkills and enemy bullets!
(unless the tank explodes)
hey!  i just figured it out!  you can crawl under from the front.  so nice and cozy in there:)  actually pretty cool technique so long as you sure nobody is close to steal it.
It's cool, but it's more of an option if you have a eng. buddy with you for a stationary tank role. But again you can repair the tank while you crawl from the side and under it. But by that time it's allready repaired.

I find that just jumping out with my wrench allready ready to go while prone and viewing from side to side works best. You have about a 160 degree angle of view avaliable while repairing. Hardly nessesary as i tend to repair under the protection of an UAV. In that case in standing upright while moving from side to side to avoid a headshot.

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