I owe you note
The whole system needs to be bled properly, you can screw the master cylinder seals if done incorrectly, changing the old fluid for new might help - in all the pistons, not just the easy one to get to - also if the piston was hard to push in it may still be dragging or not moving at all. I spent a good few hours working a seized piston in and out to get it to work.eleven bravo wrote:
well I figured out what I did wrong (put on one of the brake pads the other way around) but its not giving me much pressure after my remedy. I released a lot of brake fluid through the bleed valve when I was doing it. maybe thats why my brakes arent up to par right now, low fluid. I see the resevoir and its not empty.
A seized piston might also mean its leaking, or will be as soon as you free it.
Fuck Israel