Uzique wrote:
all those professions over here involve selling your soul and being a bitch for your 20's. law, finance, advertising, etc... all the 'lucrative' jobs. the problem is that every graduate regards them as lucrative, so every graduate applies or tries to go down that route. the people in the industry know that there's about 10 applicants for every job position so they take massive advantage. you're expected to do expensive and costly internships with no wages for 3-6 months at a time, being someone's bitch and gaining no practical work experience. then you're not even offered a job and they just swap you out and rotate with the next eager, willing and naive intern. i thought i wanted to go down the 'professional' route about 3-4 years ago but, really, you realize it's a bit of an oversold myth and the only people really gaining from it as the ones already at the top, taking advantage of all the new blood.
Its a standard procedure.
Use those new kids taht are eager to climb the ladder and let them do the shitty work for as long as you legally can.
Once theyre up the the career ladder, they'll do the same.
Abusing freshly graduated kids or students on an internship is very common.
Why? because they take it like a bitch, because they have to.