forget about your K ratio.  Mines only so-so, but it depends on how you play the game.  What is your priority?  Winning the match or padding your own stats.  I like to see my team win.  If that means I die 10 times in a row trying to take back an important control point, so be it.
Death StatPadder
+228|7065|Human Meat Shield

SharkyMcshark wrote:

My mega ultra happy 0.64 stands as a testament to my days as spec ops in karkand on less than a thousand points, and my stubborn will to play a crap map in the rotation (im staring right at cleansweep, oman and maashtur), but now i try to go cautiously, and still nothing

Any tips, and please dont just say Dont Die
Well your K/D isn't as bad as mine.  I was getting killed with unlocks why I just used standard, but my first unlock DAO, is slightly bringing it up - but only on certain "close-up" maps (I've also found out). Teamwork, Teamwork, just now started, and slightly bringing it up. I'm new so I either go as Medic or Assault, Medic hang back, Assault go in with eyes closed and start shootin'.

Just have fun an play -- too many people are worried about K/D and badges. But hey it's up to you.
Expendable Miracle Worker
i love it when the armor and aviator guys chime in about teamwork...that makes me laugh every time...

my advice, find someone that you play well with and keep playing them him/her/them...choose kits so that you are most effective in a group and don't "run and gun", choose your fights wisely...sometimes the best option is to find a clan that you mesh with and play with the same people, squad up, and kill some people
Carpe Noctem
"i love it when the armor and aviator guys chime in about teamwork...that makes me laugh every time.."

Sometimes armor and aviators are very good team workers- playing the support role and working in coordination with infantry.  Not saying that most aren't crap when it comes to team play but I do want to make the argument for those of us that do try to help the team.  I often jump out of my jet at remote spawn points to take them, bomb where ever commander places UAV as long as it's free of team mates, and I often join a squad so that I can at least offer them close air support.  As armor I always try to assault WITH infantry on my flanks and I pop smoke over and over to conceal them.   However, even when I do this very few other players pick up on it and time their assault with me.

In short, team work is in short supply all over this game- not just for pilots and drivers.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7067|AUS, Canberra
going commander (not commando ) is by far the best way iv found, my ratio sucked hard till i started to be commander, iv got my last 700 kills to under 100 deaths playing moslty commander
soup fly mod

learn how to be a plane whore!!!!

check out http://bf2s.com/player/|ccc||PlaneWhore/ 

51:1 k/d ratio in a plane...

Last edited by superfly_cox (2005-10-25 12:29:33)


||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

i love it when the armor and aviator guys chime in about teamwork...that makes me laugh every time...
How do you think my W/L ratio is so high?  I win games for my team.  Or at least give them a huge advantage.
Are you kidding me that aviators are not team players???

Well I use to suck at airplanes, a joystick and alot of practice ~30hrs in an airplane I'm getting better. Let me say that if we have a good commander who spots tanks choppers and the odd one person at a base.

Aviators are the best team players.

Here is what we need from you, "helicopter spotted" "enemy armour spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "enemy airplane spotted"

Lately I've been getting better using the chaingun on the airplane and have no problem dropping a load of bombs on that one person capping a far off flag... It takes ground people too long to get there. Also why do you guys let choppers tear you up without spotting? If you spot a chopper I'll try my best to drop him like a hot coal. I have yet to see a chopper pilot that doesn't run from a flag or turn his attention from the ground when he is being target by a plane. At least we can get him smoking to give the AT guys a chance.

Look at my stats

Aviator 33:28:41 1,756 1,091 1.61 I'll take chances if it means defending flags.

I also won't rape the enemy carrier unless its the only spawn point. Concentrating on the boats and choppers leaving the plane.
+36|7071|Forster NSW
I dont worry about KD Ratio Even though mines is Not very good at all
Im happy with my stats for now

I play medic and I dont get too many kills

But Just enjoy the game
The better you get the better your Stats get

Buzerk1 wrote:

beeng wrote:

r00fus wrote:

Dont Die!
Kill lots!
And don't die
And Kill More...even though my stats suck the big one
Aussie Outlaw

the_heart_attack wrote:

going commander (not commando ) is by far the best way iv found, my ratio sucked hard till i started to be commander, iv got my last 700 kills to under 100 deaths playing moslty commander
Your graphs say otherwise
Δ > x > ¥

MatRx9 wrote:

BB|EyeSeePeeDude wrote:

Commander's Arty strikes - if you're laying low in a hanger, just blast the heck out of the enemy...  you can generally get a 25:2 K/D ratio this way  (*assuming you don't get picked off too often*)
I don't believe that these kills count since version 1.03.
I do.  There's no way I could have got a kill streak in excess of 7 without commander's artillery strike counting.  Now I've even got my Combat Action Ribbon and my k/d is rocketing sky-wards (well, gettting closer to 1:1)
Aussie Outlaw

dsb wrote:

forget about your K ratio.  Mines only so-so, but it depends on how you play the game.  What is your priority?  Winning the match or padding your own stats.  I like to see my team win.  If that means I die 10 times in a row trying to take back an important control point, so be it.
Killing lowers enemy tickets too...
BF2s' little helper
I rarely stick with my squad - unless they are friendly and good teamworkers . I mostly just go my own ways and take things as they come - my ratio's aren't the best, I know, but its still pretty desent for being a "loner" ...
Use your head - that mostly does the trick
+7|7133|California, USA

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

dsb wrote:

forget about your K ratio.  Mines only so-so, but it depends on how you play the game.  What is your priority?  Winning the match or padding your own stats.  I like to see my team win.  If that means I die 10 times in a row trying to take back an important control point, so be it.
Killing lowers enemy tickets too...
I'd rather stay alive and kill atleast 3 enemy soldiers per death.  Too many times matches come too close losing 0-1, 0-3,....Each kill may become the deciding factor!  I don't see how legitly killing is padding, escpecially as infantry, lol.
Aussie Outlaw
Word. Plus you gotta kill to take flags
Death StatPadder
+228|7065|Human Meat Shield

Rakasan wrote:

Another thing about snipers...just kidding.

Yes, kills are counted in global.  Good way to boost overall KDR, but being commander gets old.  I think that is pretty weak on Dice/EA's part considering there's a new patch.  I just go by my small arms KDR.
I envy you..
PKM Assasin
+0|7105|USA, IL
The best thing to do for kill-to-death ratio's is killing people in 1-1's, remember to aim for the head and they will go down first.  After winning the 1-1's go to where they are going to spawn and rock them when they spawn.... cheap, but VERY effective on karkand.
PKM Assasin
+0|7105|USA, IL

imdead wrote:

Rakasan wrote:

Another thing about snipers...just kidding.

Yes, kills are counted in global.  Good way to boost overall KDR, but being commander gets old.  I think that is pretty weak on Dice/EA's part considering there's a new patch.  I just go by my small arms KDR.
I envy you..
Yea, rakasan is a freaking pimp,  mad props to you man!!
Dont die
Bumping month old topics with something that was already posted and is not funny!

Umbra Acciptris
play as a sniper, or medic.  Sniper is the easier one, but requiers skill in sniping.  If you cannot kill people with 1 shot at least 40% of the time, you will likly also end in the negitive.
Medics have the rare advantage of not dying much, as you have infante health.  Try to stay off the front lines.  Take pop shots at people when you can, and take cover quickly.  Always leave med packs arround, so you can retreat onto them while still firing.  Finaly, if you have decent team mates, even if you die, thier is a good chance one of them will grab your kit and rez you.  Thus saving again on your ratio.

FYI, my low K/D ratio for medic is due to the fact, I do not shoot people alot when medic.  I am more concered with making sure the people I am with stay alive to kill some one, than I am with killing people.  I only fight if no one arround me needs a medic, or I need to kill some one to revive a person safly.

Last edited by Umbra Acciptris (2005-12-08 21:52:56)

City maps! I usually get screwed over in vehicle heavy maps cause I play infantry only.
The F15/SU34 is really easy to get kills in. Just don't fly too low and make sure your team has good fighter pilots, since bombers aren't exactly the best at avoiding being shot down.

Playing infantry on city maps helps a lot. Take AK/F2000/G3 as Assault and G36C as Spec Ops. Except for nade launcher deaths, I can usually take down many targets without dying. Don't worry about being killed, either. Shooting someone a few times, taking cover, and letting someone else get the kill won't help your KDR. Always try to make sure you die with at LEAST 2 kills. A player who kills many enemies is as helpful to a team as someone who caps flags. Less enemies alive = safer to cap.

Being a tank whore on city maps also helps a lot. On Karkand (as USMC), you can easily avoid the TOW if you hang around the first flag and kill the enemies as they spawn. If you engage in tank to tank, aim for the front or rear if their tracks. 2 shots here kills the tank. Also watch out for idiotic teammates and C4.

Playing gunner in the Mi28 is a very easy way to get kills. Find a good pilot and have them take you as gunner the whole round. They will benefit from the driver kill assists and you will get more kills.

That said, KDR doesn't matter. If you're helping your team, you're a good player. Know your weaknesses; if combat isn't your thing, be a flag capper. If you can't do either, be a commander. If you suck at all 3, practice is the only solution.

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