thats the quality you expect from today tonightUzique wrote:
couldn't he even wash his hands before going on television?
and oh, christ, the melodramatic piano music...
/world's smallest violin
Stop picking on five year olds shitfy.-Sh1fty- wrote:
I agree with that.Home wrote:
I hate how nowadays you have all these tiny little dudes running around trying to bully kids that are twice their size. No one has ever hit them, so they think they can get away with it. I've noticed it a lot more at college, a lot of privileged pricks who have never been in a fight so they think they can talk shit to anyone. Just hope that someday they talk it to the wrong guy and get knocked the fuck out.
Speaking of hitting, I actually hit somebody yesterday cause he was being a little douche. It was some smaller guy thinking he could get away with pissing me off. I put up with him for 7 months and the other day I barely hit him enough to bruise him just to send a message and the bitch goes whining to the teacher and I get in trouble for "Striking a student." OMFG I barely touched the twerp,
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

ugly little runt isn't he.
After watching Casey's story on A current Affair with all the drama piano music and shit made me angry at him for some reason
Don't be angry at him, be angry at the production team that put the clip together.Adams_BJ wrote:
After watching Casey's story on A current Affair with all the drama piano music and shit made me angry at him for some reason
Nah the whole look at me im a victim turned hero bullshit. Jesus christ its a nice video and everything but a) I'm not gonna feel pity for you for being bullied all your life and b) Im not gonna think you're a hero cos you snapped and used your donkey kong strength to lift up a 35kg guy and drop him.CapnNismo wrote:
Don't be angry at him, be angry at the production team that put the clip together.Adams_BJ wrote:
After watching Casey's story on A current Affair with all the drama piano music and shit made me angry at him for some reason
The video was entertaining but I don't wanna know what your name is what your favourite food is and what your shit smells like.
Why the fuck did you watch it then?

I didn't I left 3 mins into it.
e: Like I said 6 days ago..
e: Like I said 6 days ago..
It's going to his head.Adams_BJ wrote:
I fear that with this overnight internet sensation he is either getting it worse, or it is going to his head and he has swung from victim to bully quite quickly. Can't really find a middle ground for it unfortunately.
Last edited by Adams_BJ (2011-03-21 15:18:45)
What an ugly lying twat.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Bully used Mega Punch!
It's not very effective...
Casey used Bodyslam!
It's Super Effective!
Was listening to a bloke talking about this on the radio, apparently he's some bullying expert. He said that basically violence doesn't solve anything in bullying cases and this kid Casey isn't an example to follow. I don't know what century he's from but violence solved my bullying problem as a kid and a friend of mine who took the higher road and ignored/walked away from bullying continuously regrets not fighting back. Sure a lot of bullied kids don't have the physical capability to stand up to their bullies but to be honest I think even losing to bully is valuable for the very fact that you know that you stood up for yourself. Not only that but generally bullies pick targets that they think wont fight back - take this case, you think the smaller kid would have messed with Casey if he knew that he'd retaliate? The very fact that they now know their target is willing to fight back means a bully is probably going to look for another target that doesn't run that risk.
Apparently the kid who got smashed is getting hate mail and shit now. That's not on. We all did dumb things as kids, many of us picked on others, (I have been both the recipient and distributor of bullying.) Very few of us wouldn't regret doing it now that we're adults, I know I do. This kid has had fitting punishment, more so than most other bullies ever get, and I'm fairly sure he's learned his lesson. Injuries heal but his pride has taken an almighty thrashing which takes a lot longer to heal. No-one needs to add any more grief to this by torturing the kid.
It's not very effective...
Casey used Bodyslam!
It's Super Effective!
Was listening to a bloke talking about this on the radio, apparently he's some bullying expert. He said that basically violence doesn't solve anything in bullying cases and this kid Casey isn't an example to follow. I don't know what century he's from but violence solved my bullying problem as a kid and a friend of mine who took the higher road and ignored/walked away from bullying continuously regrets not fighting back. Sure a lot of bullied kids don't have the physical capability to stand up to their bullies but to be honest I think even losing to bully is valuable for the very fact that you know that you stood up for yourself. Not only that but generally bullies pick targets that they think wont fight back - take this case, you think the smaller kid would have messed with Casey if he knew that he'd retaliate? The very fact that they now know their target is willing to fight back means a bully is probably going to look for another target that doesn't run that risk.
Apparently the kid who got smashed is getting hate mail and shit now. That's not on. We all did dumb things as kids, many of us picked on others, (I have been both the recipient and distributor of bullying.) Very few of us wouldn't regret doing it now that we're adults, I know I do. This kid has had fitting punishment, more so than most other bullies ever get, and I'm fairly sure he's learned his lesson. Injuries heal but his pride has taken an almighty thrashing which takes a lot longer to heal. No-one needs to add any more grief to this by torturing the kid.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Body Slam is a normal type move, it isn't super-effective versus anything.Ty wrote:
Bully used Mega Punch!
It's not very effective...
Casey used Bodyslam!
It's Super Effective!
Was listening to a bloke talking about this on the radio, apparently he's some bullying expert. He said that basically violence doesn't solve anything in bullying cases and this kid Casey isn't an example to follow. I don't know what century he's from but violence solved my bullying problem as a kid and a friend of mine who took the higher road and ignored/walked away from bullying continuously regrets not fighting back. Sure a lot of bullied kids don't have the physical capability to stand up to their bullies but to be honest I think even losing to bully is valuable for the very fact that you know that you stood up for yourself. Not only that but generally bullies pick targets that they think wont fight back - take this case, you think the smaller kid would have messed with Casey if he knew that he'd retaliate? The very fact that they now know their target is willing to fight back means a bully is probably going to look for another target that doesn't run that risk.
Apparently the kid who got smashed is getting hate mail and shit now. That's not on. We all did dumb things as kids, many of us picked on others, (I have been both the recipient and distributor of bullying.) Very few of us wouldn't regret doing it now that we're adults, I know I do. This kid has had fitting punishment, more so than most other bullies ever get, and I'm fairly sure he's learned his lesson. Injuries heal but his pride has taken an almighty thrashing which takes a lot longer to heal. No-one needs to add any more grief to this by torturing the kid.
I took Tae Kwon Do while in gradeschool. About 10 seconds worth of intimidation sealed my hands-off status to bullies when I...didn't kick the other kid in the face, but kicked his hat off. In junior high, I got punched right between the eyes by some douche a couple years older than me because I was 'in the way.' I regret not doing much other than pushing him towards the wall, because I got a suspension for that, but not even a parental notice for the gradeschool incident.Ty wrote:
I don't know what century he's from but violence solved my bullying problem as a kid and a friend of mine who took the higher road and ignored/walked away from bullying continuously regrets not fighting back.
Depending on the school, simply ignoring bullies paints a giant target on your back as someone who can be picked on until you go insane or graduate.
Ohhhh dramatic lake shot with child. /staring of into distance with intrinsic look on face.

[Blinking eyes thing]