I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Workouts for the week done! Feeling fantastic, form is better than ever and I'm feeling really positive about it all. Just wanted to share

Zimmer, took your advice re: adding incline tricep extensions at the end of the SL5x5 workout B, used DBs instead of the BB though. Once I got the correct weight I really felt it in my tris. Hopefully over the next few weeks I'll find the shakes I get during bench pressing will gradually disappear.
can you give your reasons for needing to add the tri extensions? is it because you feel your tris don't get enough work?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
When I do bench presses my arms shake a bit and towards the end of the last couple sets I feel my tris are just too weak. So on the day I'm not working my tris I'm starting to add the extensions to give them some extra work, hopefully get them stronger and then I can find adding weight to my BP will work my chest more.
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Jebus wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

will do

or the pear maybe?
It seems to me like you're having a lot of unnecessary sugars because you're trying to cut down on calories. But no, I'd still ditch the Banana, lots of goodness in a pear.

Wow wow wow presidentsheep, first mistake right there. Fat is YOUR FRIEND. Not your enemy. You need to cut out carbohydrates from your diet, not fat. Stop eating carbs at dinner, only have carbs post-workout, eat lots of veg. If you're going to eat carbs any other time of the day it should be breakfast and it should be eats.

There's not need for cardio to lose that fat, just a proper diet and a good regime. Cardio will, however, speed up the fat loss around the stomach.
Got any scientific sources that back this statement up? Interested
The stomach part or cardio speeding up fat loss? For the stomach part I just said that because it will gradually help you lose fat everywhere in the body, I was just making it specific to him.

Cardio naturally speedens up fat loss, but you can lose a ton of fat with just weight training, if you haven't noticed already.
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT

Jaekus wrote:

When I do bench presses my arms shake a bit and towards the end of the last couple sets I feel my tris are just too weak. So on the day I'm not working my tris I'm starting to add the extensions to give them some extra work, hopefully get them stronger and then I can find adding weight to my BP will work my chest more.
Strengthening the rotator cuff through specific exercises is also a good way to increase your bench press.
Right, going to finish 5x5 for the time being.
Got a new program that takes my 1 rep max and scales it down so I build up over the weeks to being able to make it a 5 rep max.

5x5 did me well, so don't get in a hissy fit HaiBai, I got to;
112.5Kg Squat
60Kg Bench
35Kg Over Head Press
97.5Kg Deadlift
and I didn't really ever get going properly on the bent over row, I restarted and changed techniques so many times, so more like 50Kg
Looking for my Scooper

Zimmer wrote:

The stomach part or cardio speeding up fat loss? For the stomach part I just said that because it will gradually help you lose fat everywhere in the body, I was just making it specific to him.

Cardio naturally speedens up fat loss, but you can lose a ton of fat with just weight training, if you haven't noticed already.
Yeah, I meant the stomach part. I thought you were saying cardio targets the abdominal fat more, which I'd find weird.

Did 50kg squat today, so it's gradually getting better.
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Jebus wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

The stomach part or cardio speeding up fat loss? For the stomach part I just said that because it will gradually help you lose fat everywhere in the body, I was just making it specific to him.

Cardio naturally speedens up fat loss, but you can lose a ton of fat with just weight training, if you haven't noticed already.
Yeah, I meant the stomach part. I thought you were saying cardio targets the abdominal fat more, which I'd find weird.
Nah, sorry I meant in general.

@ Nukchebi0 - you must be really really careful with such exercises, if you do them in any wrong way you can seriously fuck up your rotator cuff (I know, I've been there).
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT
Ah yeah, I know. As the veteran of three shoulder dislocations and one labral repair surgery, I have a very dear knowledge of rotator cuff exercises.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

The stomach part or cardio speeding up fat loss? For the stomach part I just said that because it will gradually help you lose fat everywhere in the body, I was just making it specific to him.

Cardio naturally speedens up fat loss, but you can lose a ton of fat with just weight training, if you haven't noticed already.
Yeah, I meant the stomach part. I thought you were saying cardio targets the abdominal fat more, which I'd find weird.
Nah, sorry I meant in general.

@ Nukchebi0 - you must be really really careful with such exercises, if you do them in any wrong way you can seriously fuck up your rotator cuff (I know, I've been there).
Yes, after reading your problems with rotator cuffs I'm hesitant to include an exercise which targets them at the end of a hard workout. The tri extensions felt good though, hit my tris pretty hard (yeah, I did do 5x5 on those too).

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-06 18:41:08)

Feeding the Cats.
+761|5130|Dundee, Scotland.
Helping my mate coach football tomorrow for two hours. Should be good
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Looking for my Scooper
I do some basic rotator cuff exercises whenever I'm going to be using my shoulders in my training. Light weight, high reps.

Also, 'shoulder dislocations' have helped me a great deal.

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+387|6485|New Haven, CT
Squatted 295 (134.1 kg) 4x6. The only thing dampening the continued success is that my deadlift is lagging behind by 100 pounds (45.5).

Jebus wrote:

I do some basic rotator cuff exercises whenever I'm going to be using my shoulders in my training. Light weight, high reps.

Also, 'shoulder dislocations' have helped me a great deal.

Are you doing the resistance based exercises before or after your regular weight routine? You shouldn't do anything designed to break down the rotator cuff (i.e. anything with weight) until after everything else is completed, because it's so important in stabilizing the other lifts.
Looking for my Scooper
I do it with very light weight to warm it up. Haven't had any issues/pains as of yet, so it seems to be working.
Weighed myself earlier, first time in ~ a month, put on nearly a stone, very pleased

(I used to be ~9.5 stone, couldn't put weight on no matter what I tried, now about 10.5, aiming for 12 or so)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So I resisted the urge to drink this weekend and lost 1.2kg instead, now down to 78.5

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6727|Area 51
Could any of you tell me what sorts of food are best to eat before and after weight training?

At the moment I just eat my regular breakfast (4 slices of white bread with either meat or peanutbutter) beforehand and usually eat a banana afterwards..

I'm kinda a picky person when it comes to eating though, so I fear the worst..
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+387|6485|New Haven, CT
Banana or some form of healthy carbs with complex sugars beforehand, banana and protein afterward. You don't need to have pure protein; any food that is healthy and high in protein, such as turkey, should work.
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RDMC wrote:

Could any of you tell me what sorts of food are best to eat before and after weight training?

At the moment I just eat my regular breakfast (4 slices of white bread with either meat or peanutbutter) beforehand and usually eat a banana afterwards..

I'm kinda a picky person when it comes to eating though, so I fear the worst..
White bread? For breakfast? You need oats and a better intake of protein in the morning. Either eggs or a protein shake.

You also need protein right after your workout. The banana is good as well.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I have a bowl of oats with a scoop of whey powder and semi skim milk every morning, easy and nutritious. Just a suggestion.
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White bread should only ever be consumed right after a workout as quick energy. And even then I wouldn't touch it.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I avoid all forms of white bread/flour/rice/etc. Helps to have been brought up that way too
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6727|Area 51

Jaekus wrote:

I avoid all forms of white bread/flour/rice/etc. Helps to have been brought up that way too
Been pretty much brought up with white bread tbh. Anyway thanks for the advice. Also could I perhaps switch from white to brown-ish bread? Don't really like oats..
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Wholemeal bread is fine. It's mainly because white bread gives you an insulin spike, which you only ever want post-workout. Any other time it just turns into sugar and from there to fat (over simplified explanation, it's something along these lines).

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