Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

You shouldn't be doing deadlifts in every workout. Alternate deadlifts. Squats are fine.

You shouldn't do them every time because you're not hitting 100% with your deadlifts as your squats are hindering progression. Honestly, you're not helping yourself by doing deadlifts every time.
Is there a non-machine exercise for the hamstring that I can alternate deadlifts with? I just want to make sure I am training the legs evenly.
You do realise that the primary muscles worked on a deadlift are the gluteus maximus and erector spinae, right? The hamstrings get worked, but not as much.

If you want to work your hamstrings do a Good Morning or Straight leg deadlift.
Good mornings scare There is a guy at my work that swears by them. I have two herniated disc in my lower back. And it sounds to me like that's the exact motion that triggers my pain . I used to be able to do the exercise that starts with you leaning over a machine with your legs locked in. You slowly bring yourself back up, and then slowly back down (the name of the exercise is escaping me). Anyways, the thought of that also worries me. If I can find an exercise that can help me work that part of my core without a lot of pain I probably wouldn't be as susceptible to lower back injuries. It's a paradox of sorts.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
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nukchebi0 wrote:

I just went to the gym to confirm, and I have been doing the regular deadlift - apparently I read something incorrectly. I tried the Romanian deadlift and it seemed a lot more stressful on the back than the regular deadlift. Is there a right choice between the two, or should I just choose dependent on what I want to emphasize?
Dependent on what you want to emphasise.
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+387|6486|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

I just went to the gym to confirm, and I have been doing the regular deadlift - apparently I read something incorrectly. I tried the Romanian deadlift and it seemed a lot more stressful on the back than the regular deadlift. Is there a right choice between the two, or should I just choose dependent on what I want to emphasize?
Dependent on what you want to emphasise.
Ah, thanks. I think I might stick with the regular deadlift because it targets more of the body and then compensate by doing machine leg curls on the days I don't deadlift.
Looking for my Scooper

Kmar wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Is there a non-machine exercise for the hamstring that I can alternate deadlifts with? I just want to make sure I am training the legs evenly.
You do realise that the primary muscles worked on a deadlift are the gluteus maximus and erector spinae, right? The hamstrings get worked, but not as much.

If you want to work your hamstrings do a Good Morning or Straight leg deadlift.
Good mornings scare There is a guy at my work that swears by them. I have two herniated disc in my lower back. And it sounds to me like that's the exact motion that triggers my pain . I used to be able to do the exercise that starts with you leaning over a machine with your legs locked in. You slowly bring yourself back up, and then slowly back down (the name of the exercise is escaping me). Anyways, the thought of that also worries me. If I can find an exercise that can help me work that part of my core without a lot of pain I probably wouldn't be as susceptible to lower back injuries. It's a paradox of sorts.
Something like this?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Yepperz.. sometimes we would hold plates to our chest.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
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nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

I just went to the gym to confirm, and I have been doing the regular deadlift - apparently I read something incorrectly. I tried the Romanian deadlift and it seemed a lot more stressful on the back than the regular deadlift. Is there a right choice between the two, or should I just choose dependent on what I want to emphasize?
Dependent on what you want to emphasise.
Ah, thanks. I think I might stick with the regular deadlift because it targets more of the body and then compensate by doing machine leg curls on the days I don't deadlift.
Try to avoid machines at all costs.

Squats for quads.
Standing calf raise for calves.
Lunge for quads.
Deadlifts for hips/glutes.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6486|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Dependent on what you want to emphasise.
Ah, thanks. I think I might stick with the regular deadlift because it targets more of the body and then compensate by doing machine leg curls on the days I don't deadlift.
Try to avoid machines at all costs.

Squats for quads.
Standing calf raise for calves.
Lunge for quads.
Deadlifts for hips/glutes.
Are the hamstrings hit enough during a squat that it's okay omitting deadlift every other day and when doing it doing the regular deadlift rather than Romanian deadlift? I know to avoid machines if possible, but like I said, I want to ensure I'm growing the legs evenly.
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nukchebi0 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Ah, thanks. I think I might stick with the regular deadlift because it targets more of the body and then compensate by doing machine leg curls on the days I don't deadlift.
Try to avoid machines at all costs.

Squats for quads.
Standing calf raise for calves.
Lunge for quads.
Deadlifts for hips/glutes.
Are the hamstrings hit enough during a squat that it's okay omitting deadlift every other day and when doing it doing the regular deadlift rather than Romanian deadlift? I know to avoid machines if possible, but like I said, I want to ensure I'm growing the legs evenly.
Then do good morning or straight legged deadlifts if you want to make sure you're working out your hamstrings.

Those exercise will work out your legs evenly, no need to touch a machine.
SL 5x5 11th week finished.
FINALLY broke through the 33.5kg Overhead Press barrier, and next week I shall be on 100kg for squats (the next big milestone) but i'm needing a spotted a lot of the time now.
I think when SL tells you to drop to 3x5 I'm going to swap from strength training.
what do you guys think of protein powder? is it essential for weightlifters or does a well-balanced diet provide enough protein by itself?
Looking for my Scooper
Not essential at all. If you have the time/money/opportunity for enough solid meals throughout the day that will give you the nutrition (and suit your macros) you're perfectly without any form of protein powder.

That said, I don't use any kind of supplements either, saves me quite some money too.
+572|6821|BC, Canada
winters ending, almost time to get back in the gym, good thing, I lost about 10-15 pounds over the winter.
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Jebus wrote:

Not essential at all. If you have the time/money/opportunity for enough solid meals throughout the day that will give you the nutrition (and suit your macros) you're perfectly without any form of protein powder.

That said, I don't use any kind of supplements either, saves me quite some money too.
Purely by gram of protein, protein powder is cheaper than any good "cheap" diet out there. Fact.

Zimmer wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Not essential at all. If you have the time/money/opportunity for enough solid meals throughout the day that will give you the nutrition (and suit your macros) you're perfectly without any form of protein powder.

That said, I don't use any kind of supplements either, saves me quite some money too.
Purely by gram of protein, protein powder is cheaper than any good "cheap" diet out there. Fact.
a 5lb tub costs between 30-40 euros and contains more than 1700g of protein. To get that same amount of protein from, lets just say chicken, i would have to spend over a 100euros.
And of course, the bigger the tub, the cheaper it gets.
Looking for my Scooper

Zimmer wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Not essential at all. If you have the time/money/opportunity for enough solid meals throughout the day that will give you the nutrition (and suit your macros) you're perfectly without any form of protein powder.

That said, I don't use any kind of supplements either, saves me quite some money too.
Purely by gram of protein, protein powder is cheaper than any good "cheap" diet out there. Fact.
Perhaps, but I don't have to pay for the food I eat/take from home. I'd have to pay for my whey, though

Jebus wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Not essential at all. If you have the time/money/opportunity for enough solid meals throughout the day that will give you the nutrition (and suit your macros) you're perfectly without any form of protein powder.

That said, I don't use any kind of supplements either, saves me quite some money too.
Purely by gram of protein, protein powder is cheaper than any good "cheap" diet out there. Fact.
Perhaps, but I don't have to pay for the food I eat/take from home. I'd have to pay for my whey, though
same goes for me, but i dont have a huge appetite. So getting the 3000kcal is hard enough for me. I dont think i have the appetite to eat the amount of protein i take in now.
Its also a quick way to get a lot of protein in after a workout.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kmar wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Shoulder heals and now might right pec feels strained .. . I need to work on my preworkout stretching.
From the reading I've done, ballistic/dynamic stretching ONLY for pre-workout; one article claims you can gain as much as a 10% strength gain, though I have not tested this myself. A few different sources have agreed that static stretching should be in post workout only.
I'm going to have to go with my personal experience on this one man. I know for a fact that I haven't been stretching properly before my workouts. I've been rushing into them because of my schedule lately. Somewhere in between should be fine. Holding a static stretch for 8-12 secs isn't going to chop much off of my strength .. and if the alternative is missing a workout or two because my muscles were not loose then I'm absolutely going to make sure I'm properly prepared.
Yeah good call. Do you warm up too?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois

PrivateVendetta wrote:

SL 5x5 11th week finished.
FINALLY broke through the 33.5kg Overhead Press barrier, and next week I shall be on 100kg for squats (the next big milestone) but i'm needing a spotted a lot of the time now.
I think when SL tells you to drop to 3x5 I'm going to swap from strength training.
you guys piss me off
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
What are you, a salesman for SL?
How about minding your own business.
I'm not going to say it's shit, because I think it has worked, but it's not my ultimate goal to just be strong.
Sure it's nice, but a bit of both can't be a bad thing.

Someone is clearly sold by Mehdi. Get off his dick.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Jaekus wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

From the reading I've done, ballistic/dynamic stretching ONLY for pre-workout; one article claims you can gain as much as a 10% strength gain, though I have not tested this myself. A few different sources have agreed that static stretching should be in post workout only.
I'm going to have to go with my personal experience on this one man. I know for a fact that I haven't been stretching properly before my workouts. I've been rushing into them because of my schedule lately. Somewhere in between should be fine. Holding a static stretch for 8-12 secs isn't going to chop much off of my strength .. and if the alternative is missing a workout or two because my muscles were not loose then I'm absolutely going to make sure I'm properly prepared.
Yeah good call. Do you warm up too?
It depends. I alter heavy and light every other week to focus on different muscles. I do cardio prior on the light days, and I also add sets and reps on my light week.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
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HaiBai wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

SL 5x5 11th week finished.
FINALLY broke through the 33.5kg Overhead Press barrier, and next week I shall be on 100kg for squats (the next big milestone) but i'm needing a spotted a lot of the time now.
I think when SL tells you to drop to 3x5 I'm going to swap from strength training.
you guys piss me off
You've never contributed properly. Your advice is poor at best. You keep flaming in this topic because people don't agree with what you think are "rules" in working out. You started off working out not even 2 years ago, asking for the most ridiculous advice like "OH MY GOD GUYZ, MY MUSCLES HURT AFTER WORKOUT; WILL THIS HAPPEN EVERYTIME?!!?!1111" and now you come in here like the king of the castle and think you know absolutely everything after following 5x5 SL? What the fuck.

It's funny because after just 4 months of working out, your tone changed to total arrogance and "know it all" status. I've admitted several times that the way I do it might not be what others say (like tris and chest); but I certainly don't act as if I know it all. We give each other advice in here, not bash what other people are doing and say they're wrong. If you think they're wrong, then explain it to them in a decent manner, don't be a prick.

All you've done in this thread is come in and argue about certain things regarding working out. You come in here claiming to be a total pro, when in fact you're a novice.

If we piss you off, go elsewhere. We certainly won't miss your posts here.
Un Moderador

Kmar wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Kmar wrote:

I'm going to have to go with my personal experience on this one man. I know for a fact that I haven't been stretching properly before my workouts. I've been rushing into them because of my schedule lately. Somewhere in between should be fine. Holding a static stretch for 8-12 secs isn't going to chop much off of my strength .. and if the alternative is missing a workout or two because my muscles were not loose then I'm absolutely going to make sure I'm properly prepared.
Yeah good call. Do you warm up too?
It depends. I alter heavy and light every other week to focus on different muscles. I do cardio prior on the light days, and I also add sets and reps on my light week.
They say cardio is best right after a workout when your muscles are at their weakest. Cardio before tires them out and makes them less likely to lift the expected weight.

I've personally only done it a few times, so I can't really comment on the effect. I rarely have time to follow up with 25 minutes of cardio after my workout.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

That makes sense. The majority, if not all of my workout is cardio on those days. The pace of my entire routine is turned up, it's almost like circuit training. On my heavy days it's nothing but stretching prior to my workout.

I'm usually pretty depleted by the time I finish the weights on my heavy days.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois
i just don't understand the point of switching routines around all the time.  i don't care if you're going to workout for strength, size, endurance, whatever.  but stick to it instead of changing plans around all the time

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