Uzique wrote:
i was actually surprised to find hardly any of the people i know involved in student activism / NUS shit went to this... it was actually my friends that work full-time, particularly those working in the public sector or for government subsidised schemes/companies/ventures. the students have had their (attempt at a) say and it ended up, by and large, in nothing... except political incapability (the government did nothing about maximum tuition fee hikes, but then turned around 4 weeks later and said they'll consider fining universities that charge the maximum cost... right, nice one).
i think there's a lot to protest about, here. do i think there's much to talk about re: vandalism, criminal behaviour, hippies and anarchists? no.
Sorry, I just felt like editorialising the title, I'm aware that there isn't much to talk about in terms of the protests themselves.
I just find it annoying that whatever the government does, they're always in the wrong. They can either sort out the economy and people will bitch because it means they have to pay higher taxes and public services take a cut, or they can pretend nothing is wrong and then people bitch that the government isn't doing anything to help the economy. Personally, I'd much rather we worried about fixing the economy right now, and then a few years down the line when everything is sorted out, we can lower taxes a little.