Started taking 2 fishoil capsules(?) every day.
Its good for the joints, my heart and it helps me focus.
I mainly take it because of the first thing of course, but the other two are nice bonus i guess.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

Its the an A/B split, same as with SL you do ABA and then BAB.

Bench press
BB incline press
Preacher curls
BB Rows

Good morning
Tri extensions
Arnie press

just do it all 3x10
I also do 2 ab exercises on A and 2 different ones on B.
Looks decent. I haven't got a preacher attachment to my bench though so I might do incline curls or zottman curls instead.
Also, not sure about the good mornings, never done them. Aren't they working similar muscles to a squat?

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-17 06:23:59)

They work the hamstrings and i believe they also work the lower back a bit.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So a bit like deadlifts then?

It's certainly given me some ideas at any rate. I'll look into it more later in the week when I have more time. Thanks
Un Moderador

For hamstring you either do the romanian deadlift, good morning or straight legged deadlift. Squats don't work your hamstrings.
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

For hamstring you either do the romanian deadlift, good morning or straight legged deadlift. Squats don't work your hamstrings.
They aren't the main lifter in a squat, but they are certainly worked when you do one.
Un Moderador

nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

For hamstring you either do the romanian deadlift, good morning or straight legged deadlift. Squats don't work your hamstrings.
They aren't the main lifter in a squat, but they are certainly worked when you do one.
No they aren't. They're dynamic stabilizers in a squat movement, they are not worked.
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

For hamstring you either do the romanian deadlift, good morning or straight legged deadlift. Squats don't work your hamstrings.
They aren't the main lifter in a squat, but they are certainly worked when you do one.
No they aren't. They're dynamic stabilizers in a squat movement, they are not worked.
So they are assisting in the movement?
Un Moderador

nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

They aren't the main lifter in a squat, but they are certainly worked when you do one.
No they aren't. They're dynamic stabilizers in a squat movement, they are not worked.
So they are assisting in the movement?
Yes, they are stretched during the squat and are needed for it, but they don't work them - to a tiny extent they do, but not enough to warrant just doing squats for both hamstrings and quads. It's a bit like your biceps for bench press.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah, that's why I said deadlifts
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT
So they are worked, just not "worked." I'm really just curious about this because they are always sore after I push the weight up, moreso than the quads.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
You should feel tightness in your hammies but the main work should be done with your quads, according to Starting Strength.

When I'm not posting from my phone I'll flick through the chapter about squats and post a summarized version of the proper technique in regards to your hammies (the chapter is over 50 pages long!)

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-18 00:48:56)

Un Moderador

nukchebi0 wrote:

So they are worked, just not "worked." I'm really just curious about this because they are always sore after I push the weight up, moreso than the quads.
If they're more sore than your quads after squats it means your hamstrings are really tight. You will need to losen them up with specific hamstring exercises and stretches (if muscles are tight, stretching is recommended, any other point you shouldn't stretch). My hamstrings (and legs in general) are incredibly tight due to a posture problem, so I have to losen them up before I can really push them in any leg exercise. See if basic hamstring stretches feel quite tight, if they do then that is the reason they're so sore after you push with a squat.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I can add to this. I had a remedial massage on Monday and I know my left shoulder has muscle tightness and soreness (from playing bass guitar for so many years and have weak shoulders). I was shown a bunch of stretching exercises to do. I hold each for one minute and I can really feel them stretching out and getting looser as each minute progresses. So if your hammies are tight you should feel the same stretching of the muscles. It's quite cool actually.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Also about eating simple carbs after a workout. Not sure if I like the dextrose idea. I've read up on it but still the idea of ingesting basically sugar doesn't sit well with me.

I had an idea though, and did it today. Sushi. After workout I go to the sushi shop just up the road and get a roll of salmon and avocado. Bit of extra protein, healthy fats and simple carbs in the form of white rice.

What do you guys think?
Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:

Also about eating simple carbs after a workout. Not sure if I like the dextrose idea. I've read up on it but still the idea of ingesting basically sugar doesn't sit well with me.

I had an idea though, and did it today. Sushi. After workout I go to the sushi shop just up the road and get a roll of salmon and avocado. Bit of extra protein, healthy fats and simple carbs in the form of white rice.

What do you guys think?
Clearly chemistry wasn't your strong point at school Dextrose is a good sugar, sucrose is the one you don't want to be ingesting. If the top fitness model in the world (Gregg Plitt) recommends dextrose after a workout, then it's for a decent reason.

Sushi is not a good equivalent, because it takes time for your body to digest it. Sushi also contains high levels of sodium, which you really do not want after a workout.

Trust me, dextrose is the best way for you if you want simple carbs after a workout. It's doing your body the world of good, because they are used up almost instantly in recovery.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah, I didn't really do chemistry in school... Ok, I'll pick some up when I get some more creatine this week.

Also, thoughts on glutamine for post workout?
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Since I'm entirely new to this, i'm after as much advice as I can get. Not entirely sure what I want as an end result so far, besides being healthier and looking/feeling better.
Think I've brought it up before but i'm vegetarian, never really felt this made any difference though.
5'11" and 120lbs. (always been skinny as hell and can vary on a day to day basis between 115 and 125)

My current day:

Maybe. If I do it's maybe porridge with some honey on it.
Mid morning snack:
Snickers/mars bar
Used to be a sandwich with cheese, mayo and some veggie ham in it, currently eating a cheese salad most days with some olives and maybe peppers in it.
Afternoon snack:
Something horribly unhealthy from greggs, usually a cake or pasty or something
Varies, pretty normal though carbohydrate-y base with some sort of veggie mince or quorn thing.
evening snack:
toast/nuts if there is any.

I know it's asking a lot but I'm just after what exactly I should do to get in shape, tried reading shit loads of guides on the internet and asking people but I get a hell of a lot of varied advice interspersed with pseudo-science.
Can't really afford a gym membership but probably could afford a bit here and there to buy extra food/equipment if it's really necessary.

e: I know this is asking quite a lot with pretty much no specifics all I can offer is  karmaz in exchange for help.

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-05-18 13:08:53)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Well for a start, have breakfast every day (what you do have is pretty decent) and swap out the snacks for a piece of fruit or some of the nuts from the evening. Or make something filling like that cheese salad, and split it between the two snacks.

If you're not really bothered about putting on mass, try just running regularly, like a few times a week at least.
That would be a good start, and depending on how far you want to take it, you can improve quite a bit of things, but IMO there's a point where it starts to become a major lifestyle change and I like to live a little.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Cool, breakfast should be easy. It's normally my dad who just makes a load of porridge for the both of us whilst I get ready in the morning (we travel in together) so eating that every day is just a matter of making 5 minutes extra to eat it.
Tomorrow I've got myself a cheese/quorn salad for lunch and some fruit and nuts for a snack. If I get hungry I suppose I can always buy fruit from work instead of unhealthy shit.
It's not that i'm not bothered about gaining weight, it's just I seem unable to I'm pretty much the exact image of any of the "skinnyfat" pictures in any guides.
How many times would you qualify as regular? 3? Also got an exercise bike, but it's in a pretty public part of my house so can be hard to get to use because people don't want to be walking round you and it's not often everyone but me is out of the house.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Well if you want to gain weight you just have to eat more and go to the gym to make sure it doesn't just get put on as fat, but you're Veggie, so i don't know how easy it is for you to get enough protein without spending a fortune. Same with the gym, will cost a little.

I would say 3, then depending on ow committed you want to be or how much time you have make it 5 or so. Like I said, you can go whole hog, or do easy steps to make yourself feel a lot better. Exercise bike would be fine too.

I'm sure others here have more to say when they get the chance.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6122|Places 'n such
Dunno about normal meat content but quorn seems to be about 20% protein 80% cardboard. Besides that I have eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, etc.
Will probably try to go running 3 times and maybe bike 1 day. Normally do about 2.5 miles when running, gonna do HIIT for a while until my general fitness improves.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

presidentsheep wrote:

Since I'm entirely new to this, i'm after as much advice as I can get. Not entirely sure what I want as an end result so far, besides being healthier and looking/feeling better.
Think I've brought it up before but i'm vegetarian, never really felt this made any difference though.
5'11" and 120lbs. (always been skinny as hell and can vary on a day to day basis between 115 and 125)

My current day:

Maybe. If I do it's maybe porridge with some honey on it.
Mid morning snack:
Snickers/mars bar
Used to be a sandwich with cheese, mayo and some veggie ham in it, currently eating a cheese salad most days with some olives and maybe peppers in it.
Afternoon snack:
Something horribly unhealthy from greggs, usually a cake or pasty or something
Varies, pretty normal though carbohydrate-y base with some sort of veggie mince or quorn thing.
evening snack:
toast/nuts if there is any.

I know it's asking a lot but I'm just after what exactly I should do to get in shape, tried reading shit loads of guides on the internet and asking people but I get a hell of a lot of varied advice interspersed with pseudo-science.
Can't really afford a gym membership but probably could afford a bit here and there to buy extra food/equipment if it's really necessary.

e: I know this is asking quite a lot with pretty much no specifics all I can offer is  karmaz in exchange for help.
For starters, NEVER skip breakfast. Eating first thing when you wake kick starts your metabolism and gives your body fuel for the day.
Definitely lose the snickers/mars bar and replace with some fruit and nuts. Almonds and/or walnuts are particularly good.
If you're going to eat a sandwich, avoid white bread and stick with the wholemeal. White bread has a higher GI level and basically turns to sugar in your body, causing more fat storage.
Avoid the cake pastry, again arvo snack same as morning snack.
Try to avoid anything with carbs for dinner, your body simply does not need it. Carbs need to be burned and since it's the end of the day your body will instead store it as fat.
Lose the toast for the evening snack and go for either nuts or something like cottage cheese.

As far as setting goals, it's kinda important to have some idea of what you want to achieve and where you want to go with this. Otherwise it'll likely to be a half hearted attempt that will fall by the wayside once the novelty wears off. If you have a goal then when you're lacking motivation or mess up on a day or two you'll have a reason to get back onto the diet and fitness and keep going .

Some quick ideas for you to think about:
If you want to lose fat and generally just feel fitter, doing cardio at least three times a week along with an improved diet will steer you towards that direction. After a while you could try some HIIT (high intensity interval training) to give you more athleticism. It's hard though, but more than halves the time it takes to exercise when compared to a typical steady cardio routine. (15-20 minutes compared to 45-60 minutes).
If you want to gain more muscle, you MUST lift weights, starting light at first but gradually increasing to heavy. And if this is goal you must eat a lot more protein than you currently are.

You said you're vegetarian. Does this exclude meat products only? Whey powder is a derivative of milk and is very high in protein, which is why anyone serious about gaining muscles takes whey religiously on a daily basis.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-19 15:17:52)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6485|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

So they are worked, just not "worked." I'm really just curious about this because they are always sore after I push the weight up, moreso than the quads.
If they're more sore than your quads after squats it means your hamstrings are really tight. You will need to losen them up with specific hamstring exercises and stretches (if muscles are tight, stretching is recommended, any other point you shouldn't stretch). My hamstrings (and legs in general) are incredibly tight due to a posture problem, so I have to losen them up before I can really push them in any leg exercise. See if basic hamstring stretches feel quite tight, if they do then that is the reason they're so sore after you push with a squat.
I finally did Romanian Deadlifts with a proper weight and the hamstrings are sore rather than tight, so I see what you are saying. Thank you for the clarification (and Jaekus too.)
I just got back from my first HIIT session (did 5x 30/90) and hot damn!
That shit is way more exhausting than a 6km run. You feel tired after 1 or 2km, but it stays that way until the end. But with this you get more and more tired with every sprint rep.

next week i'll try 6x 30/60

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