Jade Falcon
+1|6800|Ayr, Scotland
I know this sounds like an obvious question, but I'll elaborate.  Since I have loading problems I generally play on 24/7 servers, and I found a nice speedy Karkand one.  However, it's a 64 player map, 16 players, so you can imagine that the majority of it is armour.

My friend tried it and not long after we both got booted and banned.  The way I understand it is that C4 ramming is loading up a vehicle with C4 charges and ramming the opposition, thereby effectively kamikazing yourself.

My friend didn't, he did put C4 on a vehicle and would drive close to enemy armour and bail out, then manually detonate, a risky prospect, knowing that armour guys are usually watching.  He got kicked for Ramming, even though that wasn't what he was doing.  I said that I didn't think it was ramming, but before I could type in the next sentence up came a message saying I was being kicked for "language reasons", I hadn't said a single curse word.  Then it said I was being Banned for unknown reasons.

This is a ranked server, would you say this was legitimate?
those servers are just full of power hungry n00b admins...if i was you i wouldnt really spend too much time fretting over it!! just find a new 24/7 server to pwn!!...or be pwned! actually the same happened to me but it was for being"gay"!!! seriously it said "you are being kicked reason: gay" LOL..god that was funny

I put C-4 on the front of a small vehicle like the US dune buggy or whatever its called.  I place all 5 bricks on the front, then head off to find tanks.  I will try and run over enemy when I can, but my main target is tanks.  You better have a lot of speed going or you will just bounce off the tank.  I don't hop out and detonate, I just try to ram at full speed.  It is actually kind of fun, plus it really pisses off the enemy tankers.  As for being legit, I look at it as a car bomb, which is a tactic used everywhere, or, you can call it an IED, which it kind of is.
Only if they had a rule to the effect of no jihad jeeping or something like that.  I believe that the rule has to be obviously stated though before they can kick/ban someone. 

Someone with better knowledge of the EA ROE might have a better and more defined answer than mine.

In a EA server that is a perfectly accepted tactic if you can get away with it.  A couple of servers I play on have no vehicle ramming rules, but jihad jeeping is accepted. 

Jihad Jeeping is jumping out and then detonating the C4.  Rammings will happen on accident at times.  If it's your first ramming, you won't get kicked or banned, more than 1 and you probably will be. 

I think some servers don't like Jihad Jeeping is that the loss of the vehicle takes a team point away on the score between the 2 teams.
c4 ramming isnt against the ROE so it wasnt legit when they kicked you.
i love c4 ramming, especially when usmc armor decide to alley rape whore. just slap some c4 on the vod and blow them to pieces
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6795|South Korea.
My way of C4 ramming, is alot more complicated, I load my transport chopper with C4 and then search for attack choppers to blow out the sky.


Citizen One wrote:

My way of C4 ramming, is alot more complicated, I load my transport chopper with C4 and then search for attack choppers to blow out the sky.

I used to do that when the Blackhawk used to be invincible.

mo1esdude wrote:

c4 ramming isnt against the ROE so it wasnt legit when they kicked you.
i love c4 ramming, especially when usmc armor decide to alley rape whore. just slap some c4 on the vod and blow them to pieces
Only true on EA official servers. If a private server has a rule against jihad joes, you gotta play by the house rules.

Too bad you can't strap C4 on yourself though.. I just had a funny mental image of a guy running up to a teammate going "hey dude can you get my back?". And the teammate slaps on a fat piece of C4 on his back. Errm anyway.

tF-afrojap wrote:

mo1esdude wrote:

c4 ramming isnt against the ROE so it wasnt legit when they kicked you.
i love c4 ramming, especially when usmc armor decide to alley rape whore. just slap some c4 on the vod and blow them to pieces
Only true on EA official servers. If a private server has a rule against jihad joes, you gotta play by the house rules.

Too bad you can't strap C4 on yourself though.. I just had a funny mental image of a guy running up to a teammate going "hey dude can you get my back?". And the teammate slaps on a fat piece of C4 on his back. Errm anyway.
There is nothing I would like more than to run up and down the great wall with c4 strapped to me.
+0|6772|Jimmyhat, Ontario
jihad-jeep = fun

when i am in a tank and someone jihad jeeps me i laugh WITH them, and say "good shot" after all, you hear a speeding jeep coming at you, BLOW IT UP!  Otherwise its your own fault.

Too bad on the kick, was uncalled for (unless against server rules). Should have been a warning.
Jade Falcon
+1|6800|Ayr, Scotland
Meh, as already stated it's nothing to fret over, there's plenty of other 24/7 servers out there.  Maybe once I get a new PC I can go onto ordinary rotational servers regularly, which is what I'd prefer.

One thing that puzzles me though is I found a 24/7 Dragon Valley the other day, and thought "Great", since I haven't played China or that map that much, but at the end of each round it reloaded the map, even though it was Dragon Valley.
+1|6772|Mount Vernon, WA

Jade Falcon wrote:

Meh, as already stated it's nothing to fret over, there's plenty of other 24/7 servers out there.  Maybe once I get a new PC I can go onto ordinary rotational servers regularly, which is what I'd prefer.

One thing that puzzles me though is I found a 24/7 Dragon Valley the other day, and thought "Great", since I haven't played China or that map that much, but at the end of each round it reloaded the map, even though it was Dragon Valley.
this was likely because they had it set to "rounds per map = 1" or something, I don't understand why 24/7 maps don't set theirs to like 20 or something, so that you only load the map once a day rather than once an hour.......
+164|6911|Normal, IL
c4 ramming is a sensitive issue. some people get REALLY pissed when you do it to them, others accept it as a real world strategy. Look at it this way: people do it in real life, so why not the game too???? suiciding yourself for the betterment of your team is a winning strategy, as long as you do it in a way that actually helps your team win, not just to constantly piss off the same person, as i have seen before as well.
Sheep of War
I think its legit...keeps the armour under control and allows your team to focus on infantry. Plus its not against the rules. ATVs are the best you can bob and weave and they are very hard to hit.

I did this for my basic explodey badge. Then I got good at dodging bullets matrix style and just tossed C4 at peoples feet for vet/expert.
all your base are belong to us

Jade Falcon wrote:

I know this sounds like an obvious question, but I'll elaborate.  Since I have loading problems I generally play on 24/7 servers, and I found a nice speedy Karkand one.  However, it's a 64 player map, 16 players, so you can imagine that the majority of it is armour.

My friend tried it and not long after we both got booted and banned.  The way I understand it is that C4 ramming is loading up a vehicle with C4 charges and ramming the opposition, thereby effectively kamikazing yourself.

My friend didn't, he did put C4 on a vehicle and would drive close to enemy armour and bail out, then manually detonate, a risky prospect, knowing that armour guys are usually watching.  He got kicked for Ramming, even though that wasn't what he was doing.  I said that I didn't think it was ramming, but before I could type in the next sentence up came a message saying I was being kicked for "language reasons", I hadn't said a single curse word.  Then it said I was being Banned for unknown reasons.

This is a ranked server, would you say this was legitimate?
I didnt read through all the other posts, so if someone already mentioned this.. doh.

thats called jihad jeep. its a common tactic and IMHO its OK to do. BUT, in the ROE(its stickyed at the top) in section 3 it states that private ranked servers are allowed to say "dont do it". But chances are, the servers dont post it anywhere saying "dont do it" so they can ban without warning. its shitty. IMHO they need to state YES or NO on it.

its a cheap way for admins to get on a power trip and feel almighty - they are pussies that cant deal if you ask me, any server that bans for it blows donkey nuts and we as players shouldnt play on them.
I usually only do it when getting spawn raped by armor, then I'll spawn away and jihad them. Its frustrating when it happens to you, but I think it should be legal.
soup fly mod

i am a bigtime armor whore and have been jihaded many times.  i see nothing wrong with this tactic and anybody who would kick you for doing it is a pimply faced 1337 uber noob.

also, why the hell would you be frustrated by it happening to u?  you have every chance to take the guy out as they're heading towards you.  your fault if you're not aware of your surroundings or don't take him out before he reaches you.  its much more frustrating to be taken out by those unseen planes...but c'est la vie.

edit: if banning this tactic is allowable under the ROE then i have lost all respect for it.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-05-14 00:52:19)

+65|6839|las vegas
well i do it. but try to bail out and set off the charge's. it takes more skill that way. i only do it in SF really with the Quads. otherwise its to slow and borning

superfly_cox wrote:

edit: if banning this tactic is allowable under the ROE then i have lost all respect for it.
Privately rented servers can ban you for it.  Although from what I understand of the ROE for privately rented servers, they have to have the rule posted prominantly before banning you.  Most ranked servers I play in don't have a rule regarding jihaders. 

I had one guy kill me 13 times that way.  He kept ramming while still on his ATV.  I guess he was going for is basic explosives badge.  I was getting pissed at being killed by him like that.  I finally got the better of him of a couple of times and he quit doing that.

What is C4 ramming? =  Heaven.
+1|6772|Mount Vernon, WA

DSRTurtle wrote:

superfly_cox wrote:

edit: if banning this tactic is allowable under the ROE then i have lost all respect for it.
Privately rented servers can ban you for it.  Although from what I understand of the ROE for privately rented servers, they have to have the rule posted prominantly before banning you.  Most ranked servers I play in don't have a rule regarding jihaders. 

I had one guy kill me 13 times that way.  He kept ramming while still on his ATV.  I guess he was going for is basic explosives badge.  I was getting pissed at being killed by him like that.  I finally got the better of him of a couple of times and he quit doing that.
got you 13 times, got his badge, thought he'd go for vet, but you got the better of him, and he quit.....

I enjoy jihad'ing and being jihad'd, especially when it's (uberclan ranked server) and -=uberclan=-whoever is the person either getting me, or I'm getting them......

I don't however like servers that say it's not OK, but the admins don't do anything about it if someone on their team does it to my team, that's just lame.....

by the way I'd have to say that quadbikes are the best, and the pickups are crap, I like doing it with APC's too, and I think tomorrow I'll try it with a tank..... yeah, that'll be cool
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Load up a BTR with C4 and go headfirst into the mass of USMC soldiers @ karkand.
Cool member
c4 on the jeep, jump out and detonate is a classic method to help your team out when encountering armour. Most people dont even think about doing it and are quite happy to get their butts kicked by a tank or apc spawn raping.

if i see it happening in a game i will hop into a fast vehicle, load it up with c4 then take the tank out. sometimes it is your only real option to help your team out, especially if the tank is surrounded by enemy soldiers who are stopping the anit-tank and spec ops guys taking out the tank on foot. the only way to get rid of the armour is this method.
Get your body beat.
i hate spawning somewere to have the only avalible vehicle being loaded up with c4. I got so sick of it i didnt get out.

As a tanker i hate it for the sole reason, there is no point to it. I was taken down last night by a squad working together, and i told them via chat, "well done, you beat me with out being tardish"
You will find it has as much skill as noob tubers, I actualy rather have c4 planted on me, instead of some twat who is putting kick votes against me while not gaining anything cos he is jihad jeeping. Annoys the hell outa me.

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