Well how effective was banning alcohol?
How many people you know would take drugs if only they were legal?
How many people find access to drugs difficult / find it hard to get hold of them?
Judging by those answers I think it would be fair to deduce that the ban is not having a significant impact. Yes you can argue that some people may be put off by its illegality and thus will be encouraged once it becomes legalized however there is the counter argument that many people experiment with drugs because it is such a taboo.
Finally there are many advantages for legalizing drugs. You can implement some sort of quality control, you can monitor consumption, you can provide much better education / rehab, you remove drug gangs revenue stream, and most importantly for the government you can tax its use.
Edit: in response to the above post I think it would be fair to say that drug use is more dictated by culture and or wealth than by current legislation. Also I am in shock that you have looked for information
im too used to arguing with Trollbert.
Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2011-05-18 07:55:38)