Dilbert_X wrote:
In terms of energy cost it boils down to the money.
Until someone comes up with a 'cost' for pumping CO2, SO2, Mercury and other pollutants into the environment then there's not much to discuss.
It would be pretty hard to come up with any alternative green tech which failed as badly as a 50 year old coal plant TBH.
Money? It boils down to money? If we threw enough money into production all the other myriad problems would melt away? Energy storage would fix itself? Transmission would fix itself? Costs would come down? What kind of retarded monkey are you?
That 50 year old coal plant still has an efficiency rating of over 40%. You should know what that means, for every kg of coal burned, 40-45% of that energy is converted into electricity. The steam turbine can not be replaced by hundreds of miles of solar panels, sorry.
You don't seem to understand or care that the quality of life experienced by everyone on the planet is in direct correlation to the amount of electricity they have and the efficiency with which it is produced. Everything about our daily lives is governed by access to energy. You would ask us to dump money into less efficient products so you can feel better about yourself. Well fuck you! I'll never willingly lower my quality of life just so you can have more kangaroos to look at on tv.
Your arguments fail because you're asking people to slit their own throat. Moron.