Shocking wrote:
We're talking within the legal abortion limits here btw, a <25 week old fetus has no sapience or consciousness to speak of. If you start going beyond that it gets increasingly difficult to try and seperate newborn from a fetus, pulling the debate in that direction will never have it end.
How some can rationalise attaching the same ethical value to a fetus without cognitive capacity as to an actual human being is beyond me, it's that very thing which is supposed to define us as living humans. Why argue that the process should be judged entirely? You would be arguing that a fetus in that stage of development has a pre-determined personality of sorts, or/and that personality and cognition does not matter in defining us as human beings.
Apart from your body existing your fetus self at <25 weeks is not you. Why does it have the same ethical value as you?
I explained how I can rationalize that, without emotion, or being an over the top zealot. Going on basic fact of the matter. Human life evolves in stages from conception to death. to terminate any one of those stages by your hand is terminating human life. Period. There are no "what ifs", or "yeah buts" to be discussed. That is a fact.
After that fact, the only really thing left to discuss is how we justify it, or rationalize within our own personal moral boundaries. some of us can, and some of us can't.
As far as your question on ethical values on terminating one stage of life over any other is a fair question, as long as we agree that it is human life you are terminating, killing. ( I did not say murder).
For me PERSONALLY, (I do not intend to force my moral judgement on anyone regarding this issue), after supporting and paying for an abortion, I thought that relief and a sense of normalcy would ensue. In fact, I felt terrible for it, guilty. Especially 10 years later when I had my first born, it all came back to haunt me as I raised my boys, and experienced all the wonderment that comes with be a dad. My baby if allowed to live, would be 25 years old now, and there have been plenty of times spent in my life wondering what he/she would have grown up to be like if I had allowed him/her to live. So again, lets not pull any punches, or sugar coat what is happening. When you abort a pregnancy, you are killing human life. All that is left is to figure out how you will deal with that emotionally.