There are many people who believe that he's just doing this to promote his brand. If he does run he doesn't have a shot in hell. The last politician to get elected to the Presidency without previously holding an elected office before was Eisenhower... and he got the position after beating back the Nazi's in WWII. I'd consider that previous public service experience.
Trump: "You're Welcome America. I have done a great service to the American people". Big deal Donald. So you helped produce a document that will undoubtedly be dismissed as a forgery by birthers .
http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/26 … iel-foster
Beck on Trump [Video]He’s not dumb, so he surely realizes by now that he has no shot at winning. As much as voters may enjoy this sort of “f*** the world” pandering on the stump, they’re not going to entrust the nuclear arsenal to a guy prone to rhetoric like this. Remember how Howard Dean, another man of righteous rage, was ahead in the polls until the primaries began and he suddenly realized that he was a bit too “much” for most Democrats? Trump will experience that too. So he’s almost certainly not going to run, in which case, what will the “surprising” announcement be? If he walked out and admitted that this has all been a goof aimed at seeing just how far he could get in the GOP polls using lowest-common-denominator populist rhetoric, it’d be one of the great pranks of all time.
Beck’s made no secret of his feelings towards Trump, particularly on the basis of the whole Birther thing. Beck has been extremely vocal in his disapproval of all things Birther because he believes they distract from real issues and, possibly, because he’s so frequently lumped in with them incorrectly.
Whatever his feelings were, this was a pretty blistering take down. And I’m not being sarcastic.
Xbone Stormsurgezz