Local vitamin store had them 50% off. 75 servings for $25. I bought two
Local vitamin store had them 50% off. 75 servings for $25. I bought two
Xbone Stormsurgezz
mine's 81 servings for 29 euros, without a discount.Kmar wrote:
Local vitamin store had them 50% off. 75 servings for $25. I bought two
Last edited by Kampframmer (13 years, 11 months ago)
nope, i used to buy 100% but it costs about 10euros extra and the one i currently use has 21.85g of protein per serving which is a little less than 100%, but i save a lot of money on it.Kmar wrote:
29 euros comes to about $40.
Vanillia. Is yours 100% whey? . .. because sometimes they sneak some soy in, and I can taste the difference. I bought a 10lb bag at costco for $60 once that said it was whey on the front, but I looked at the back when I got home and noticed it was a blend fml. … _and_tasteCybargs wrote:
most of your taste senses come from your nose.RTHKI wrote:
if i smell it it tastes like shit, but it tastes fine if i cover up my noseKmar wrote:
But whatever, it works and it doesn't taste like shit.
1MR is good shit.Kampframmer wrote:
I also got this with my last tub, and I think I'm getting another one with my new order.
I guess you could say that I 'bought' this today, along with another shaker cup.
Last edited by 11 Bravo (13 years, 11 months ago)
lol wth11 Bravo wrote:
bought a very yummy lunch....helped having a 10 dollar coupon
Grilled Meatloaf
Better than your Mom's (sorry)! Lean ground beef, onion, spinach, tomato, herbs, spices and homemade chipotle ketchup on the side. Served with garlic and Asiago mashed potatoes and sauteed green beans … on=entrees
what?Spamtheban wrote:
lol wth11 Bravo wrote:
bought a very yummy lunch....helped having a 10 dollar coupon
Grilled Meatloaf
Better than your Mom's (sorry)! Lean ground beef, onion, spinach, tomato, herbs, spices and homemade chipotle ketchup on the side. Served with garlic and Asiago mashed potatoes and sauteed green beans … on=entrees