i think they didn't want to loose time, so the US had to help
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio
jesus these last few posts explain why i dont want to be involved
plundering yee booty
+510|5619|Ventura, California
Well, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created to protect Europe from the communists in the cold war if I recall correctly. Why would NATO still be around?

To answer your question, the US has the best military, so since they're basically leading the whole "Defend Europe!" organisation it should be led by a US general no?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
4 US tanker planes en-route to italy/libya

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Well, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created to protect Europe from the communists in the cold war if I recall correctly. Why would NATO still be around?

To answer your question, the US has the best military, so since they're basically leading the whole "Defend Europe!" organisation it should be led by a US general no?
jesus christ wikipedia
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
plundering yee booty
+510|5619|Ventura, California
Actually it was in my school PACEs.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6925|Great Brown North

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Well, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created to protect Europe from the communists in the cold war if I recall correctly. Why would NATO still be around?

To answer your question, the US has the best military, so since they're basically leading the whole "Defend Europe!" organisation it should be led by a US general no?
short answer? no
sorry you feel that way

11 Bravo wrote:

jesus these last few posts explain why i dont want to be involved
just me being pedantic
inane little opines
+3,936|6645|so randum

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Well, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created to protect Europe from the communists in the cold war if I recall correctly. Why would NATO still be around?

To answer your question, the US has the best military, so since they're basically leading the whole "Defend Europe!" organisation it should be led by a US general no?
Do you literally thing the EU can't defend itself? i mean really?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6746|132 and Bush

Bertster7 wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Yeah (although that is still unconfirmed), but it wasn't Gaddafi's plane, as your link stated

*edit* Actually, it doesn't state that - I remembered it wrong (someone elses link said that). But the plane belonged to the rebels.
You might want to check my link again.
Did you read my whole post, or just reply after reading the first sentence?
Actually yea, on my phone.. I missed you correcting your mistake.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Jay wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

its a civil war and there is propaganda on both sides. 

i havent seen anything any worse than whats going on in most of those countries right now.
Worse has been reported by embedded journalists in Libya compared with the others, but if you're pointing out the hypocrisy of not getting involved in places like Bahrain, then I would agree.

It's really because no one likes Gaddafi and he's in Europes backyard. All these other places are far away.
Honestly, I think it's because Bahrain et al are attempting to counter Iranian influence, which is fine with everyone but no action against it, as hypocritical as it looks on the surface.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,813|6251|eXtreme to the maX
Manama, Bahrain (CNN) -- Security forces in Bahrain stormed the main hospital, beating doctors, and attacked demonstrators in Manama's Pearl Roundabout on Wednesday, witnesses in the Bahraini capital said. Bahraini officials deny these accounts.

Demonstrators reported hearing steady rounds of ammunition being fired while thick smoke rose from the Pearl Roundabout area. At least five helicopters whirred above the historic landmark, which has been a rallying spot for anti-government demonstrators in recent weeks. … index.html

No fly zone, take out the air defenses and send in ground troops I say.

Oh wait, they're our brutal despots.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6820|Canberra, AUS

FEOS wrote:

Jay wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Worse has been reported by embedded journalists in Libya compared with the others, but if you're pointing out the hypocrisy of not getting involved in places like Bahrain, then I would agree.

It's really because no one likes Gaddafi and he's in Europes backyard. All these other places are far away.
Honestly, I think it's because Bahrain et al are attempting to counter Iranian influence, which is fine with everyone but no action against it, as hypocritical as it looks on the surface.
Think this is it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Zee Ruskie
+295|6920|Moscow, Russia

Spark wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Jay wrote:

Honestly, I think it's because Bahrain et al are attempting to counter Iranian influence, which is fine with everyone but no action against it, as hypocritical as it looks on the surface.
Think this is it.
yeah, "enemy of my enemy is my friend"-bullshit again. how many 9/11's should happen to you before you start learning already?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
plundering yee booty
+510|5619|Ventura, California

FatherTed wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Well, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created to protect Europe from the communists in the cold war if I recall correctly. Why would NATO still be around?

To answer your question, the US has the best military, so since they're basically leading the whole "Defend Europe!" organisation it should be led by a US general no?
Do you literally thing the EU can't defend itself? i mean really?
Back when NATO was created? Fight by themselves against the Russians? Hell no they couldn't, that's the whole point of NATO.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
+3,611|6766|London, England
I find this incredible, this was all started off by one dude. ONE DUDE. Who set himself on fire in Tunisia which kick started protests over there, and then it worked so it spread all over the region.

Either that guy, or the Japanese technicians should be the TIME persons of the year. Not that I care about TIME but still.
BREAKING: PSYOPS is running! USAF EC-130J tail nr 00-1934 callsign STEEL 74 transmitting messages to #Libya on HF freq #OdysseeDawn
Beginning tomorrow Trapani airport will be closed to all civil traffic ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) announced #odysseydawn
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5503|London, England

menzo wrote:

Beginning tomorrow Trapani airport will be closed to all civil traffic ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) announced #odysseydawn
If I wanted updates from your twitter account I would sign up for twitter. Cease and desist.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

menzo wrote:

BREAKING: PSYOPS is running! USAF EC-130J tail nr 00-1934 callsign STEEL 74 transmitting messages to #Libya on HF freq #OdysseeDawn
This means absolutely nothing to me ... Just a bunch of TLA's (ish) and numbers.
+3,611|6766|London, England
Well, none of the numbers and letters need to really mean anything for most people. Just that some Jet is transmitting messages on HF in Libya as part of US Psychological Operations
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio

Jay wrote:

menzo wrote:

Beginning tomorrow Trapani airport will be closed to all civil traffic ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) announced #odysseydawn
If I wanted updates from your twitter account I would sign up for twitter. Cease and desist.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Just that some Jet is transmitting messages on HF in Libya as part of US Psychological Operations
Still means nothing. What is the significance of high frequency? Psychological operations? Transmitting messages to the whole of Libya ... what?
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio

liquidat0r wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Just that some Jet is transmitting messages on HF in Libya as part of US Psychological Operations
Still means nothing. What is the significance of high frequency? Psychological operations? Transmitting messages to the whole of Libya ... what?
they are broadcasting messages from mekbunny

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