For the first time in a loooong time i dont feel like working out.
I am 100% sure taht when i do, the elbow pain will return (its gone right now), and as you might understand i dont like feel like lifting, knowing that I will have to deal with that shit the next day.
So I'm taking another week off (I'll start monday again) to make sure its absolutely gone. But i dont think continuing with my current split is th best idea.
Maybe it is best. Or just do a new routine for about a month without the exercises that hurt?

Hypertrophy workout yesterday, feel a lot of ache today! Tried out my tricep exercises that I was doing about 9 months ago, because Stronglifts doesn't really focus on arms at any point I was hoping I wouldn't have lost any of the strength, and I found them easier which is a good sign
Well, if i do it without the exercises that hurt, I have to skip an entire muscle group, as it is very single triceps exercise that hurts.
Also Arnie press for some reason
I could replace arnie press (even though its a great exercise), but i cant just remove one entire muscle group.
Thats why i was thinking of doing a 5x5 strength program, so my body can actually get used to lifting heavy weights.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I'm finding the 5x5 program to be very effective. Certainly much stronger from when I started (was doing 45kg squats about 3 months ago, tomorrow I'm doing over 100kg )

I'll look to switching to a hypertrophy routine at the end of the month. I feel my strength is getting to the point where I could make decent gains on hypertrophy.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-12 03:00:33)

sorry you feel that way

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

is it normal to feel a lot of strain on your lower back while doing DL's? I try to mainly use leg power but pulling with the upper body is still essential to the exercise right?

also I'm on week 5 of 5x5 and am starting to find it hard to do overhead press (@80lbs), and I've noticed my non fapping arm tends to push the weight up better than the other. Any ways to correct this or will it fix itself over time as both arms gets stronger? Should I use a wider than bench press grip?
You use your entire back to straighten out again, it's normal to feel the strain in your lower back as well.

It will correct itself in time, just make sure that if you use dumbbells and stuff that your arms do exactly the same exercises in quantity and weight.

11 if you really want to find out if you're healthy get a check up by a doctor. If your endurance(cardio)/strength are both good I wouldn't worry about it.
inane little opines
Looking for my Scooper
@Jaekus: Aha, never heard of it. Must be a Dutch thing

Did shoulders today.

Heavy MP's, Shoulder Press w/ 3 dropsets, Side/Front raise supersetted with 3 dropsets followed by seated reverse flies and a cable exercise for back shoulders.

Last edited by Jebus (2011-05-12 10:23:10)


[-DER-]Omega wrote:

is it normal to feel a lot of strain on your lower back while doing DL's? I try to mainly use leg power but pulling with the upper body is still essential to the exercise right?

also I'm on week 5 of 5x5 and am starting to find it hard to do overhead press (@80lbs), and I've noticed my non fapping arm tends to push the weight up better than the other. Any ways to correct this or will it fix itself over time as both arms gets stronger? Should I use a wider than bench press grip?
Lower back and legs for heavier DL's for me.
OHP i got stuck at 35kg's for a long time till i switched to 3x5, and used the same grip as bench.
There is also a way of doing it where you use a bit of pump from your legs and hips for the first bit of OHP then get your body forward to push the rest up. When doing this, try to use thumbless grip.

Tips on how to lose those last few pounds around the stomach in a week? I'll live off water if I have to.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5645|Bolingbrook, Illinois

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

is it normal to feel a lot of strain on your lower back while doing DL's? I try to mainly use leg power but pulling with the upper body is still essential to the exercise right?

also I'm on week 5 of 5x5 and am starting to find it hard to do overhead press (@80lbs), and I've noticed my non fapping arm tends to push the weight up better than the other. Any ways to correct this or will it fix itself over time as both arms gets stronger? Should I use a wider than bench press grip?
http://stronglifts.com/deadlifts-lower- … technique/

don't worry, the overhead press is normal.  by the way, your grip for overhead press should be narrow but not touching your shoulders, which is around 18 inches for me.  it should be no where near the width of your bench press grip.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

is it normal to feel a lot of strain on your lower back while doing DL's? I try to mainly use leg power but pulling with the upper body is still essential to the exercise right?

also I'm on week 5 of 5x5 and am starting to find it hard to do overhead press (@80lbs), and I've noticed my non fapping arm tends to push the weight up better than the other. Any ways to correct this or will it fix itself over time as both arms gets stronger? Should I use a wider than bench press grip?
I feel strain in my lower back but a lot through my legs and glutes, as you should be. It's an exercise that works a lot (all) of your lower body and a lot of your upper body too.  Make sure you're standing close to the bar (shins only about 3 inches away, possibly closer if that works for you) with feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Crouch down, grip the knurling at shoulder width and raise up slightly so your arms are locked. Do a couple gentle test mini raises with your hips to get the motion prepared, then, with arms fully straightened and flexed and a straight back, simply stand up whilst trying to keep your back as straight at possible (at heavy weight this is hard, don't worry if it curves a little but do try to keep it as straight as possible). Hold for maybe a second or two then lower the weight, maintaining a straight back. Make sure it rests on the ground for a second, then repeat the motion.

I'm finding the overhead press hard too. Stalled at 39kg the other day (did 5/5/5/4/4). Just keep at it.

ghettoperson wrote:

Tips on how to lose those last few pounds around the stomach in a week? I'll live off water if I have to.
eat like 1500 calories a day (or a 500 calorie deficit) and do a lot of cardio and lifting.
You cant rush these sort of things in a week, its impossible and unhealthy.
oh wow, 10x5 hypotrophy is so much more exhausting than 5x5 strength
its why i want to switch to 5x5 strength.
I was never a sports type of guy, so maybe starting with hypertrophy wasnt smart.
Good thing is, i wont start out doing strength completely weak so i might just get some decent weight on my lifts.
Looking for my Scooper
Was planning to do lower weight/high rep deadlifts today. Needless to stay I went up to 135x5 anyway.

5 reps. Good back training afterwards, but the triceps part really sucked.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

its why i want to switch to 5x5 strength.
I was never a sports type of guy, so maybe starting with hypertrophy wasnt smart.
Good thing is, i wont start out doing strength completely weak so i might just get some decent weight on my lifts.
I've built up relatively a lot of compared to where I was a few months ago. I think going onto hypertrophy from here will yield much better gains than previously. Just need to eat more

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-13 19:40:06)

Un Moderador

PrivateVendetta wrote:

oh wow, 10x5 hypotrophy is so much more exhausting than 5x5 strength
Hypertrophy shouldn't be done over 5 sets. Never do that. It should be 3 or 4 max (with 4 sets focusing more on 8 reps rather than 10).

All you're doing there is tiring out your muscles and not building them, because you're not giving them enough time to regenerate. Dunno where you get the 10x5 routine for hypertrophy from... because it doesn't exist.

If anybody is having trouble with their overhead press/shoulder presses and pushing through their last few on bench press... take two fingers and press around the fleshy area underneath your collarbone (around your inner shoulder, frontwards) and if it's tender it means you have weak ligaments (more specifically rotator cuff ligaments) and therefore you need to apply friction onto them (rub very hard across the ligaments for about 10 minutes until the pain is numbed) and repeat for a week or so until there is no more tenderness. This strengthens the ligaments, also do rotator cuff strengthening and shoulder strengthening.
Looking for my Scooper
That's quite general.. Could you perhaps indicate it on an image?
Un Moderador

Looking for my Scooper
Hmm, the part directly under my collarbone, just before it goes a bit inwards(?) is a little bit sensitive. I'll do the rubbing

Thanks for the tip.
Un Moderador

Jebus wrote:

Hmm, the part directly under my collarbone, just before it goes a bit inwards(?) is a little bit sensitive. I'll do the rubbing

Thanks for the tip.
Most people's are. Your shoulders aren't used to that sort of working so the ligaments tire out and not your muscles. You feel you still have the pushing power, but you just cannot make your muscles move that way.

Be careful with it, I know what I'm doing because I've had bad injuries around my shoulders. Maybe talk to a physio or something if that would make you more at ease.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5645|Bolingbrook, Illinois
this is correct squatting form right?

Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.

HaiBai wrote:

this is correct squatting form right?

Good. Lord.

go to that guys channel and watch some other videos. they are horrendous

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