Go Cougs!
+691|6453|Washington St.
creatine came today. i'm still not sold on it but hey, i guess that's why im trying it out right?

Me and my friend split a tub so we're gonna compare what the effect was to each of us. Starting loading phase now... Ill get back to y'all.
Just had a class workout on my arms, I love this feeling

pirana6 wrote:

creatine came today. i'm still not sold on it but hey, i guess that's why im trying it out right?

Me and my friend split a tub so we're gonna compare what the effect was to each of us. Starting loading phase now... Ill get back to y'all.
I'll be interested to see the effects. I've never wanted to use it, seemed too artificial to me.

Another person commented on my 'impressive' squat yesterday. Ohhh Rigghhht

Getting to the point of almost failure on the last set now.

Last edited by PrivateVendetta (2011-03-30 03:25:36)


PrivateVendetta wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

creatine came today. i'm still not sold on it but hey, i guess that's why im trying it out right?

Me and my friend split a tub so we're gonna compare what the effect was to each of us. Starting loading phase now... Ill get back to y'all.
I'll be interested to see the effects. I've never wanted to use it, seemed too artificial to me.

Another person commented on my 'impressive' squat yesterday. Ohhh Rigghhht

Getting to the point of almost failure on the last set now.
I'm also very curious on how much lean muscle mass (so not water weight) you actually gain from it.

I read this article about squatting yesterday, and I think I'm going to try to do it more often, just when I'm sitting at my desk.

http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_art … orld_squat
Looking for my Scooper
137.5KGx5 deadlift today. Tried to explode more on the way up, and it helped. Attempting 3 plates next week

Do you guys wear weight belts when you lift?
11 Bravo
+965|5400|Cleveland, Ohio

ghettoperson wrote:

Do you guys wear weight belts when you lift?
thats for lug heads
You orrible caaaaaaan't

ghettoperson wrote:

Do you guys wear weight belts when you lift?
What they do stop you from shitting your pants. Was looking at how to do deadlifts properly the other day. Did some today where you push your heels through the floor feels so much harder.

Or people who don't want hernias. That said I've no idea how much risk there really is.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

ghettoperson wrote:

Or people who don't want hernias. That said I've no idea how much risk there really is.
No it's to stop you from shitting your pants. I think it offers some back support.
Looking for my Scooper
It increases abdominal pressure, which helps stabilize your lower back. I don't use one.

wah1188 wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Or people who don't want hernias. That said I've no idea how much risk there really is.
No it's to stop you from shitting your pants. I think it offers some back support.
Didn't it have something to do with keeping your kidneys in place, or am i thinking of something else?
Anyway, i don't think I lift an amount of weight that requires a belt.
You shouldn't need a belt if you lift properly.
A belt can help you to lift more though, i think it can be up to 30lbs or something according to some things i've read.
I don't use one.

I looked at that article Ghetto, and it looks interesting, a bit along the lines of what the guy says in the SL5x5 report, so i might give it a go. I can get into the position, but I have to concentrate on not falling backwards if I rest on my heels.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

pirana6 wrote:

creatine came today. i'm still not sold on it but hey, i guess that's why im trying it out right?

Me and my friend split a tub so we're gonna compare what the effect was to each of us. Starting loading phase now... Ill get back to y'all.
Drink lots of water!
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Kampframmer wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

creatine came today. i'm still not sold on it but hey, i guess that's why im trying it out right?

Me and my friend split a tub so we're gonna compare what the effect was to each of us. Starting loading phase now... Ill get back to y'all.
I'll be interested to see the effects. I've never wanted to use it, seemed too artificial to me.

Another person commented on my 'impressive' squat yesterday. Ohhh Rigghhht :cool:

Getting to the point of almost failure on the last set now.
I'm also very curious on how much lean muscle mass (so not water weight) you actually gain from it.
Very little. Creatine isn't going to help "build" your muscles. It's highly unlikely that Creatine itself would give you long term gains once you get off of it, and the supplement companies don't want that anyways. You could argue the benifits of an increase in energy (which was always barely noticeable for me), and that increase in energy might stave off muscle fatigue and allow for a better work out.. I guess :/

Creatine may give you the quick appearance of muscle growth, but really it's just cell volumization. .. which technically isn't muscle growth. My experience off and on over the years has been that, as soon as I got off it I dropped weight, and muscle size. There is no "memory function" in this regard. Once the Creatine monohydrate stops assisting in drawing in the water the benefits are gone. Protein, water, and proper rest/recovery are the best things you can do to get your body in an anabolic state after a workout.

btw, it's easy to find articles championing the benefits of creatine online. There is usually a profit factor behind them. I've had a lot of personal experience with this supplement and I can tell you, your money is much better spent on a high quality protein.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Anyone have any experience with this or knows if it's any good?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

I wouldn't take stimulants unless you absolutely feel like you need it. I used to take a Caffine/ephedrine/asprin stack before working out and it helped maintain energy.. but I crashed hard, and would have trouble sleeping if I took it after 5pm.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmar wrote:

I wouldn't take stimulants unless you absolutely feel like you need it. I used to take a Caffine/ephedrine/asprin stack before working out and it helped maintain energy.. but I crashed hard, and would have trouble sleeping if I took it after 5pm.
Fuck it, I'll just save them up and give them to whoever wants them
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

You might want them some day, if you are feeling really drained. I just wouldn't make it a habit. .. that's another thing. You build a tolerance to those ingredients  (like Caffine), and you need more and more to get the kick. At some point you might feel like you need biochemical help just to pickup the weights. that is not natural and it is not good for your heart. Especially before a workout.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I only have 2 servings of them, and i don't expect anyone that i know to have it, so no worries.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Btw I am not anti-supplement. I just think its far more important to concentrate on form, and building a good workout plan. One thing I like seeing in the comments here is how well you guys are documenting your workout. A lot of people don't do that (in detail). I don't understand how they can hit their goals without tracking their progress. I use a notebook when I am working out, keeping track of every rep.  Maybe its just my personality, but I have to have a clear plan.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
yeah, wether it took me 10min or days to make a routine, i always want it on paper (or excel to be exact) with the weight i use and the sets/reps. After a while I don't need to look it up every time before i work out, but i can't imagine doing what my brother used to do: Going to the gym and just do what you feel like doing.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Its not nearly as encouraging when you go to the gym and do whatever... but so many people do. Its pretty evident at the gyms I've been to.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
If I didn't keep a note, I would have no idea what weight I should be lifting, it changes so quickly.

Not always up

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