
menzo wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

menzo wrote:

and leg thingies, see the weight bar at the bottom
lolwut, you in this thread?
wanted to know how what your new bench looked like
ah, okey.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Zimmer wrote:

Kmar wrote:

I wouldn't take stimulants unless you absolutely feel like you need it. I used to take a Caffine/ephedrine/asprin stack before working out and it helped maintain energy.. but I crashed hard, and would have trouble sleeping if I took it after 5pm.
Never crashed on stimulants and never had trouble sleeping. Bad pre workout supplement is what it sounds like for you Kmar.

I take Controlled Labs White Flood (really quite expensive, but worth it) and I absolutely love it for a pre workout drink. It gives me that bit more energy and willpower to push through absolutely everything and even get another set. I don't get any side effects from it and it tastes great.

I also stack it with Controlled Labs Purple Wraath (intra workout) and both the things together work wonders.

If you have the cash, get something good. Look at the bodybuilding.com forums and narrow it down to the best brands and then try one.

1MR is good stuff. Not great, but it does give you a boost.
If I took it after 5pm, yea it (Caffine) kept me awake. It's rather common result, and it even seems typical with 1mr from what I have read. Another reason I stay away from Caffine now is that it can contribute to a cause of kidney stones (I am prone to them), it is a diuretic. It also spikes your blood sugar levels, raises cortisol, and can make you crave hi gi carbs.. which I generally try to stay away from. Personally, its not for me.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Un Moderador

Oh I don't question what you've said, Kmar. Caffeine can have different effects on different people.

My body has a huge tolerance for substances like caffeine/taurine, weed and alcohol, so it will affect me for the duration of the workout, but little else.

I don't consume any foods containing caffeine other than my pre workout drink, so I keep my caffeine levels to a minimum.

I've tried several pre-workout supplements - Gaspari SuperPump250, NO-Xlode, Phd Wired/V-Max pump and nothing compares to the quality of Controlled Labs White Fusion. Actually, Controlled Labs are probably the best brand I've used for any sort of suppplement. I get no crash, no shits, no shakes and great tasting.

It depends on the person and if they feel they need the supplements. I reached a plateau and wanted to get another set in and lift more, so the pre-workout boost came in handy. Saying that, I can now do what the pre-workout supplement helped me to do without it. It's untrue what people say about caffeine giving you an "unrealistic" boost because once you're off it you can't do as much. Your body gets just as strong with it as without it, so your stamina goes up and therefore you can do the workout without caffeine. Pre workout supplements just help you break that "barrier" and hit new highs. Once broken you can go off it and still keep lifting just as much.

@ Jaekus - A superset should be the same number of reps as the normal set you're doing. I do
8 reps of close grip immediately followed by 8 reps of tricep extension and then repeated for 4 sets.

Remember to reduce the weight on both exercises when supersetting, or you will just fail hard.

Also, make it 1.15 minutes rest in between sets or you won't be able to cope.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

I usually don't have an energy problem when I work out. In fact, its quite the opposite. I think I pushed myself too hard last time I did my shoulders. I did them Wednesday evening, was a little sore thurday, but yesterday (friday) I woke up with sharp pain in the front of my right delt. I've been trying to stretch it out since. I don't know if I've strained it, or if its just a case of doms. I'm leaning towards a strain because the right is in a heck of a lot more pain than the left.

Anyways, darts should be interesting tonight.. since I can barely lift that arm ..lol.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Un Moderador

Kmar wrote:

I usually don't have an energy problem when I work out. In fact, its quite the opposite. I think I pushed myself too hard last time I did my shoulders. I did them Wednesday evening, was a little sore thurday, but yesterday (friday) I woke up with sharp pain in the front of my right delt. I've been trying to stretch it out since. I don't know if I've strained it, or if its just a case of doms. I'm leaning towards a strain because the right is in a heck of a lot more pain than the left.

Anyways, darts should be interesting tonight.. since I can barely lift that arm ..lol.
It's not an energy problem. I have plenty of energy to complete a workout - what I'm saying is that the pre workout supplement gives you that extra "umpf" to pass a plateau or an exercise you're stuck on a specific weight. I use it right now because I recently hit a bench press and bicep plateau and need to get around it, and the easiest way is to superset and get an energy boost. I'm now increasing the weights by about 2.5kg each time, which is a hell of a lot more than I was able to do when I hit my plateau.

That sounds nasty. I believe I have sacroillitis - I had it a few years back due to an overly strong back and an imbalance in the pelvic area, and now it's back with a vengeance. Nothing I can really do but try and rest it.
That Guy
+236|5199|Massachusetts, USA
Started doing the P90X workouts. The dude in the video is a total faggot, but goddamn those workouts are brutal.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois
So, I'm building a home made power rack.  At the moment, I don't have an olympic barbell but I'm planning to get one.  So I was wondering what the width of my power rack should be?  I know most olympic barbells are 7 feet, but I need to know the length of the barbell not counting the sleeves.  Thanks.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois

UnkleRukus wrote:

Started doing the P90X workouts. The dude in the video is a total faggot, but goddamn those workouts are brutal.
P90x changed my life, but it just bored the shit out of me.  I couldn't get myself to do it everyday.  Weight lifting is so much more enjoyable, I actually look forward to it
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Lol did you pay for P90X?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Really you not try downloading it or something?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois
honestly, i didnt even think about downloading it for some reason.

besides, it was definately worth it.  not to mention the fact that the guides that came with the DVDs, specifically the nutrional guide, are what caused me to change my lifestyle
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5647|Bolingbrook, Illinois

HaiBai wrote:

So, I'm building a home made power rack.  At the moment, I don't have an olympic barbell but I'm planning to get one.  So I was wondering what the width of my power rack should be?  I know most olympic barbells are 7 feet, but I need to know the length of the barbell not counting the sleeves.  Thanks.
could someone also link me to a cheap but decent olympic barbell along with weights?
Un Moderador

HaiBai wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

So, I'm building a home made power rack.  At the moment, I don't have an olympic barbell but I'm planning to get one.  So I was wondering what the width of my power rack should be?  I know most olympic barbells are 7 feet, but I need to know the length of the barbell not counting the sleeves.  Thanks.
could someone also link me to a cheap but decent olympic barbell along with weights?
All olympic barbells are of similar price. You'll only get a £5 deviation between them, if that. The recommended brands are Marcy, Gold's Gym and York.

You also can get 6 feet olympic barbells which are 15kg.
Go Cougs!
+691|6453|Washington St.
It's to the point where I feel like I'm not making much progress for the amount of effort I'm putting in. I'm moving up in weights just fine but when I look in the mirror I'm not seeing a whole lot of progress. I guess I should be happy I'm going up in strength and not worry about size (even though that was my main goal).
Going to the gym is slowly becoming a chore rather than something I want to do. My motivation level has been super low the past few weeks I've gone.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

@ Jaekus - A superset should be the same number of reps as the normal set you're doing. I do
8 reps of close grip immediately followed by 8 reps of tricep extension and then repeated for 4 sets.
Ok cool, so for the 5x5 routine I'm currently doing just do this too for the core exercises?

Question: a friend of mine recommended just eating tuna with hot sauce 5 times a day for a week or two to really slim down. Is this incredibly stupid and unhealthy? I figured I'd compliment it with fruit/veg to snack on to keep it a little balanced. To be honest I'm not a fan of tuna at all, so I probably couldn't last more than a day, but I thought it might be a good way to bring my body fat % right now.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
That's just silly.

You just need to reduce your calorie intake to below what is keeping you at your current weight (maintenance level). This reduction is called caloric deficit. Do this by eating ONLY whole foods (nothing processed whatsoever, except perhaps cheese) and reducing the amount of carbs you consume (not totally, you need carbs for energy but not heaps of them). Any carbs you eat make sure they're complex (whole wheat, brown rice etc). Eat heaps of vegetables and plenty of protein and drinks lots of water, at least 3 litres daily if not a gallon. Eat only healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, dairy and fish.

Do not eat anything with white sugar in it. In fact, avoid anything with sugar altogether if possible.

Also make sure you're doing cardio at least 3x a week, and maybe look into HIIT for some good gains in fitness whilst losing weight. The body can healthily shed 2lbs a week, unless you are obese and then you can afford to lose more (or so I have read).

Crash diets might work in the short term but studies have shown they just fuck you over in the long term. If you follow something like the above you will maintain good nutrition whilst losing weight.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-04-04 05:31:19)

normally you should aim for 2000kcals, but if you know exactly how much you use during the day you can calculate how much you need to eat with about a 500kcal deficit.
But if youre not sure, 2000 is often a safe bet. And HIIT is very good for losing weight, If I was on a cut I would definitely do that.

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-04-04 05:44:48)

Still trying to shake these 4KG! 3 HIIT sessions per week and 2 weight sessions seems to be working! Need to work on my lunch though.

Any other students out there struggling to get a decent lunch in every day?
Maybe you could try something like sandwiches?
I dunno, my uni had a great restaurant but i never went there as i never had more than 1 or 2 courses on the few days that i actually had to go there.
When i took food i always took some PB sandwiches.
I really suck at thinking of meals that you can bring with you
Go Cougs!
+691|6453|Washington St.

lrishpride wrote:

Any other students out there struggling to get a decent lunch in every day?
Dude are you kidding me? I'm fuckin terrible at eating correctly cause i'm a student. And I'm not referring to eating healthily, I mean eating at the rights times over the day instead of just gorging once or twice on anything. Worse yet, I'm SUPER poor so my caloric intake is likely WAY lower than it should be to build proper muscle. The period when i had some extra dough i did a small experiment and ate ALL the time, like i made sure I was full 100% of the time, even if I didn't want to. It lasted about 2 weeks (and so went my money...) but I put on so much muscle (and not fat, I'm one of those couldn't-get-fat-if-I-tried-but-also-can't-put-on-muscle guys).

I can't wait to make real money and go to the gym...
Workout binge, bike ride, football later then a weights session.

Feels good man.
Looking for my Scooper
So, I got my body 'rated' by one of those professional scales at the gym that measures everything, but I'm quite sceptical though.

At home, without clothes I weight about 72KG.

According to this machine, I weighed 71.9KG and 68.7KG without clothes (lol wut, my workout pants + tshirt (no shoes) don't weigh 3kgs)
My bf% is 9.1%, which I don't believe at all, as I've gained about 7kgs in 6 months, and my abs aren't that visible anymore. Water% is 65.3% and and Muscle mass is 45.6%.

According to the machine my calorie maintenance level is around 2913 (how can this machine know, lol?)

Anyone experienced with these machines? It was a 'Soehnle', like this

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