I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

HaiBai wrote:

thats an image from an anorexia article, so don't say the guy is actually fatter then he looks or etc.
We aren't talking about anorexia here, we're talking about people who have been already working out for a while.

The thread title isn't "No exercise and starvation", is it?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Jaekus wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Yes it does.
no it doesn't because you may have accumulated fat in different areas and because your abs may not be very strong

dont be dumb
You won't see visible abs at 15% bodyfat. Ever heard the saying "abs are made in the kitchen"?

Don't be dumb.

You can have the biggest six pack in the world but you won't see it if your body fat % is too high.

Maybe you should do some reading up on it sometime, y'know, to do some learning and shit.
you can have the lowest body fat percentage in the world but you won't see it if your abs are weak
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Of course.
Someone like Jebus who is DL 140kg hardly has weak abs though.
This leads me to believe the machine is incorrect his BF% is higher than 9%.
All the literature I've read on the matter states if you have a BF% in sine digits, you will have visible abs (obviously you the muscles too).
So I finally decided to join the gym to incorporate weight lifting in my workout routine. Thing is, there are so many different exercises, variations, and workout plans out there that I don't really know where to begin. I've limited experience with weights but have been on a somewhat steady routine of body weight exercises in the past year or so and I'd say I'm in pretty good shape to take on the iron. Can anyone recommend a basic plan for a newbie such as myself? fwiw i'm about 6'2 165lbs and can bench press somewhere close to my own bodyweight.
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+387|6486|New Haven, CT
Alli: http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/the-ulti … t-routine/

(Credit to Jaekus for originally showing it to me.)
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[-DER-]Omega wrote:

So I finally decided to join the gym to incorporate weight lifting in my workout routine. Thing is, there are so many different exercises, variations, and workout plans out there that I don't really know where to begin. I've limited experience with weights but have been on a somewhat steady routine of body weight exercises in the past year or so and I'd say I'm in pretty good shape to take on the iron. Can anyone recommend a basic plan for a newbie such as myself? fwiw i'm about 6'2 165lbs and can bench press somewhere close to my own bodyweight.
3 Full body workouts a week.

Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Barbell Rows and Overhead press.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Hey Zimmer, I've still got a few weeks to go on SL 5x5, what should I switch to once I'm ready for a change?
Does anyone take Fish Oil, heard it's recommended/big benefits?
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+387|6486|New Haven, CT

Zimmer wrote:

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

So I finally decided to join the gym to incorporate weight lifting in my workout routine. Thing is, there are so many different exercises, variations, and workout plans out there that I don't really know where to begin. I've limited experience with weights but have been on a somewhat steady routine of body weight exercises in the past year or so and I'd say I'm in pretty good shape to take on the iron. Can anyone recommend a basic plan for a newbie such as myself? fwiw i'm about 6'2 165lbs and can bench press somewhere close to my own bodyweight.
3 Full body workouts a week.

Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Barbell Rows and Overhead press.
What is the ideal order for doing those five lifts?

Sturgeon wrote:

Does anyone take Fish Oil, heard it's recommended/big benefits?
I used to take it, but i didn't work out out back then. It raises your concentration throughout the day. But i believe it also has some benefits for working out, but I'm afraid i don't know em

e: Found something, not sure if its bullshit or not: It may help with fat loss, recovering after training and good for your joints.
Be aware, this could be complete bullshit, i just googled for one minute. So if you want to be 100% sure on its benefits i suggest waiting for someone that knows more about it, or look around some more yourself.

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-04-07 09:02:49)

glucosamine with chondroitin is good for joint recovery and joint lubrication
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Jaekus wrote:

Hey Zimmer, I've still got a few weeks to go on SL 5x5, what should I switch to once I'm ready for a change?
Any hypertrophy routine. Either 4x8 or 3x12, whatever takes your fancy.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Hey Zimmer, I've still got a few weeks to go on SL 5x5, what should I switch to once I'm ready for a change?
Any hypertrophy routine. Either 4x8 or 3x12, whatever takes your fancy.
Even the same exercises? Should I start with reduced weight, say 20% lower?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Jaekus wrote:

Hey Zimmer, I've still got a few weeks to go on SL 5x5, what should I switch to once I'm ready for a change?
3x5 SL, after that the 1x5 SL, after that the SL intermediate, and after that SL advanced.

Jaekus wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Hey Zimmer, I've still got a few weeks to go on SL 5x5, what should I switch to once I'm ready for a change?
Any hypertrophy routine. Either 4x8 or 3x12, whatever takes your fancy.
Even the same exercises? Should I start with reduced weight, say 20% lower?
If you decide to gor for something like 3x10, i'dd lower the weight. 20% should do the trick, but make sure its not too low/high
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah I think 20% should be about right with the additional reps per set. 10% wouldn't feel like enough of a reduction to adjust weight.
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Jaekus wrote:

Yeah I think 20% should be about right with the additional reps per set. 10% wouldn't feel like enough of a reduction to adjust weight.
lol, you wouldn't manage a 3x10/12 with the same weight as a 5x5. If you do, then you're not doing the 5x5 right.

Hypertrophy should be about 70-80% of your max. 5x5 should be 80-90% of your max.

If you want to be strong and tone your body do not follow the next SL routine. It's purely for strength. Look at the guy who's writing it:

It's really not particularly impressive. He has muscle, sure. But it's not toned and it's not big. Sure he can lift a lot, but he doesn't look the part. His shoulders are tiny and his tris/bis are really poor. His chest isn't particularly nice and he has no abs. He claims he has a big chest, but he only has a large chest due to his naturaly physique of a swimmers body, so when he bulks out it looks big. His back is pretty impressive, however.

His strength regime is exactly that. For strength and for strength ONLY. He's lost fat, but he still has a decent amount of BF on him. You can be strong and be big as well. I trust some of his judgement, but when he starts throwing in stuff like "Arnie did this" and "bodybuilding isn't the way" I'm a bit weary of really following all his advice.

You've done a good base routine, now mix it up, don't follow the SL advanced and all that. I guarantee you that if you do a hypertrophy regime and then go back to SL you'll notice you can lift more and you'll also look a lot better.

Tone up, bulk out and get lifting!

There's no point in focusing on merely strength when you can balance it out nicely and do hypertrophy as well.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois
id rather be strong then look strong.  also

I can't stress enough how little I care about how I look today. My confidence does NOT depend on how ripped, groomed or whatever I am. I don't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I believe quitting bodybuilding and switching to strength training was THE key to getting this comfortable with my body. By focusing on strength I completely stopped caring about aesthetics.

Last edited by HaiBai (2011-04-07 16:49:14)

Un Moderador

HaiBai wrote:

id rather be strong then look strong.  also

I can't stress enough how little I care about how I look today. My confidence does NOT depend on how ripped, groomed or whatever I am. I don't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I believe quitting bodybuilding and switching to strength training was THE key to getting this comfortable with my body. By focusing on strength I completely stopped caring about aesthetics.
I've read it all. Thanks.

Read what I actually said. You can be strong and look strong. Why only take one?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois
because i dont give a shit about what others think about me
Un Moderador

HaiBai wrote:

because i dont give a shit about what others think about me

I'm pretty sure I read that Jaekus wants to lose some fat and tone up and gain strength. You can't do that properly on a pure SL regime.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5646|Bolingbrook, Illinois
you can definately lose fat and gain strength
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Yeah I think 20% should be about right with the additional reps per set. 10% wouldn't feel like enough of a reduction to adjust weight.
lol, you wouldn't manage a 3x10/12 with the same weight as a 5x5. If you do, then you're not doing the 5x5 right.
That's what I meant. 10% wouldn't feel enough of a reduction to actually complete a set, too difficult.

Hypertrophy should be about 70-80% of your max. 5x5 should be 80-90% of your max.

If you want to be strong and tone your body do not follow the next SL routine. It's purely for strength. Look at the guy who's writing it:

It's really not particularly impressive. He has muscle, sure. But it's not toned and it's not big. Sure he can lift a lot, but he doesn't look the part. His shoulders are tiny and his tris/bis are really poor. His chest isn't particularly nice and he has no abs. He claims he has a big chest, but he only has a large chest due to his naturaly physique of a swimmers body, so when he bulks out it looks big. His back is pretty impressive, however.

His strength regime is exactly that. For strength and for strength ONLY. He's lost fat, but he still has a decent amount of BF on him. You can be strong and be big as well. I trust some of his judgement, but when he starts throwing in stuff like "Arnie did this" and "bodybuilding isn't the way" I'm a bit weary of really following all his advice.

You've done a good base routine, now mix it up, don't follow the SL advanced and all that. I guarantee you that if you do a hypertrophy regime and then go back to SL you'll notice you can lift more and you'll also look a lot better.

Tone up, bulk out and get lifting!

There's no point in focusing on merely strength when you can balance it out nicely and do hypertrophy as well.
Yeah, that's what the goal is. Build up a lot more strength than previously so I can lift a lot more in hypertrophy. Because I was fairly weak I figured (after a couple months) that focussing on hypertrophy first was holding me back. I guess my logic here is strength gains = better hypertrophy gains than doing it the other way around. Would this be correct?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

because i dont give a shit about what others think about me

I'm pretty sure I read that Jaekus wants to lose some fat and tone up and gain strength. You can't do that properly on a pure SL regime.
Yeah, they are my goals. I've lost a fair bit of fat which is good and made some great strength gains (relative to where I started).

Thanks for the advice Zimmer.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

HaiBai wrote:

id rather be strong then look strong.  also

I can't stress enough how little I care about how I look today. My confidence does NOT depend on how ripped, groomed or whatever I am. I don't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I believe quitting bodybuilding and switching to strength training was THE key to getting this comfortable with my body. By focusing on strength I completely stopped caring about aesthetics.
That's great. Thing you've got to understand is my goals aren't his goals.

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