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RDMC wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Going to take Zimmer's advice today, also after reading this: http://ezinearticles.com/?Weights-Befor … p;id=37114

I'm first going to do weights and then cardio.
lol, I don't talk shite you know... but fair enough finding an article that backs me up
Wasn't anything personal, just trying to find out more about it Anyway tried and it and it kind of sucked to be honest! Normally I'd run on the treadmill for some 25 minutes and head over as funny as it may sound full of energy, but now doing it the other way around I just sort of ran out of motivation after 10 minutes on the damn treadmill and called it a day. Might just have to get used to the routine though. And the chest still hurts when trying to work it.
That's the entire point mate. You're pushing your body to new limits doing cardio afterwards. It's exhausted yet you want more out of it, which means it will work harder to achieve the goal.

Just keep going and you'll see how it get easier with time.

Stop working it! If need be, go see a physio. Honestly, all you will do is hinder any progress and fuck yourself up permanently. I was impatient with a rotator cuff injury and it failed on me again and I've been out for 4 weeks. I've looked after everything this time and it's stronger than ever and everything is back to normal.

Pain is the body telling you to stop. Listen to it and drop it all. Your outlook right now is not important, what is important is keeping yourself healthy.

If you want it to heal faster, look into Kinesio Tex Tape and how to apply it to your chest. The stuff is fantastic and I use it to support my shoulder.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6728|Area 51

Zimmer wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

lol, I don't talk shite you know... but fair enough finding an article that backs me up
Wasn't anything personal, just trying to find out more about it Anyway tried and it and it kind of sucked to be honest! Normally I'd run on the treadmill for some 25 minutes and head over as funny as it may sound full of energy, but now doing it the other way around I just sort of ran out of motivation after 10 minutes on the damn treadmill and called it a day. Might just have to get used to the routine though. And the chest still hurts when trying to work it.
That's the entire point mate. You're pushing your body to new limits doing cardio afterwards. It's exhausted yet you want more out of it, which means it will work harder to achieve the goal.

Just keep going and you'll see how it get easier with time.

Stop working it! If need be, go see a physio. Honestly, all you will do is hinder any progress and fuck yourself up permanently. I was impatient with a rotator cuff injury and it failed on me again and I've been out for 4 weeks. I've looked after everything this time and it's stronger than ever and everything is back to normal.

Pain is the body telling you to stop. Listen to it and drop it all. Your outlook right now is not important, what is important is keeping yourself healthy.

If you want it to heal faster, look into Kinesio Tex Tape and how to apply it to your chest. The stuff is fantastic and I use it to support my shoulder.
Nah I'll definitly stop working my chest, atleast for now! I was just hoping that the pain had gone after a few days, but it hasn't so it's probably somewhat more serious than I hoped. I'm going to leave it alone for now and try it again in a say a week maybe two weeks?

Last edited by RDMC (2011-03-24 16:00:41)

The service department mailed me back, i had to send em some pics f the bench and what was wrong with it.
This is with the cardboard under it and some old schoolbooks.

If it stands it normally leans on this part, but i put some plates on the back-foot, so you can see the huge gap.
11 Bravo
+965|5400|Cleveland, Ohio
thought about a home gym but then i see so many cute chicks in tight clothing at the gym i cannot justify it

11 Bravo wrote:

thought about a home gym but then i see so many cute chicks in tight clothing at the gym i cannot justify it
My gym didn't have any. And if they would show up, they would be miles away from the free weight are. Also, mine got very crowded (mainly groups of muslims and skinny white guys Db curling 6kg for 20+reps)
My gym didn't have a squat rack, the smallest plates were 2.5kg and nobody squatted (if they did, it was in the smith machine) and only a few did deadlifts.
So long story short, got too crowded with too many curlbro's.
Bench press    3x10
DB inc press    4x10
DB flyes            3x10
curls                    3x10
skull crushers    4x10
Core exercises
squats     4x10
OHP             3x10
BB Rows     4x10
Deadlifts     3x5

That's the routine I'll do. I'll probably switch it up after ~6 weeks and now I can also increase the weight every week.
Go Cougs!
+691|6454|Washington St.

11 Bravo wrote:

thought about a home gym but then i see so many cute chicks in tight clothing at the gym i cannot justify it
Pac10 university gym ftw. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and distracting though. Also too many douchesfucks that wait til a girl walks through the weight room then start lifting double what they were before and grunting extra loud.
Looking for my Scooper
Went to handball practice for the first time in two years today. Had to quit because of my knee back then. Have to say my knee didn't bother me at all, my endurance(?) was a bit worse than it used to be though. Really enjoyed playing the game again and hadn't lost any of the tactics or w/e.

Might go more in the future/play a few games.. I'll see.
+447|7011|Seattle, Washington, USA

pirana6 wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

thought about a home gym but then i see so many cute chicks in tight clothing at the gym i cannot justify it
Pac10 university gym ftw. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and distracting though. Also too many douchesfucks that wait til a girl walks through the weight room then start lifting double what they were before and grunting extra loud.
Unfortunately at my school the free wights are the bottom/basement floor and all the cardio stuff and most of the machines are 1st and 2nd floor so not too many girls venture down to my area. And if they do they are more ripped than me
Un Moderador

Kampframmer wrote:

Bench press    3x10
DB inc press    4x10
DB flyes            3x10
curls                    3x10
skull crushers    4x10
Core exercises
squats     4x10
OHP             3x10
BB Rows     4x10
Deadlifts     3x5

That's the routine I'll do. I'll probably switch it up after ~6 weeks and now I can also increase the weight every week.
I'm trying to understand where your justification for this sort of workout is.

1. You're not balancing out body parts well.
2. How in hell does workout B last an hour when A has 2 more exercises?
3. Why are you doing a 3x5 routine for deadlifting? That makes no sense. It's either a 5x5 strength or a 3x10/8 for size. You can't "mix it up".
4. Why are you concentrating so much on chest and then doing a pathetic exercise on curls and skull crushers?
5. Why do you keep switching between 4 sets and 3 sets? Stick to a routine. Stick to 3 or 4. Not a bit of both.
6. You should be doing two exercises for each muscle group on the day.
    For example:

BB Press
Incline BB press
Close grip pull ups

Good morning
Military press
Arnie press
BB rows

That makes a lot more sense than what you're doing now. I'm still not sure why you've chosen this and not a full body workout. Added to the fact that I'd never ever do deadlifts and squats on the same day. They are far too demanding an exercise to push into one day. You should be splitting that up. From what you're doing, I'd change it to this:

BB Press
Incline BB Press (I don't recommend flys until you're more advanced and your shoulders are bricks)
Close grip pull ups
BB Rows

Good morning
Tri extensions
Military press
Arnie press

That's a pretty decent split, even though you're working to major muscle parts in workout A.

Your core exercises should be stretched between both workouts, not in one.
Looking for my Scooper
4x5 is usally good enough for DL's, or perhaps even 3x5 when on a cut, for example.

Last edited by Jebus (2011-03-26 05:23:38)

Un Moderador

Jebus wrote:

4x5 is usally good enough for DL's, or perhaps even 3x5 when on a cut, for example.
Yeah, but he's starting out, it should be 4x5. I always do 5x5, but that's just me.
Fair enough, but as i said it was something I just thought of real quick to fill in the time for me to figure out a better one (So you've saved some me some time).

I'll go with the second one you posted, and see how that goes.
Un Moderador

Kampframmer wrote:

Fair enough, but as i said it was something I just thought of real quick to fill in the time for me to figure out a better one (So you've saved some me some time).

I'll go with the second one you posted, and see how that goes.
Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't try and "wing" your exercise routine and do something "better" when you have the time.

Put in the time and effort to read up on it all as much as possible before you begin. It's not worth drawing up a "quick workout" to pass the time until you figure out a better one. You'll get nowhere.
Looking for my Scooper

Zimmer wrote:

Jebus wrote:

4x5 is usally good enough for DL's, or perhaps even 3x5 when on a cut, for example.
Yeah, but he's starting out, it should be 4x5. I always do 5x5, but that's just me.
I used to do 5x5 too, but since I've started doing 4x5 I've been able to lift more/progress faster.
Go Cougs!
+691|6454|Washington St.

Home wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

thought about a home gym but then i see so many cute chicks in tight clothing at the gym i cannot justify it
Pac10 university gym ftw. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and distracting though. Also too many douchesfucks that wait til a girl walks through the weight room then start lifting double what they were before and grunting extra loud.
Unfortunately at my school the free wights are the bottom/basement floor and all the cardio stuff and most of the machines are 1st and 2nd floor so not too many girls venture down to my area. And if they do they are more ripped than me
UDub? The IMA? I used to work there - lifeguard. And yeah the free-weight room was so far away from everything else. Kinda dumb.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Kampframmer wrote:

The service department mailed me back, i had to send em some pics f the bench and what was wrong with it.
This is with the cardboard under it and some old schoolbooks.

If it stands it normally leans on this part, but i put some plates on the back-foot, so you can see the huge gap.
My bench looks exactly like that.. minus the uneven footing.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Zimmer wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

lol, I don't talk shite you know... but fair enough finding an article that backs me up
Wasn't anything personal, just trying to find out more about it Anyway tried and it and it kind of sucked to be honest! Normally I'd run on the treadmill for some 25 minutes and head over as funny as it may sound full of energy, but now doing it the other way around I just sort of ran out of motivation after 10 minutes on the damn treadmill and called it a day. Might just have to get used to the routine though. And the chest still hurts when trying to work it.
That's the entire point mate. You're pushing your body to new limits doing cardio afterwards. It's exhausted yet you want more out of it, which means it will work harder to achieve the goal.

Just keep going and you'll see how it get easier with time.

Stop working it! If need be, go see a physio. Honestly, all you will do is hinder any progress and fuck yourself up permanently. I was impatient with a rotator cuff injury and it failed on me again and I've been out for 4 weeks. I've looked after everything this time and it's stronger than ever and everything is back to normal.

Pain is the body telling you to stop. Listen to it and drop it all. Your outlook right now is not important, what is important is keeping yourself healthy.

If you want it to heal faster, look into Kinesio Tex Tape and how to apply it to your chest. The stuff is fantastic and I use it to support my shoulder.
Zimmer can you tell me more about your personal opinion on Kinesio tape. I was looking at the videos and trying to find opinions some people say it's bollocks. I have this pain where whenever I do lateral raise or upright row when I bring the weight down pain develops in my left shoulder would this help it?
Un Moderador

wah1188 wrote:

Zimmer can you tell me more about your personal opinion on Kinesio tape. I was looking at the videos and trying to find opinions some people say it's bollocks. I have this pain where whenever I do lateral raise or upright row when I bring the weight down pain develops in my left shoulder would this help it?
I'm not entirely sure who's saying it's bollocks - There are rip offs of the ORIGINAL Kinesio Tex Gold tape that do not have a good adhesive or strong support - or don't mimic the properties of skin. But as far as the actual Kinesio Tex Gold, nearly every tennis player with a knee or elbow/shoulder problem uses it (Djokovic was wearing it at Indian Wells, and Nadal usually wears it on both of his knees). The stuff works - the reason people might say otherwise is due to the fact it actually requires a lot of skill to apply professionally (2 day courses on how to apply it cost over $400).

I have a 260 page book on how to professionally apply it and have read it in depth (only the parts where I need to apply it) and the stuff works wonders.

Funny you talk about your shoulder, I actually have it strapped right now with Kinesio tape.

The thing people don't understand about Kinesio tape is that it isn't meant to tighten the area or stiffen it or support it like actual tape, it's meant to follow the contours of your muscles and improve muscle movement and blood flow (lymph nodes, will not go into detail) and therefore reduce pain and improve mobility and healing. Your body thinks it's another layer of skin and treats it that way. Application of Kinesio tape should only require very minor stretching around the area (unlike what you would do with normal tape, Kinesio tape should nearly be unstretched when applied - only 15-25% stretch usually, and to allow mechanical correction you apply 50-75%).

It's all quite complex, and I can get you the book if you want it. Don't dive in there and do not watch the videos, the book will show you the proper application.

I definitely advise it if you're willing to look into it with patience and proper understanding of the body. Poor application can lead to problems.

Also, you cannot apply it yourself. It's physically impossible. You will need someone to do it for you and you will need to run through how to do it with them.

It sounds like you have a developing rotator cuff problem. Is the pain on the top of the arm instead of in the inner shoulder? Like just at the ball of your shoulder, not inside it nearer your chest, but nearer your brachii? If it is, it will be the start of a rotator cuff impingement or stretch, and I advise you IMMEDIATELY stop doing any exercise involving the shoulder (or any that uses it as support) and you rest it, apply the tape, do rehab exercises and only when the pain has ceased to go back to it.

Do not, for your own sake, make the same mistake I did and rush back in after a rotator cuff injury. It is probably the most annoying and demoralising injury you can have in working out - you pretty much cannot do anything, but even working it out with slight pain will just elongate the time it takes to heal by months. And if you tear it, you're fucked.

Kmar wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

The service department mailed me back, i had to send em some pics f the bench and what was wrong with it.
This is with the cardboard under it and some old schoolbooks.

If it stands it normally leans on this part, but i put some plates on the back-foot, so you can see the huge gap.
My bench looks exactly like that.. minus the uneven footing.
I find the seat to be a bit too big and the back cushion a bit too short. It takes some getting used too i guess.

how do you like it?
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Zimmer wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

Zimmer can you tell me more about your personal opinion on Kinesio tape. I was looking at the videos and trying to find opinions some people say it's bollocks. I have this pain where whenever I do lateral raise or upright row when I bring the weight down pain develops in my left shoulder would this help it?
I'm not entirely sure who's saying it's bollocks - There are rip offs of the ORIGINAL Kinesio Tex Gold tape that do not have a good adhesive or strong support - or don't mimic the properties of skin. But as far as the actual Kinesio Tex Gold, nearly every tennis player with a knee or elbow/shoulder problem uses it (Djokovic was wearing it at Indian Wells, and Nadal usually wears it on both of his knees). The stuff works - the reason people might say otherwise is due to the fact it actually requires a lot of skill to apply professionally (2 day courses on how to apply it cost over $400).

I have a 260 page book on how to professionally apply it and have read it in depth (only the parts where I need to apply it) and the stuff works wonders.

Funny you talk about your shoulder, I actually have it strapped right now with Kinesio tape.

The thing people don't understand about Kinesio tape is that it isn't meant to tighten the area or stiffen it or support it like actual tape, it's meant to follow the contours of your muscles and improve muscle movement and blood flow (lymph nodes, will not go into detail) and therefore reduce pain and improve mobility and healing. Your body thinks it's another layer of skin and treats it that way. Application of Kinesio tape should only require very minor stretching around the area (unlike what you would do with normal tape, Kinesio tape should nearly be unstretched when applied - only 15-25% stretch usually, and to allow mechanical correction you apply 50-75%).

It's all quite complex, and I can get you the book if you want it. Don't dive in there and do not watch the videos, the book will show you the proper application.

I definitely advise it if you're willing to look into it with patience and proper understanding of the body. Poor application can lead to problems.

Also, you cannot apply it yourself. It's physically impossible. You will need someone to do it for you and you will need to run through how to do it with them.

It sounds like you have a developing rotator cuff problem. Is the pain on the top of the arm instead of in the inner shoulder? Like just at the ball of your shoulder, not inside it nearer your chest, but nearer your brachii? If it is, it will be the start of a rotator cuff impingement or stretch, and I advise you IMMEDIATELY stop doing any exercise involving the shoulder (or any that uses it as support) and you rest it, apply the tape, do rehab exercises and only when the pain has ceased to go back to it.

Do not, for your own sake, make the same mistake I did and rush back in after a rotator cuff injury. It is probably the most annoying and demoralising injury you can have in working out - you pretty much cannot do anything, but even working it out with slight pain will just elongate the time it takes to heal by months. And if you tear it, you're fucked.
Wow thanks for the detailed and extensive reply. That sort of rules it out of the question for me that you can't apply it by yourself. If you imagine a line going vertical up your armpit that's where the pain is for  me. Only seems to kick in when relaxing my muscles after the the exercise. Thing is I had a massive rest seems to have exasperated itself again. I can't seem to win I rest it goes away and then I do light weights it comes back. I'll probably avoid the upright rows for now.

You have any tips on rehabilitation for it? Would applying a hot compress help at all?

Last edited by wah1188 (2011-03-26 18:25:39)

Un Moderador

wah1188 wrote:

Wow thanks for the detailed and extensive reply. That sort of rules it out of the question for me that you can't apply it by yourself. If you imagine a line going vertical up your armpit that's where the pain is for  me. Only seems to kick in when relaxing my muscles after the the exercise. Thing is I had a massive rest seems to have exasperated itself again. I can't seem to win I rest it goes away and then I do light weights it comes back. I'll probably avoid the upright rows for now.

You have any tips on rehabilitation for it? Would applying a hot compress help at all?
So it's on the inside of your arm? Down your armpit? That's an incredibly strange place to have a muscle pain. That is most definitely not shoulder pain, but I have no idea what it actually is.

If you can feel the specific muscle that is affected - to do this, poke about, until you feel an especially tender muscle (compare it to your other side, it's usually noticeable) and then apply strong friction to it. To do this you must rub back and forth with a lot of tension, for at least 5 minutes, this will be excruciatingly painful but will numb you after a while. Once the tendon/muscle is numb, you can stop. What this does is strengthen the muscle fibers and build stronger ones than before. I've done this before for both arm and shoulder problems and the pain goes away faster. It's uncomfortable to do, and tiring, but it's a good method.

Remember that muscles are connected in weird and wonderful ways, so although the pain might be appearing in a specific focal point, the actual affected tendon/muscle may be elsewhere in that region.

Never apply a hot compress, always apply cold and keep arm elevated. Friction + Ibuprofen + Cold + Elevation + Rest. That's a pretty solid combination.

If you're not sure about the friction application, consult a physio. I advise you do, I can only give so much advice on this. I am not a qualified physician, so I can only go by so much I've read and what's been done to me that has worked.

Hot compress is usually for twisted or tight back muscles which need releasing, everything else should always be cold.
Un Moderador

After a bit more research into the place you described as painful, looks like you might have stretched your Serratus Anterior which is a synergist in the upright row motion (you stretch the outer part of your ribcage up and down when elevating and depressing your shoulders in the motion). Then again, I could be entirely wrong.

Take a look here:
http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Del … htRow.html

And see if any of those muscles fit the area of pain where you're feeling it. Once that is narrowed down I either suggest you go see a physio or see if there are any tips online (this is a bit of an iffy suggestion, but most rehab exercises won't damage you more than you already are).
You orrible caaaaaaan't

The yellow bit is where I feel the pain when I apply pressure with my hand. Just been trying your tip feels good! Come to think of it when I injured my forearm a nurse told me to rub across the muscles to make them heal. I dunno why I didn't apply that to this duh!

Last edited by wah1188 (2011-03-26 19:03:39)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6764|132 and Bush

Kampframmer wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

The service department mailed me back, i had to send em some pics f the bench and what was wrong with it.
This is with the cardboard under it and some old schoolbooks.

If it stands it normally leans on this part, but i put some plates on the back-foot, so you can see the huge gap.
My bench looks exactly like that.. minus the uneven footing.
I find the seat to be a bit too big and the back cushion a bit too short. It takes some getting used too i guess.

how do you like it?
I like it. Good support, comfortable.

Xbone Stormsurgezz

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