I don't remember most of my dreams, they range from the fantastic to the milquetoast.

butterfaceNooBesT wrote:
http://static.bf2s.com/files/user/22266 … o1_500.jpg
Bummer. I wanted more detailed pix. But then again they prolly didn't take the press to those rooms where junk is lying all over the place and wirings rule the floor
pff... excusesTy wrote:
My handss domn't work properly! tjis is vey concerning, I have to write an essay tomight.!
maybe you could just dictate it?Ty wrote:
My handss domn't work properly! tjis is vey concerning, I have to write an essay tomight.!
The solution is so simple:Ty wrote:
No no, I've already used an excuse and got an extension, there's no more ther!
or noseKampframmer wrote:
The solution is so simple:Ty wrote:
No no, I've already used an excuse and got an extension, there's no more ther!
You have to type with your toes.